Yahoo News no longer has comments. The stated reason is:
Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.
My guess is they couldn't censor people calling out lies and logical fallacies fast enough or cost-effective enough.
I've been shadowbanned from the comments sections of major news outlets for decades.
It's easy, just post any truth about anything and bam, banned.
The key is to find a story that overreaches and demonstrate it. Then check back from somewhere else to see if your post still shows up.
Yahoo News no longer has comments. The stated reason is:
My guess is they couldn't censor people calling out lies and logical fallacies fast enough or cost-effective enough.
We want users to connect so we removed their ability to talk to eachother.
Yup no doublespeak there at all.
Cool story
It's true.