It's like the Welsh motto "PLEIDIOL WYF I'M GWLAD".
I don't know shit for Welsh, but I know when things look weird.
"True I am to my country" :)
Ya know what else is funny? When I was a kid, I was colorblind and didn't know it and thought that all the leaves were brown and tree trunks were green. It took a long time to get brown and green straight in my mind. Blue/purple is still the toughest though.
And thanks for the sentiment. I was friends (online only) with a lady who turned out to be a professional author...funny and thoroughly intelligent gal, but also a casual occultist. We had some good talks about religion, and when it came to the Word, she sent me this...even something as simple as that has some interesting aspects, if you look into it. Not the quote, mind you, but the calligraphy.
Of course, the reason she sent it to me is probably best for another time.
I thought that this woman might be the embodiment of Venus...she had dreams of Venus her whole life, and get this...her birth chart was almost a perfect V...and she didn't even notice! LOL, that was great.
Oh, and she's a flaming redhead with huge boobs. Didn't find that out until later on. Perhaps form follows function, or something along those lines. ;)
OCToGON playlist includes templars btw.
Language is a complete trip. Cullen Smith is a good start.
Also unpenned show, marty leeds, twilight language, language of the birds, green language.
Di- tear apart
Git- mind, thinking (as in cogitate)
Al- all
As for IOM, it's all a learning experience. I been to the belly of the beast more than once. That's where there's more souls to save.
Ever seen Waking Ned Devine?
Good movie, but it does even hint at the underbelly of the place.
And ya, I think the "Living Word" is a little more than an expression. Words breathe life into things.
Agree. Wyrd in gaelic means fate/destiny implying the magic spell properties of ...
Spoken. Written. And texted. Words.
It's like the Welsh motto "PLEIDIOL WYF I'M GWLAD".
I don't know shit for Welsh, but I know when things look weird.
"True I am to my country" :)
Ya know what else is funny? When I was a kid, I was colorblind and didn't know it and thought that all the leaves were brown and tree trunks were green. It took a long time to get brown and green straight in my mind. Blue/purple is still the toughest though.
And thanks for the sentiment. I was friends (online only) with a lady who turned out to be a professional author...funny and thoroughly intelligent gal, but also a casual occultist. We had some good talks about religion, and when it came to the Word, she sent me this...even something as simple as that has some interesting aspects, if you look into it. Not the quote, mind you, but the calligraphy.
Of course, the reason she sent it to me is probably best for another time.
I thought that this woman might be the embodiment of Venus...she had dreams of Venus her whole life, and get this...her birth chart was almost a perfect V...and she didn't even notice! LOL, that was great.
Oh, and she's a flaming redhead with huge boobs. Didn't find that out until later on. Perhaps form follows function, or something along those lines. ;)