posted ago by factdigger ago by factdigger +31 / -0

Dr Shiva Ayyadurai , who got his elections votes electronically stolen in the state of Massachusetts elections and was illegally censored by Twitter in collusion with the state, gets interviewed on the latest developments of his lawsuit on Sam Tripoli's tinfoil hat podcast episode TFH #455: The Election Influence Operation Handbook With Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.


Those who are new to this, just a short recap:

  • Dr Shiva was running for the senate of Massachusetts
  • He was set to win
  • He won in the hand-count counties
  • He lost mathematically precise in all voting machine counted counties (with a clear mathematical ratio of vote adjustments from him to his opponents)
  • He asked for copies of the scanned ballots of the vote ballots (i.e. digital images of the voting ballot papers)
  • The state had destroyed ballot images (illegal)
  • He sued the state (electoral unit)
  • When he did this and tweeted about his proof, he was immediately thrown off the Twitter
  • Found out that different election committees and states have a "Trusted Twitter partnership" hotline to Twitter, where they can just pull somebody off Twitter
  • So he sued the state and also Twitter , latter on the recommendation of the judge
  • Then the state lied what they did, but got caught lying
  • Then he found out that there is a set of documents **"THE ELECTION INFLUENCE OPERATIONS PLAYBOOK " That details how people are censored and silenced **, published by Belfer Center (Harvard University) and co-written by Twitter's lawyer
  • So he has proof that there is collusion between private company (Twitter) and state (Mass..) to illegally censor
  • In the Influence Playbook also states, that once Twitter takes somebody offline, officials must inform ALL news media not to give ANY coverage to that person anymore (i.e. censorship)
  • the lawsuit has a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act) i.e. proven conspiracy arguments in it.
  • Twitter lied in their lawsuit about their own censoring of Dr Shiva (and got caught doing so)
  • Twitter and state have already tried to stops this with several dismissals and motions, but ALL have failed.
  • The judge preceding stated that this is a clear case of violation of constitution, one of the most important cases for protecting free speech and says this case will be discussed in 100 years by all law students.

This will be big or Dr Shiva meets an untimely end.

For the latter NOT to happen, get off your arse and give $0.5, $1, $5, whatever you can muster to his legal fund. Just gave $5 myself. Ain't much, but if many of us do it, it will make a difference and send a message that this lawsuit is being followed by many.


He's been doing this alone so far out of his own pocket, against the law firms hired by Twitter and the state (against 7 lawyers), so he needs a little support on the constitutional law front.

I usually don't put forward anybody's plea for money, but this case has a chance of winning and making the dent in the two-part-big-tech orgy of lies, corruption and election frauds.

The documents to the playbook he mentioned:

**THE ELECTION INFLUENCE OPERATIONS PLAYBOOK – PART 1 [PDF] https://www.belfercenter.org/sites/default/files/2020-**09/IO%20Playbook%202%20Part%201.pdf

THE ELECTION INFLUENCE OPERATIONS PLAYBOOK – PART 2 [PDF] https://www.belfercenter.org/sites/default/files/2020-09/IO%20Playbook%202%20Part%202.pdf

You can follow updates to his case and the shenanigans the state and Twatter are pulling by visiting his site at:
