Let's see...the comma represents the attempted division of the ongoing; which ignores that the ongoing flow (inception towards death) represents the cause of the divided form (life) within.
The issue underneath is that nature offers ongoing sound; while us within choose to shape words out of the ongoing as suggested temporary idols of meaning to fuck with each others understanding of the ongoing. We can therefore only set commas between suggested words (fiction); not within perceived sound (reality).
APOS'TROPHE, APOS'TROPHIC, - "the contraction of a word".
The parasitic few suggest contradictions of idolized meaning (words) to deceive the many to ignore that the perceived sound; out of which the words where shaped, already represents the ONEness of ALL. In other words...ALL meaning is ONE; while the differentiation of the collective ALL into individual ONEs is needed to allow the growth of comprehension (form) within perceived loss (flow).
Let's see...the comma represents the attempted division of the ongoing; which ignores that the ongoing flow (inception towards death) represents the cause of the divided form (life) within.
The issue underneath is that nature offers ongoing sound; while us within choose to shape words out of the ongoing as suggested temporary idols of meaning to fuck with each others understanding of the ongoing. We can therefore only set commas between suggested words (fiction); not within perceived sound (reality).
Hurr durr.
ALL Reality: offering ALL to each ONE as inspiration towards choice of response.
ONE within: "hurr durr"
The parasitic few suggest contradictions of idolized meaning (words) to deceive the many to ignore that the perceived sound; out of which the words where shaped, already represents the ONEness of ALL. In other words...ALL meaning is ONE; while the differentiation of the collective ALL into individual ONEs is needed to allow the growth of comprehension (form) within perceived loss (flow).