24 Experimental mRNA gene therapy injections are absolutely safe btw. (streamable.com) posted 3 years ago by NecronomiconX 3 years ago by NecronomiconX +24 / -0 14 comments share 14 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Now tell to the kid "the benefits outweigh the risks"
I hate them so bad for doing this. Covid Election steal Critical race theory Lies lies lies. Ladies and gentlemen, get MAD. GET FUCKING REALLY MAD. Show the normal idiots what you feel.
Statistically speaking, there’s already a good chance she’s on them.
To be fair, she is listing a lot of medication. They will always blame other medications. Get us some clean people.
She'll probably still have the second shot
FYI Streamable censors faster than Youtube. Only takes about 1,000 views before they get taken down.
them real.
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