They do. They control the infrastructure handling the energy needed to sustain the crypt(o), while offering us the choices how to enter. These choices must be in conflict with each other, so that our corrupt reasoning can choose between truth vs false (a conflict), while ignoring the if/then implication within reality.
Reality is defined by currency (not what they trick us to believe currency means) but the literal current of energy in motion, within which we exist (inception to death). Each of us represents ONE within ALL with the free will of choice to "evaluate", which represents the highest value in existence...ONEs ability to evaluate ALL offered.
This is why they offered us money so that we ignore ourselves within all motion in favor for a substitute currency (money; usury based fiat; now cryptocurrency).
Money was used to devalue our means of evaluation; usury was used to consolidate everything we consented value to into the hands of the usury cartel, and now crypto intents to put us into a crypt, within which we suppose to pay with compliance to get access to participate in existence as ONE within ALL.
There cannot be loopholes, because mankind consenting to the value of money; represents mankind ignoring reality for fiction, and within fiction cannot be any loophole for reality, since all fiction is based on the ignorance of reality.
The way out was, is and always will be...comprehension; followed by adherence to self sustenance (need over want) under natural law. Try it...use your free will of choice to evaluate; instead of believing values defined by others.
Sorry but for me those things you wrote here all look like new age communist bullshit... I will answer now,but I will not continue discussion.
Try it...use your free will of choice to evaluate; instead of believing values defined by others.
If I take somebody thing at value I would evaluate it somebody would simply consider it theft in some cases,and sometimes I could be too generous for people not deserving it. Economy is economy, not all things are to be sold,but some things are.That's the reality: people exchange goods,and need objective arbitrator to make exchange fair. People are not objective,people are driven by emotions. Such ideal arbitrator is free market - as being social and economic mechanism not a person it is quite objective and effective. Of course cabal controlled market is not so free and isn't really this free market,but that's another story.
They control the infrastructure handling the energy needed to sustain the crypt(o)
If you are using only energy provider... Well "green" energy maybe isn't so green,but PV cell for example. Or power generator using gasoline being less "green". Not ideal solutions but...
Cryptocurrencies are ways of transmission of arbitrary "value" using electronic networks instead of using real goods so if power will be off of course they will be useless - most important in such case will be gold,silver and lead. This last - with other components of ammo. But if we are saying about relatively anonymous exchanges...
ALL information is predefined. You cannot add "new" information to reality, you can only create out of the information that already exists (communicated to you as inspiration). Try to create a thought without using inspiration from all that already is to learn you can't do it. The allegory is "nothing new under the sun".
They promote "new" and "old" to trick us to consent to evaluate that which was and that which might be over that which is. Why? Because we represent what was, is and what will be, and they don't want us to comprehend the potential of being ONE within ALL.
Commune; community; unity. In reality unity is based on adherence to self (ONEs needs within ALL), which creates out of the fruits of ones labor the need for unity with others.
The sales-pitch for communism is therefore false unity, which they even promote under the idols of hammer and sickle aka labor and fruits of labor, yet what we see under communism has nothing to do with adherence to self whatsoever, but instead with adhering to the party-line aka false authority from the top down the chain of command.
What's creating this chain of command is ONEs consent to the offered -ism by another ONE, because to believe in any -ism represents utilizing ONEs free will of choice to ignore ONEs own sole authority over self (the free will of choice responsible for evaluation) for the offer made by the free will of choice of another ONE.
I will not continue discussion.
Discussion is based on reasoning; based on the conflict between truth versus false; based on ignoring reality (motion) for fiction (belief). Reality doesn't require reason; it demands adaptation to constant change. Don't believe me; adapt to whatever inspires you.
somebody would simply consider it theft
Theft is based on your believe in ownership, yet what does ONE own in between inception and death? What can ONE own within the motion; within the constant change of ALL? Existence offers each ONE the use of ALL, but no ONE the right to own any.
ONE first has to use the free will of choice to ignore ALL, to be able to claim ownership over that which nature offers free for all...which represents the temptation of selfishness. Instead of evaluating ALL, the ONE singles out what he wants (temptation) to evaluate higher than ALL else.
That's the reality: people exchange goods
What for? To sustain ONEself within ALL aka need over want. How can ONE sustain himself within ALL, when he ignores his means of evaluation, by allowing other ONEs to define the value of ALL for him (through money)?
need objective arbitrator to make exchange fair
ONE utilizing all his senses to communicate with another ONE, who does the same, represents the arbitration of exchange between them. Why? Because when both are adhering to their needs (self sustenance) over their wants (temptations luring towards death) then the exchange is about shared responsibility for self sustenance. If they fuck each other over; they die.
Interaction creates balance through choice within motion, and choice represents ONEs responsibility over self within ALL. Money took that choice, and it has beed a meat-grinder of self destruction ever since.
People are not objective,people are driven by emotions
The "object" of each ONE (in existence) is self sustenance, and EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo.] - "to move from" represents ONEs ignorance towards ALL being within motion. If you're within motion you cannot move away from motion, since motion defines direction (beginning towards end) for all the ONEs within motion.
