posted ago by modsarechuds ago by modsarechuds +18 / -1

This isn't that "exciting" of a conspiracy theory but I think it may be of interest to those here so I wanted to share. I had been trying a strategy on Reddit where I pose as a leftist and say a bunch of crazy (but always relevant to the thread) things in different threads like "jail all the unvaxxed" to see what pushback it would get and encourage dissent. I started realizing that I got a lot of pushback, I would post something like this and get a few comments back that were basically calling me crazy, telling me to fuck off basically, etc, the ratio of replies against my comments to those in favor seemed to be like 5-1 on average, so most people clearly thought my comments went too far

I was checking these comments through email though, not on Reddit itself, as they email you every reply you get to my comment. When I eventually went to see the actual replies on Reddit, to see which comment of mine they were replying to, I realized many of the replies against my comment were deleted and there's no sign of it. I found my original comment in the thread and many show no replies, not even showing "deleted" comments. Also I am seeing that often my crazy comments have positive upvote counts.

This level of censorship is even more than I thought it was, they are basically shadow banning many users, at least in relation to specific threads and subs. I don't think any of these users know their comments were deleted but I'm not certain.

I was suspended from one sub for "threatening violence" (in reality it was more like wishing death on the unvaxxed rather than saying anything violent) but it seems other than comments related to violence anything is ok as long as it conforms to a leftist perspective and anything from the right is not ok. I think there's a lot of people on there who think they are "fighting back"against the leftist narrative but in reality no one is seeing what they say except the person who made the original comment. I knew Reddit was evil but I didn't realize the extent to which they are going.