Mind + Heart in balance = Soul, imagine the symbol of the cross/libra/ankh.
Trinity, Christ consciousness.
Thrice Great - Hermes Trismegistus.
Hermes (man)
Aphrodite (woman)
Hermaphrodite (Man + Woman energy = Soul, Christ consciousness)
Hermaphroditus's association with marriage seems to have been that, by embodying both masculine and feminine qualities, he symbolized the coming together of men and women in sacred union.
Fictitious unity; while ignoring being ONE within ALL (real coexistence); and ALL being ONE in energy (ALLONE aka alone)
Roads full of houses, never home
Fictitious habitation; while ignoring ALL representing ONEs habitat.
Church full of singing, out of tune
Fictitious resonance under a false authority; while ignoring resonance as ONE within ALL through ONEs sole authority over self (free will of choice).
Everyone's gone to the moon
Choice of adherence to fiction over reality aka ignorance of the inspiration ALL offers in exchange for the information other ONEs are suggesting (beliefs).
Eyes full of sorrow, never wet
Self imposed mental trauma of loss; stress and fear/hope (consent to believe in time); while ignoring reality (motion). Also; "wet" represents an allegory for motion.
Hands full of money, all in debt
Usury based fiat currency; backed by nothing of any value; while ignoring the highest value in existence being ONEs choice to evaluate ALL offered.
Sun coming out in the middle of June
Consent to believe in calendars aka register aka an almanac; which represents ignoring the reality of motion for affixed beliefs. One sleight of hand for that one was Doc Brown warning Marty McFly to destroy the Almanac. Another one was the Library of Alexandria; and yet here we are accumulating information within their world wide web, while ignoring that reality (motion) communicates through inspiration.
Long time ago; Life had begun; Everyone went to the sun
Inversion of "time" aside; the sun represents the accumulation of heat through the friction (communication) between motion (ALL electric) and momentum (ONE magnetic).
Cars full of motors, painted green
Ignoring motion; while motorizing the substitute in the name of (green) nature (reality).
Mouths full of chocolate-covered cream
Temptation aka choice of want (ignorance) over need (adherence to self sustenance).
Arms that can only lift a spoon
Allegory for ignored potential (ONE) within potentiality (ALL).
~Jonathan King, "Everyone's gone to the moon"
perhaps even meaningless
Does nature offer inspiration to our senses that is meaningless; or do we lack comprehension of meaning; based on choice of action?
sexual revolution
SEX - allegory for natural opposites aka the distinction (divide) between male and female (through balance in motion).
REVOLU'TION, noun [Latin revolutus, revolvo.] - a course or motion which brings a body back to the place at which it began to move.
"Sexual Revolution"...the inversion of sex is intercourse promoting lust (temptation luring towards death aka a want); while ignoring the need for self sustenance (procreation). It is that suggestion of temptation (lust) in exchange for consent to self destruction; that is being utilized as the alchemical ritual of bringing back to base aka revolution.
In short...fall for lust (sex) and you go (revolution) right back to base (death aka electric motion instead of magnetic momentum within).
a change of the guard from the patriarchy to a more "motherly one".
The electric motion (ALL aka velocity) represents the male aspect of energy; the magnetic momentum within electric motion (ONE aka resistance or sustenance) represents the female aspect of energy.
Our form is female; the power that sustains it is male. Balance (procreation aka the generative aspect of energy aka the freemasonic "G") by free will of choice of action is what sustains ONE within ALL.
Emotions over logic.
EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.] aka choice of ignorance towards being ONE within ALL motion.
LOG'IC, noun [Latin id; Gr. from reason, to speak.] aka choice of ignorance towards being ONE within ALL motion; because reason (belief in truth versus false aka a conflict) represents mental stagnation (upholding information) over physical need for adaptation (adapting to inspiration).
Both emotions and logic represents temptations we need to resist; and which is why our parasites are playing the happy merchant of temptations by suggesting them to us.
Reaction over action
All actions have consequences within motion (natural law). This is once again an issue of ignorance aka (free will) choice of action before consequence aka want over need instead of need over want.
Schizo (division) and phrenia (the diaphragm aka to defend aka resistance) lacks our comprehension of motion; within which division represents balance in motin (momentum) and resistance our choice of action (need or want); while balancing (adaptation to motion) for self sustenance within the temptation of motion.
From mys(tic) - "Sacredly obscure or secret; remote from human comprehension". There's no conflict between male/female; they represent natural opposites defined by each others coexistence within motion. The parasites suggest idols such as mysoginistic; feminism; patriarchy and "marriage" to gain the consent to belief that will cause the conflict of reason (truth vs false) they exploit for division.
Consider what is valued today
Consider the highest value in ALL existence...ONEs free will of choice to evaluate ALL offered.
Invention, not productivity.
Question if we can create "new" or if ONE can only transmute out of ALL offered? If you comprehend the later; then a) the former becomes a suggested temptation and b) to transmute represents to sustain self; while holding onto the transmuted represents the temptation to ignore to sustain self.
We are not creators...we are mimics of inspiration offered; a limited potential within unlimited potentiality.
committed to holding an investment
Holding onto anything within motion represents the investment of ignorance towards self destruction.
systemic racism/sexism
ONE represents the system (set) into ALL motion and all -isms represent suggested fiction in ignorance of motion; which is why they require our consent of free will to "believe" them aka to ignore reality (motion) for fiction (beliefs).
Also; racism aka hatred of other so called races...what's the term for loving ones own race? It's a rhetorical suggestion that only allows accusation without defense. Why? To cover for miscegenation; which intends to corrupt and destroy all so called races; but which in reality targets differences needed for inspiration towards adherence to self sustenance. That's why nature segregates differences...inspiration.
