main modern Jews, the ashkenazi, are fake Jews? That they are actually Kazars or something?
At least sefard Jews think so. :)
As for Jesus - it depends if you believe in story. If you do, Jesus was a son of Galilean Mary and God. Both are not Jews.
According to the Gospel, (At least in Ancient Russian translations, directly from Ancient Greek texts) Mary was Galilean girl (not Jewish, otherwise there would been "Jewish girl" in text) from Nazareth. Galilea was completely cleaned from previous etnicities after Assiryan conquest in 733 B.C., then, there arrived Greeks in 333 B.C., then Romans in 53 B.C. and only in 70 A.D. there massively comes Jews. So, in 1 B.C. there was no Jews in Galilea. Also, in early times Cristianity named "Galilean faith", due to most Galileans accept it. As we know, Jews reject Cristianity completely. Even 300 years later, Emperor Julian wrote that Galilean people have Greek habits and practices. So, with high probability Mary was of Assiryan or Greek origin.
If you don't beleive in story - that does not matter who the Jesus was, since according to your belief it is just a fiction character.
A good read for you might be “Man and his symbols” by Carl Jung. Things like words and objects carry weight (power) based on how prevalent they are. It will help you understand illuminati symbology as well as the power in calling out “Jesus.” These things are tools you can use to bend the simulation, affect the collective consciousness, and perform thought experiments and neurolinguistic programming (prayer, ritual)that yield real results, both internally and externally.
At least sefard Jews think so. :)
As for Jesus - it depends if you believe in story. If you do, Jesus was a son of Galilean Mary and God. Both are not Jews.
According to the Gospel, (At least in Ancient Russian translations, directly from Ancient Greek texts) Mary was Galilean girl (not Jewish, otherwise there would been "Jewish girl" in text) from Nazareth. Galilea was completely cleaned from previous etnicities after Assiryan conquest in 733 B.C., then, there arrived Greeks in 333 B.C., then Romans in 53 B.C. and only in 70 A.D. there massively comes Jews. So, in 1 B.C. there was no Jews in Galilea. Also, in early times Cristianity named "Galilean faith", due to most Galileans accept it. As we know, Jews reject Cristianity completely. Even 300 years later, Emperor Julian wrote that Galilean people have Greek habits and practices. So, with high probability Mary was of Assiryan or Greek origin.
If you don't beleive in story - that does not matter who the Jesus was, since according to your belief it is just a fiction character.
A good read for you might be “Man and his symbols” by Carl Jung. Things like words and objects carry weight (power) based on how prevalent they are. It will help you understand illuminati symbology as well as the power in calling out “Jesus.” These things are tools you can use to bend the simulation, affect the collective consciousness, and perform thought experiments and neurolinguistic programming (prayer, ritual)that yield real results, both internally and externally.