a) MED'IC, noun - "a plant of the genus Medicago". Problem with blood clotting? Try Alfalfa.
b) do pharmaceuticals represent efficient medicine or crude oil based barbiturates to corrupt communication of illness from inside the body by drugging the mind into ignoring it?
Does tyranny change the efficacy of ...perhaps we should be forcing...
Does force heal illness and do those who use tyranny have any other intent for force but power? What if form (life) within flow (inception towards death) represents power of resistance within power of velocity?
mental health
Mental health aka the sound state of the mind implies resonating with this system aka perception; choice of reaction; comprehension. Dissonance with this system represents perception; choice of ignorance in favor for suggestion by others; lack of comprehension.
Therefore; the suggestions of others (in this case forced tyranny) cannot lead to mental health.
They are for ALL is ONE in energy; yet you consenting to believe in suggested good and bad represents your choice of want and not want; which puts you into the conflict of reason (want vs not want) with all those who choose the opposite. That ignorance of need for want causes the division (reason); that prevents you from understanding the ONEness of ALL (energy) aka flow/form aka balance/choice aka motion/momentum aka ongoing/temporary aka potentiality/potential aka electric/magnetic aka ALL/ONE (alone) aka the real unity (unitas; the state of being one; oneness).
CONTINUE, verb intransitive [Latin , to hold] - "to remain in a state"...that represents flow (ongoing); not form (temporary).
shadrach meshach obendigo
The fiery furnace represents an allegory for form (furnace) within flow (fiery); which is also allegorized as holocaust (burned offering); which represents velocity (flow) and resistance (form) causing friction; vibration; resonance and heat (also causing the need for liquid cooling among form to balance heat). And the preservation from harm represents form balancing within the momentum of flow.
Suggested by Infocom aka "information communication"; which implies suggested want in ignorance of need. The game suggests to want to journey forwards (flow); while keeping alive (form); when in reality form represents resistance to the driving force of velocity. At the end the game offers the title "Dungeon Master" which represents "confined to darkness" aka ignorance, and "controlled by".
So Zork suggests the transmutation of the "nameless" hero into one controlled by ignorance. Great enter tame mind (entertainment) value...
a) MED'IC, noun - "a plant of the genus Medicago". Problem with blood clotting? Try Alfalfa.
b) do pharmaceuticals represent efficient medicine or crude oil based barbiturates to corrupt communication of illness from inside the body by drugging the mind into ignoring it?
Does force heal illness and do those who use tyranny have any other intent for force but power? What if form (life) within flow (inception towards death) represents power of resistance within power of velocity?
Mental health aka the sound state of the mind implies resonating with this system aka perception; choice of reaction; comprehension. Dissonance with this system represents perception; choice of ignorance in favor for suggestion by others; lack of comprehension.
Therefore; the suggestions of others (in this case forced tyranny) cannot lead to mental health.
Bad bot
What if good and bad represent ones choice of want vs not want...while ignoring need? How could energy communicate bad information to your senses?
They are for ALL is ONE in energy; yet you consenting to believe in suggested good and bad represents your choice of want and not want; which puts you into the conflict of reason (want vs not want) with all those who choose the opposite. That ignorance of need for want causes the division (reason); that prevents you from understanding the ONEness of ALL (energy) aka flow/form aka balance/choice aka motion/momentum aka ongoing/temporary aka potentiality/potential aka electric/magnetic aka ALL/ONE (alone) aka the real unity (unitas; the state of being one; oneness).
CONTINUE, verb intransitive [Latin , to hold] - "to remain in a state"...that represents flow (ongoing); not form (temporary).
The fiery furnace represents an allegory for form (furnace) within flow (fiery); which is also allegorized as holocaust (burned offering); which represents velocity (flow) and resistance (form) causing friction; vibration; resonance and heat (also causing the need for liquid cooling among form to balance heat). And the preservation from harm represents form balancing within the momentum of flow.
Suggested by Infocom aka "information communication"; which implies suggested want in ignorance of need. The game suggests to want to journey forwards (flow); while keeping alive (form); when in reality form represents resistance to the driving force of velocity. At the end the game offers the title "Dungeon Master" which represents "confined to darkness" aka ignorance, and "controlled by".
So Zork suggests the transmutation of the "nameless" hero into one controlled by ignorance. Great enter tame mind (entertainment) value...