Things to consider:
- Clean water.
- Reliable food source after stocked food runs out.
- Rudimentary vitamin and minerals stocked, books for your geographic location that shows potential herbs that could be used medicinally.
- Communications, Ham, back up power, renewable energy.
- Would you consider liberating concentration camps? (Talking about this likely puts me near the top of the list)
- You’ve studied intelligence a lot of your life if you’re here, can you accurately use their techniques to liberate these camps?
- During a post collapse scenario, the more isolated and north you are, the better. That’s if you can survive those conditions. It’ll be absolute mayhem closer to the south you go especially more densely populated areas.
- The ocean is typically the best place to get food from, although sometimes dangerous.
- Stacking silver, although I do think there’s gonna be an FF directed at NYSE and the Federal reserve. They’ll ban silver outright but it’s a great commodity, always has been. Say in a post collapse society, truthers had enough silver to build a bank backed by it, an economy can be started immediately around it. There would need to be absolute measures taken to prevent globalist infiltration and sabotage.
Any other things to consider? List is in no particular order.
Keep a siphon pump/hose. The gas stations run off electricity. “Borrow” gas from abandoned cars.
Transportation could prove to be dangerous. Post collapse, people in the cities will spill out and likely bring violence with them. If you’re still near heavily heavily populated areas, you’re basically begging for problems.
Toilet paper, alcohol, cigarettes and canned soup. Sorry they are easy to get and valuable.
What about weed?
Definitely seeds. They are not illegal, grow to adulthood fast, and one of the best trade goods and medicines available. Just remember to keep the male plants away from the females... unless you want a ton of seeds for replanting or for food.
Wet rag with soap is the fix for TP. Not sure if there’ll be running water or if the septic people can come post collapse. I agree with the soup, cigarettes and if you could alcohol. I’ve amassed quite a bit of everything but unfortunately not tapping into my alcohol supply is a bit of a problem.
Buy some nasty nasty under the bottom shelf vodka— many many uses. Degreaser, solvent, antiseptic, antiviral, trade good, recreation, pain relief, fire accelerant, molotov weapon, anesthetic...
Don’t they have a terrible shelf life?
Maybe vacuum sealed and away from light and moisture, you can get them to maintain efficacy longer.
Communications: Farraday bag with walkie talkies inside, whistles, flags and handsignals are good too, have a morse code sheet thats laminated. You can use flashlights to communicate too. With morse or colors... There used to be these periscope-shaped flashlights at the Military surplus store that had different color filters/lenses that you could screw on the end. Definitely want a multiple band radio— as many bands as possible... keep that bitch in a farraday bag, too.
They are relatively inexpensive on amazon and ebay, but i’ve heard (but not confirmed) you can do a sheet of aluminum foil and then paper towel and then a sheet of aluminum foil then a sheet of paper towel... and do like 4 alternating layers of each. Another trick is If you bury your electronics a few feet deep an EMP probably won’t affect it.
Put a mobile phone inside and call it / text. Stream audio from it. If any radio signals get through, it won't survive an EMP.
1.FLINT( a bunch.)I havent had a need to use the life straw but it may suck haha for the negative. 'Life straw' ( ) 2. Figure out how to kill and clean animals. Also thick needle and thread or you can make needles from bones. 3. Agreed 4. Sat phone(pricey)/ dual input radios? 5. Yes. But sneakily. 6. Yeah with a bit of help. 7. Good idea, see #2 for warm clothes. 8. Also know how to distill salt water. (Boil and collect evaporation- search videos on that and general water purification. 9. eh, I care about metal to make tools or bullets I dont think we'll need money on the other side o' this one. 10. Canteen. 11. Hatchet and machete. Knifes. 12. Fishing hooks and fishing line. 13. Tent in the meantime, gonna need a log cabin and a fireplace. 14. Know how to harness water power and or access to solar power and knowledge! 15. Mental prep is key! because you really have to have that ready otherwise all the gear in the world can't help you. Watch how to videos and decent survival technique vids. Really face how crazy this is and then Buck up Buttercup it is a wild ride. You're never alone though and lots of love still around.
Great list, but Life straw sucks. Get a Sawyer mini and cut it into a CamelBak hose. Just make sure you fill from running water - mud fucks it up.
Great additions. I forgot bullets and guns in my list. Pretty much that would exclude all of the world but North America.
A crossbow, bow and a machete will help prevent you from being tortured to death though, maybe even a slingshot.
Also food preservation is another great thing.
Foodsaver plus is my jam, i use it to vac seal anything... dry clothes, rice, rucksacks... get a generator that can power it, too when the lights go out...Or a 12v dc inverter for car cigarette lighters. Get a few used books on basic survival, nursing textbooks, local edible plants, etc.
Could you go more in depth of what number 5 means ?
It’s likely they’re gonna start throwing the uninjected in concentration (quarantine) camps. This will probably happen to people who don’t want to be there.
But as far as any detail, the statement is quite clear.
Did you make an account for my post?
Nah, I just wanted to be sure that I read it correctly. Neat times ahead!
went down the low tech route of researching living off the land and understanding your environment once I was happy with my home situation. military survival training is a good source, strangely researching ancient peoples who were able to survive without the advantage of modern tech was probably the most informative. Im sure plenty will disagree but for me this low tech knowledge based strategy adds another layer of security because we simply have no idea how things are going to play out. ( surprising there is not a prep community, I think it would be a great resource here )
There should be one.