ALL emotions are temptations towards ignorance of self, as well as the inspiration to adherence to self sustenance instead.
free market
That means the devaluation of all for the profits of the few...of course that's only if currency had any value; meanwhile no other life forms use money to sustain themselves; the majority of our own species is defined by living under the poverty line (having no money, while breeding like rabbits), the so called rich don't use money, because they already own everything that they tricked the slaves to believe should be valued in money, and that leaves only the selfish; ignorant slave beasts, who always want more money, while using "I need money" as the justification to keep the whole exploitation racket going.
Did I mention that to be free requires to be bound to rules that define what freedom is? Like the laws of nature (defined by motion) which govern all existence within motion?
Our free will of choice is defined by the balance motion creates aka the momentum of motion aka the resistance to the forward movement of motion.
being social...not a person
SO'CIAL, adjective [Latin socialis, from socius, companion.]. That's once again the unity of ONE with other ONEs within the motion of ALL, and here you're disregarding all living ONEs for the institutions governing them, controlled by...other (((ones))). That's the slave proclaiming to have no value under his master.
Person btw comes from persona and sound, and it's the communication (resonance) between motion and momentum that allows to hold form. That's the sound that makes a person.
economic mechanism
What offers the tools of communication; the free will of choice to evaluate, and the form inspiring the need for evaluation? Could it be that you ignore the reality based foundation for the fictitious mechanization offered to you by others who want to control you?
Of course cabal controlled market is not so free and isn't really this free market,but that's another story.
There's no other story besides reality. The few have control over the many, because the many selfishly ignore reality for fiction. They lie, because we believe. They suggest; because we consent.
If you are using only energy provider... Well "green" energy maybe isn't so green,but PV cell for example. Or power generator using gasoline being less "green". Not ideal solutions but...
We are within motion; we are a potential within the potentiality of ALL energy offered, we each are ONE limited power with access to the unlimited power of ALL. All the limitations they offer you to believe represent distractions so that you don't comprehend your potential; that you choose ignorance over adherence to self sustenance.
using electronic networks instead of using real goods so if power will be off of course they will be useless
The "real goods" represent all they accumulated away from mankind through usury; the "electronic networks" represent creation set into motion, with motion corrupting and destroying all creation, which is why the few trick the many to get attached to creation, so that they can easily flush them down the motion with it, and "if power will be off" represents the ignorance towards being ONE within ALL; being within motion; being power.
anonymous exchanges...
You are the ONE being tricked to ignore being ONE within ALL in exchange for the belief in individualism; offered to you by others, which in return allows those others to use anonymity as the temptation to enslave you even harder. They call you cattle (goyim) you think mass population control is defined by what the few know about each individual, or could it be that the selfish cattle beasts are so dumb, that offering them all individuality out of controlled environment, is enough to trick them to ignore that this controlled environment represents chattel slavery?
If cabal is controlling it
They do. They control the infrastructure handling the energy needed to sustain the crypt(o), while offering us the choices how to enter. These choices must be in conflict with each other, so that our corrupt reasoning can choose between truth vs false (a conflict), while ignoring the if/then implication within reality.
Reality is defined by currency (not what they trick us to believe currency means) but the literal current of energy in motion, within which we exist (inception to death). Each of us represents ONE within ALL with the free will of choice to "evaluate", which represents the highest value in existence...ONEs ability to evaluate ALL offered.
This is why they offered us money so that we ignore ourselves within all motion in favor for a substitute currency (money; usury based fiat; now cryptocurrency).
Money was used to devalue our means of evaluation; usury was used to consolidate everything we consented value to into the hands of the usury cartel, and now crypto intents to put us into a crypt, within which we suppose to pay with compliance to get access to participate in existence as ONE within ALL.
There cannot be loopholes, because mankind consenting to the value of money; represents mankind ignoring reality for fiction, and within fiction cannot be any loophole for reality, since all fiction is based on the ignorance of reality.
The way out was, is and always will be...comprehension; followed by adherence to self sustenance (need over want) under natural law. Try it...use your free will of choice to evaluate; instead of believing values defined by others.
Sorry but for me those things you wrote here all look like new age communist bullshit... I will answer now,but I will not continue discussion.
If I take somebody thing at value I would evaluate it somebody would simply consider it theft in some cases,and sometimes I could be too generous for people not deserving it. Economy is economy, not all things are to be sold,but some things are.That's the reality: people exchange goods,and need objective arbitrator to make exchange fair. People are not objective,people are driven by emotions. Such ideal arbitrator is free market - as being social and economic mechanism not a person it is quite objective and effective. Of course cabal controlled market is not so free and isn't really this free market,but that's another story.
If you are using only energy provider... Well "green" energy maybe isn't so green,but PV cell for example. Or power generator using gasoline being less "green". Not ideal solutions but...
Cryptocurrencies are ways of transmission of arbitrary "value" using electronic networks instead of using real goods so if power will be off of course they will be useless - most important in such case will be gold,silver and lead. This last - with other components of ammo. But if we are saying about relatively anonymous exchanges...