Gone crazy.
Dark side.
Collective unconscious.
Hive mind.
Mind (man)
Heart (woman)
Soul (holy spirit)
Mind + Heart in balance = Soul, imagine the symbol of the cross/libra/ankh.
Trinity, Christ consciousness.
Thrice Great - Hermes Trismegistus.
Hermes (man)
Aphrodite (woman)
Hermaphrodite (Man + Woman energy = Soul, Christ consciousness)
Fictitious unity; while ignoring being ONE within ALL (real coexistence); and ALL being ONE in energy (ALLONE aka alone)
Fictitious habitation; while ignoring ALL representing ONEs habitat.
Fictitious resonance under a false authority; while ignoring resonance as ONE within ALL through ONEs sole authority over self (free will of choice).
Choice of adherence to fiction over reality aka ignorance of the inspiration ALL offers in exchange for the information other ONEs are suggesting (beliefs).
Self imposed mental trauma of loss; stress and fear/hope (consent to believe in time); while ignoring reality (motion). Also; "wet" represents an allegory for motion.
Usury based fiat currency; backed by nothing of any value; while ignoring the highest value in existence being ONEs choice to evaluate ALL offered.
Consent to believe in calendars aka register aka an almanac; which represents ignoring the reality of motion for affixed beliefs. One sleight of hand for that one was Doc Brown warning Marty McFly to destroy the Almanac. Another one was the Library of Alexandria; and yet here we are accumulating information within their world wide web, while ignoring that reality (motion) communicates through inspiration.
Inversion of "time" aside; the sun represents the accumulation of heat through the friction (communication) between motion (ALL electric) and momentum (ONE magnetic).
Ignoring motion; while motorizing the substitute in the name of (green) nature (reality).
Temptation aka choice of want (ignorance) over need (adherence to self sustenance).
Allegory for ignored potential (ONE) within potentiality (ALL).
~Jonathan King, "Everyone's gone to the moon"
Does nature offer inspiration to our senses that is meaningless; or do we lack comprehension of meaning; based on choice of action?
SEX - allegory for natural opposites aka the distinction (divide) between male and female (through balance in motion).
REVOLU'TION, noun [Latin revolutus, revolvo.] - a course or motion which brings a body back to the place at which it began to move.
"Sexual Revolution"...the inversion of sex is intercourse promoting lust (temptation luring towards death aka a want); while ignoring the need for self sustenance (procreation). It is that suggestion of temptation (lust) in exchange for consent to self destruction; that is being utilized as the alchemical ritual of bringing back to base aka revolution.
In short...fall for lust (sex) and you go (revolution) right back to base (death aka electric motion instead of magnetic momentum within).
The electric motion (ALL aka velocity) represents the male aspect of energy; the magnetic momentum within electric motion (ONE aka resistance or sustenance) represents the female aspect of energy.
Our form is female; the power that sustains it is male. Balance (procreation aka the generative aspect of energy aka the freemasonic "G") by free will of choice of action is what sustains ONE within ALL.
EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.] aka choice of ignorance towards being ONE within ALL motion.
LOG'IC, noun [Latin id; Gr. from reason, to speak.] aka choice of ignorance towards being ONE within ALL motion; because reason (belief in truth versus false aka a conflict) represents mental stagnation (upholding information) over physical need for adaptation (adapting to inspiration).
Both emotions and logic represents temptations we need to resist; and which is why our parasites are playing the happy merchant of temptations by suggesting them to us.
All actions have consequences within motion (natural law). This is once again an issue of ignorance aka (free will) choice of action before consequence aka want over need instead of need over want.
https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=schizophrenia&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=26&smoothing=3&direct_url=t1%3B%2Cschizophrenia%3B%2Cc0 This represents the parasites suggesting inversions as justifications for the consequences of us consenting by free will to ignorance of reality (for belief based fiction).
Schizo (division) and phrenia (the diaphragm aka to defend aka resistance) lacks our comprehension of motion; within which division represents balance in motin (momentum) and resistance our choice of action (need or want); while balancing (adaptation to motion) for self sustenance within the temptation of motion.
From mys(tic) - "Sacredly obscure or secret; remote from human comprehension". There's no conflict between male/female; they represent natural opposites defined by each others coexistence within motion. The parasites suggest idols such as mysoginistic; feminism; patriarchy and "marriage" to gain the consent to belief that will cause the conflict of reason (truth vs false) they exploit for division.
Consider the highest value in ALL existence...ONEs free will of choice to evaluate ALL offered.
Question if we can create "new" or if ONE can only transmute out of ALL offered? If you comprehend the later; then a) the former becomes a suggested temptation and b) to transmute represents to sustain self; while holding onto the transmuted represents the temptation to ignore to sustain self.
We are not creators...we are mimics of inspiration offered; a limited potential within unlimited potentiality.
Holding onto anything within motion represents the investment of ignorance towards self destruction.
ONE represents the system (set) into ALL motion and all -isms represent suggested fiction in ignorance of motion; which is why they require our consent of free will to "believe" them aka to ignore reality (motion) for fiction (beliefs).
Also; racism aka hatred of other so called races...what's the term for loving ones own race? It's a rhetorical suggestion that only allows accusation without defense. Why? To cover for miscegenation; which intends to corrupt and destroy all so called races; but which in reality targets differences needed for inspiration towards adherence to self sustenance. That's why nature segregates differences...inspiration.
Interesting line of thought. We are our archetypes.
its a gay joke
Inb4 the homophobic "fLaT eArTh FaGgOt!" comments