You can't. No flow equals no balance; hence no choice to respond to for the sustenance of form. You need to adhere to balance (need/want) to be able to comprehend that choice represents the highest value aka evaluation.
You can grow resistance of life; not stop being moved by velocity towards death. Once you comprehend self sustenance; you understand that the self that can be sustained represents the blood you share within your bloodline aka that which remains of form within flow.
Also; flow to form (inception) and form to flow (inception) represents the ONEness of ALL in energy aka transmutation out of base. One cannot believe this; but must grow ones understanding thereof, until it clicks.
The behavior of everything you perceive represents inspiration; what they individually use their behavior for to suggest to you represents the temptation for you to ignore inspiration.
You can't. No flow equals no balance; hence no choice to respond to for the sustenance of form. You need to adhere to balance (need/want) to be able to comprehend that choice represents the highest value aka evaluation.
You can grow resistance of life; not stop being moved by velocity towards death. Once you comprehend self sustenance; you understand that the self that can be sustained represents the blood you share within your bloodline aka that which remains of form within flow.
Also; flow to form (inception) and form to flow (inception) represents the ONEness of ALL in energy aka transmutation out of base. One cannot believe this; but must grow ones understanding thereof, until it clicks.
The behavior of everything you perceive represents inspiration; what they individually use their behavior for to suggest to you represents the temptation for you to ignore inspiration.