that didn't involve violence, but only the threat of violence.
Suggestion of force in exchange for consent by free will of choice to believe in fear of consequences of force. Once consented; fear of harm will cause self harm (stress). That's all part of control through suggestion.
Well, yes. Terrorism is defined as obtaining political policies through force or threat of force. I'm convinced the Courts didn't touch the fraud cases because of fear of violence.
Every -ism represents a suggestion (of fiction) in exchange for consent (free will) to ignorance (of reality). -isms represent the main tool for mass control through suggestion.
through force or threat of force
Control by force causes unfavorable odds for the few who want to control the many, because action causes reaction (for form within flow), and so control by force needed to become secondary to control through suggestion, because suggestion aims at consent by free will of choice, so the reaction of the many will be self destructive, since they all consented to what they wanted aka falling for a suggested temptation by the few; who act as the happy merchants of temptation; while using every suggestive means to get the many to consent to ignorance (by free will); to self inflicted corruption of comprehension (beliefs); to self destruction.
Suggestion of force in exchange for consent by free will of choice to believe in fear of consequences of force. Once consented; fear of harm will cause self harm (stress). That's all part of control through suggestion.
Well, yes. Terrorism is defined as obtaining political policies through force or threat of force. I'm convinced the Courts didn't touch the fraud cases because of fear of violence.
Every -ism represents a suggestion (of fiction) in exchange for consent (free will) to ignorance (of reality). -isms represent the main tool for mass control through suggestion.
Control by force causes unfavorable odds for the few who want to control the many, because action causes reaction (for form within flow), and so control by force needed to become secondary to control through suggestion, because suggestion aims at consent by free will of choice, so the reaction of the many will be self destructive, since they all consented to what they wanted aka falling for a suggested temptation by the few; who act as the happy merchants of temptation; while using every suggestive means to get the many to consent to ignorance (by free will); to self inflicted corruption of comprehension (beliefs); to self destruction.