posted ago by brahbruh ago by brahbruh +39 / -2

This is not a doom post about how everything is going to be fucked no matter what. @Mrexreturns already does a good job at describing what might go down, especially for those unfortunate enough to be born in countries without civilian access to decent guns, or those who remain behind enemy lines in blue states, in hopes that things never get too bad...

Instead, this post is to remind you that nobody is coming to save you when shit really does go down. It's up to you to figure out who can be trusted in the area, your closest friends, like-minded neighbors, making sure that you have at least a few people you can trust, and which are armed and prepared for SHTF. Keep in touch with these people that are geographically close to you, share information, make sure you guys are always on the same page with each other and have at least a rudimentary plan for what to do in the case of utter chaos.

The only reason I'm posting this is because there is this shocking behavioral theme that I see in almost every video of chaos, whether it's riots or some form of tyrannical behavior or criminal gangs, etc. The behavior I'm talking about is the sudden propensity for people to say things like "this is unconstitutional!" or "what are you doing, you're hitting us?!", or "are you getting this on video?! These guys are literally breaking the law right now, I can't believe this is happening", etc.

I think the reason this happens is because people are conditioned (movies, news, "education", etc.) to believe that the good guys always show up before it's too late. Regardless of how prepared you are mentally and physically and in terms of gear, it's also important to remember that nobody is coming. It's up to you and your friends nearby when shit hits the fan and the power goes out and the Internet is off-line. There will be no websites to look at memes about our side winning, there will be no dopamine reward for the things that must be done to survive. You will have to think and act like a real man and be prepared to survive anything in every situation.