Circumcision today and circumcision from ancient Israel are two different things. Israelite circumcision removed a small fraction of what is removed today, which was how Israelite people could "blend in" with Gentiles.
Today, they remove everything because it goes for hundreds of dollars on the medical parts market ($500 a piece back in 2000, so inflation would make that much higher today).
St. Paul figured this out back in like 50AD. Christians, don't circumcise your boys. Jewish old covenant laws don't apply.
The only benefit these days, is that supposedly circumcision help you not get an STD if you're the perpetrator, but there are far, far more effective ways to avoid such things.
I'm not sure what to make of candace. I heard her background was a model actress and that she was merely a mouthpiece for her employer - an Orthodox Jew. Seeing these types of posts make me question that.
Does it really matter though? Idk if it makes a difference to the health of the baby or not. I honestly have done zero research about this topic. Of all the things to attack why this?
It starts a circle of violence from birth and ritually demonstrates subservience to Judaism. There is no medical reason to do it or the rest of the world might consider it.
The "majority of women" don't know shit about shit. I've fathered 2 kids with a beautiful woman, how's your kike button working out for you? Other than giving you strong feelings about what type of cock you prefer to look at I mean
🤣 yeah I'm sure she doesn't dream about having a real man's dick or anything. Just another female trapped with a grub, knowing if she leaves you she's stuck in a place were its normal and will only have more choices of grubs. Poor lady. And thanks for asking, I do fine.
Is grub your word for a normal, un-circumcised penis, as given by our maker? Nice one Shabbos keep pretending it's natural to cut bits of babies dicks if it makes you feel better about your loss
lol, "emergerd think of the baby" its actually more complicated of a surgery and recovery as an adult. I'd rather do my baby a favor and not stunt its sex life.
Circumcision is ritualistic abuse.
Perhaps the original abuse under the guise of "science".
But how are we gonna make anti-aging creams if we don't chop dicks off?
Not only does a fresh perfect baby boy get circumcised, he also gets a Hep B vaccine.
It seems like medical assault, and normalizing parents to it.
Circumcision today and circumcision from ancient Israel are two different things. Israelite circumcision removed a small fraction of what is removed today, which was how Israelite people could "blend in" with Gentiles.
Today, they remove everything because it goes for hundreds of dollars on the medical parts market ($500 a piece back in 2000, so inflation would make that much higher today).
St. Paul figured this out back in like 50AD. Christians, don't circumcise your boys. Jewish old covenant laws don't apply.
The only benefit these days, is that supposedly circumcision help you not get an STD if you're the perpetrator, but there are far, far more effective ways to avoid such things.
I'm not sure what to make of candace. I heard her background was a model actress and that she was merely a mouthpiece for her employer - an Orthodox Jew. Seeing these types of posts make me question that.
Candace is just another controlled opposition. Tells you what you want to hear.
Does it really matter though? Idk if it makes a difference to the health of the baby or not. I honestly have done zero research about this topic. Of all the things to attack why this?
It starts a circle of violence from birth and ritually demonstrates subservience to Judaism. There is no medical reason to do it or the rest of the world might consider it.
lol, not like its mandatory. as a dude I'm glad my parents decided to have it done. uncircumsized shit looks weird.
It's ok, you're hardly alone in your assertions, however misguided
agreed, majority of women are with me on that. good luck with that lint trapping grub worm though
The "majority of women" don't know shit about shit. I've fathered 2 kids with a beautiful woman, how's your kike button working out for you? Other than giving you strong feelings about what type of cock you prefer to look at I mean
🤣 yeah I'm sure she doesn't dream about having a real man's dick or anything. Just another female trapped with a grub, knowing if she leaves you she's stuck in a place were its normal and will only have more choices of grubs. Poor lady. And thanks for asking, I do fine.
Is grub your word for a normal, un-circumcised penis, as given by our maker? Nice one Shabbos keep pretending it's natural to cut bits of babies dicks if it makes you feel better about your loss
It's mandatory for the fucking baby. The baby doesn't get a say = mandatory. If you want to get it done - fine - do it as a consenting adult.
lol, "emergerd think of the baby" its actually more complicated of a surgery and recovery as an adult. I'd rather do my baby a favor and not stunt its sex life.
troll harder
Uh. You want your baby to have a sex life?
ah, childish retorts, obviously I didn't mean that. but if you really want to milk those karma points I think I spelled emergerd wrong lol
I think YOU would be interested in doing a general search for "women prefer circumsized penises" some interesting results, in my favor.