RET'ARDED, participle passive - "hindered in motion; delayed". As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) delayed represents forms choice of ignorance towards flow; which all the other (Alien) form then need to adapt to. So aliens need to deal with ignorance based retardation.
No, they are Satanists.
satanic aliens
disGUSTING tooth to gum ratio. holy FUCK. if i had that i wouldnt smile with my mouth open at all. YUCK
Id bang her. She looks tight.
Fucking yuck, do as I say not as I do
As ONE within ALL; everyone else represents A'LIEN, adjective [Latin alienus, from alius, another.]
Shhh you bot
And no.. aliens are not this retarded.
RET'ARDED, participle passive - "hindered in motion; delayed". As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) delayed represents forms choice of ignorance towards flow; which all the other (Alien) form then need to adapt to. So aliens need to deal with ignorance based retardation.
Fuck off bot.