the war against freedom is an entirely different matter.
Freedom aka "free" will of choice in response to "dom"-inance of balance. Movement causes balance (momentum); within which form (life) can sustain within flow (inception towards death) aka the choice to sustain form (differentiated matter) within the balance of flow.
What if the struggle (war) isn't against free-dom (balance) but for self sustenance by choice within balance?
It has always existed, and it always will.
What if existence represents will of choice responding to balance?
You can't. No flow equals no balance; hence no choice to respond to for the sustenance of form. You need to adhere to balance (need/want) to be able to comprehend that choice represents the highest value aka evaluation.
You can grow resistance of life; not stop being moved by velocity towards death. Once you comprehend self sustenance; you understand that the self that can be sustained represents the blood you share within your bloodline aka that which remains of form within flow.
Also; flow to form (inception) and form to flow (inception) represents the ONEness of ALL in energy aka transmutation out of base. One cannot believe this; but must grow ones understanding thereof, until it clicks.
The behavior of everything you perceive represents inspiration; what they individually use their behavior for to suggest to you represents the temptation for you to ignore inspiration.
Does tyranny change the efficacy of medications? Perhaps we should be forcing people to take their mental health medications instead of mrna vaccines. You make a good point.
a) MED'IC, noun - "a plant of the genus Medicago". Problem with blood clotting? Try Alfalfa.
b) do pharmaceuticals represent efficient medicine or crude oil based barbiturates to corrupt communication of illness from inside the body by drugging the mind into ignoring it?
Does tyranny change the efficacy of ...perhaps we should be forcing...
Does force heal illness and do those who use tyranny have any other intent for force but power? What if form (life) within flow (inception towards death) represents power of resistance within power of velocity?
mental health
Mental health aka the sound state of the mind implies resonating with this system aka perception; choice of reaction; comprehension. Dissonance with this system represents perception; choice of ignorance in favor for suggestion by others; lack of comprehension.
Therefore; the suggestions of others (in this case forced tyranny) cannot lead to mental health.
Freedom aka "free" will of choice in response to "dom"-inance of balance. Movement causes balance (momentum); within which form (life) can sustain within flow (inception towards death) aka the choice to sustain form (differentiated matter) within the balance of flow.
What if the struggle (war) isn't against free-dom (balance) but for self sustenance by choice within balance?
What if existence represents will of choice responding to balance?
You can't. No flow equals no balance; hence no choice to respond to for the sustenance of form. You need to adhere to balance (need/want) to be able to comprehend that choice represents the highest value aka evaluation.
You can grow resistance of life; not stop being moved by velocity towards death. Once you comprehend self sustenance; you understand that the self that can be sustained represents the blood you share within your bloodline aka that which remains of form within flow.
Also; flow to form (inception) and form to flow (inception) represents the ONEness of ALL in energy aka transmutation out of base. One cannot believe this; but must grow ones understanding thereof, until it clicks.
The behavior of everything you perceive represents inspiration; what they individually use their behavior for to suggest to you represents the temptation for you to ignore inspiration.
What if you finally decided to take your meds?
What is the implication of suggesting others to take meds during an alleged medical tyranny?
Does tyranny change the efficacy of medications? Perhaps we should be forcing people to take their mental health medications instead of mrna vaccines. You make a good point.
a) MED'IC, noun - "a plant of the genus Medicago". Problem with blood clotting? Try Alfalfa.
b) do pharmaceuticals represent efficient medicine or crude oil based barbiturates to corrupt communication of illness from inside the body by drugging the mind into ignoring it?
Does force heal illness and do those who use tyranny have any other intent for force but power? What if form (life) within flow (inception towards death) represents power of resistance within power of velocity?
Mental health aka the sound state of the mind implies resonating with this system aka perception; choice of reaction; comprehension. Dissonance with this system represents perception; choice of ignorance in favor for suggestion by others; lack of comprehension.
Therefore; the suggestions of others (in this case forced tyranny) cannot lead to mental health.