ALL information is predefined. You cannot add "new" information to reality, you can only create out of the information that already exists (communicated to you as inspiration). Try to create a thought without using inspiration from all that already is to learn you can't do it. The allegory is "nothing new under the sun".
They promote "new" and "old" to trick us to consent to evaluate that which was and that which might be over that which is. Why? Because we represent what was, is and what will be, and they don't want us to comprehend the potential of being ONE within ALL.
Commune; community; unity. In reality unity is based on adherence to self (ONEs needs within ALL), which creates out of the fruits of ones labor the need for unity with others.
The sales-pitch for communism is therefore false unity, which they even promote under the idols of hammer and sickle aka labor and fruits of labor, yet what we see under communism has nothing to do with adherence to self whatsoever, but instead with adhering to the party-line aka false authority from the top down the chain of command.
What's creating this chain of command is ONEs consent to the offered -ism by another ONE, because to believe in any -ism represents utilizing ONEs free will of choice to ignore ONEs own sole authority over self (the free will of choice responsible for evaluation) for the offer made by the free will of choice of another ONE.
Discussion is based on reasoning; based on the conflict between truth versus false; based on ignoring reality (motion) for fiction (belief). Reality doesn't require reason; it demands adaptation to constant change. Don't believe me; adapt to whatever inspires you.
Theft is based on your believe in ownership, yet what does ONE own in between inception and death? What can ONE own within the motion; within the constant change of ALL? Existence offers each ONE the use of ALL, but no ONE the right to own any.
ONE first has to use the free will of choice to ignore ALL, to be able to claim ownership over that which nature offers free for all...which represents the temptation of selfishness. Instead of evaluating ALL, the ONE singles out what he wants (temptation) to evaluate higher than ALL else.
What for? To sustain ONEself within ALL aka need over want. How can ONE sustain himself within ALL, when he ignores his means of evaluation, by allowing other ONEs to define the value of ALL for him (through money)?
ONE utilizing all his senses to communicate with another ONE, who does the same, represents the arbitration of exchange between them. Why? Because when both are adhering to their needs (self sustenance) over their wants (temptations luring towards death) then the exchange is about shared responsibility for self sustenance. If they fuck each other over; they die.
Interaction creates balance through choice within motion, and choice represents ONEs responsibility over self within ALL. Money took that choice, and it has beed a meat-grinder of self destruction ever since.
The "object" of each ONE (in existence) is self sustenance, and EMO'TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo.] - "to move from" represents ONEs ignorance towards ALL being within motion. If you're within motion you cannot move away from motion, since motion defines direction (beginning towards end) for all the ONEs within motion.
ALL emotions are temptations towards ignorance of self, as well as the inspiration to adherence to self sustenance instead.
That means the devaluation of all for the profits of the few...of course that's only if currency had any value; meanwhile no other life forms use money to sustain themselves; the majority of our own species is defined by living under the poverty line (having no money, while breeding like rabbits), the so called rich don't use money, because they already own everything that they tricked the slaves to believe should be valued in money, and that leaves only the selfish; ignorant slave beasts, who always want more money, while using "I need money" as the justification to keep the whole exploitation racket going.
Did I mention that to be free requires to be bound to rules that define what freedom is? Like the laws of nature (defined by motion) which govern all existence within motion?
Our free will of choice is defined by the balance motion creates aka the momentum of motion aka the resistance to the forward movement of motion.
SO'CIAL, adjective [Latin socialis, from socius, companion.]. That's once again the unity of ONE with other ONEs within the motion of ALL, and here you're disregarding all living ONEs for the institutions governing them, controlled by...other (((ones))). That's the slave proclaiming to have no value under his master.
Person btw comes from persona and sound, and it's the communication (resonance) between motion and momentum that allows to hold form. That's the sound that makes a person.
What offers the tools of communication; the free will of choice to evaluate, and the form inspiring the need for evaluation? Could it be that you ignore the reality based foundation for the fictitious mechanization offered to you by others who want to control you?
There's no other story besides reality. The few have control over the many, because the many selfishly ignore reality for fiction. They lie, because we believe. They suggest; because we consent.
We are within motion; we are a potential within the potentiality of ALL energy offered, we each are ONE limited power with access to the unlimited power of ALL. All the limitations they offer you to believe represent distractions so that you don't comprehend your potential; that you choose ignorance over adherence to self sustenance.
The "real goods" represent all they accumulated away from mankind through usury; the "electronic networks" represent creation set into motion, with motion corrupting and destroying all creation, which is why the few trick the many to get attached to creation, so that they can easily flush them down the motion with it, and "if power will be off" represents the ignorance towards being ONE within ALL; being within motion; being power.
You are the ONE being tricked to ignore being ONE within ALL in exchange for the belief in individualism; offered to you by others, which in return allows those others to use anonymity as the temptation to enslave you even harder. They call you cattle (goyim) you think mass population control is defined by what the few know about each individual, or could it be that the selfish cattle beasts are so dumb, that offering them all individuality out of controlled environment, is enough to trick them to ignore that this controlled environment represents chattel slavery?