jesse ventura is about as controlled as opposition gets. you think this guy is your friend?
all these episodes suck too. it’s allot like what alex jones does where he mixes 2 parts fact with a buncha indecipherable bullshit that makes his audience look dumb as fuck (intentionally).
isn’t there an episode where you actually see ventura’s square and compass ring? like they focus on it for 5 seconds or something ridiculous. what a fucking joke!
Hi Mr. Handshake Account, not surprising that the first thing you do when joining is to stir shit up.
you think this guy is your friend? wow.
Can you quote the part where I said that?
all these episodes suck too.
That's called an opinion.
isn’t there an episode where you actually see ventura’s square and compass ring? like they focus on it for 5 seconds or something ridiculous. what a fucking joke!
Try to dig up the episode if you can, I'm sure everyone here would like to see it.
jesse ventura is about as controlled as opposition gets. you think this guy is your friend? wow.
all these episodes suck too. it’s allot like what alex jones does where he mixes 2 parts fact with a buncha indecipherable bullshit that makes his audience look dumb as fuck (intentionally).
isn’t there an episode where you actually see ventura’s square and compass ring? like they focus on it for 5 seconds or something ridiculous. what a fucking joke!
He does appear to be controlled OPPO based on recent stances on vaccines etc.
Hi Mr. Handshake Account, not surprising that the first thing you do when joining is to stir shit up.
Can you quote the part where I said that?
That's called an opinion.
Try to dig up the episode if you can, I'm sure everyone here would like to see it.