Government Employee dream job. Get tasked to do something for 4 years with no oversight. Collect paycheck the entire time.
Itemize how much was spent on this. Not just his salary but also, office supplies, staff, travel, office rental, computers, tech support, and legal consulting.
durham is not even a real person
Is he done yet, or is this just the first indictment?
Government Employee dream job. Get tasked to do something for 4 years with no oversight. Collect paycheck the entire time.
Itemize how much was spent on this. Not just his salary but also, office supplies, staff, travel, office rental, computers, tech support, and legal consulting.
Lot 'O money for the results achieved.
Like a tube of toothpaste, start squeezing from the bottom
It wasnt a waste, he and muller got all you can eat kfc on the taxpayer's dime