The Conspiracy Against Satoshi Nakamoto and The World
- SN wrote to two mailing lists before releasing BC. The "Cryptography" list and the "Cypherpunks" list. Why are there zero emails from the latter?
- Hal Finney wrote in his deathbed last email that after initially installing bitcoin in Jan 2009 he forgot all about it until 2010, yet there exists a lot of correspondence between HF and SN during that time. Why? Insiders say this is because HF let SN use a shell account on HF's server and the passwords to HF's email accounts and vice versus.
- Was bitcoin announced Aug 22nd 2008, Oct. 31st 2008 or Jan 3rd 2009 or Jan 11th 2009? Or was discussed in mailing lists before any of those dates?
- How many versions of the bitcoin white paper have you seen? Insiders say the original was in ASCII and the subsequent PDFs had version numbers.
- What happened to the original Sourceforge mailing lists, forums and code repos? Edit: the sourceforge project has suddenly returned!! Not seeing any forums though.
- Are there mysterious deaths surrounding SN?
- Why didn't anyone think to put SN's correspondence or the bitcoin white paper on the blockchain. If SN did, what happened to it?
- Did the Bilderberg Group purchase the "Blockchain" company? What else do you need to know to understand SN may be in danger?
- Re. Craig Wright. SN claimed nothing, but gave away his ideas to the public domain, anonymously. Does that sound like CW?
- If SN was in danger what would it look like? Email/date alterations. Deletions. Coverups. Censorship. Did that happen?
- SN mentioned microtransactions for things as minute as viewing a web page. He mentioned future exchanges would be willing to process "free transactions". He mentioned bitcoin being the end to fiat inflationary bubbles. What happened? Bitcoin was supposed to save humanity but it currently looks like a worst case scenario for income disparity. Sound like Bilderberg to you?
- If SN was in danger; his writings lost, trusted friends compromised or dead, his comms monitored and manipulated, what should be do? What org could he turn to for help?
Ask me questions if you like. I know people who may have answers.
Ok, posting this comment again.
Questionable says "nothing to see here folks" when Blockchain is owned by Bilderberg Group.
Do you have a source for this claim?
Blockchain can't be owned by Bilderberg Group, that's the point of a distributed ledger.
Which is exactly why I’d like to hear where OP got that idea from...
Good point!
Not the theory of blockchain, some corporate entity I read about a couple days ago with "Blockchain" as the business name.