So, the C fraud. By now there are tons and tons of examples where so called experts and officials turned out to be completely wrong (or simply put: they lied). I'm thinking of compiling a list of all wrongs by the governments and their designated experts versus all things critical (conspiracy) theorists were right about.
Kind of like us vs them infographic to show to the normies.
For example: 2 weeks to flatten the curve - false. Everyone who said that this is only the beginning - true.
I think it would show very persuasively how utterly false and untrue almost everything the governments and their designated experts say is and how surprising amount of so called conspiracy theories are true.
Any suggestions, ideas? Perhaps someone already has made something similar?
A terrible fact, I noticed this at the beginning of the hoax, people you know won't listen and online you have heavy censorship and we are no match for the establishment control platforms, bots and shills. If by great effort we make a small change, just few days, weeks or months and the non stop propaganda will greatly roll back any progress we have made.
It depends on how you look at it. A year ago we who knew something is amiss were a very small minority. These days though every second or third normie is at the very least suspecting something is not right. It might not mean much, I'm not overly optimistic either, but it is at least something.
Only if you live in America or the UK.
I'm from Europe. Official propaganda runs high, but there is quite a pushback as well. Their jab schedule is not going so great either. About 30-40% are glad to get jabbed, but at about 50% the stream of jab lovers is starting to wane.