turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

But ... Noooo .... Trump will save America!!!! Noooo ..............

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think u/SuicideTruthbomber is now working from home after Hezbollah hit their office in Glilot. There is no one to supervise his posts as regularly as before and it shows in his low quality content.

u/SuicideTruthbomber is doing more damage to the Jewish cause than helping it.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

So was I.

The link is valid. It's just like any other website video downloader that will try to spam you. I replied so that others are not dissuaded from looking up the info and find alternatives even if they bought into what you said.

And in this reply I am also not really replying to "SuicideTruthbomber" who demonstrates the hallmarks of Judaism and Israeli Unit 8200.

turtlebam 5 points ago +5 / -0

You mean Harvey Weinstein the Jewish hordes militia member? Who cares about what he thinks?

https://x.com/SetPixels/status/1783526292002128267 (Twitter post of Weinstein bragging about killing Germans and how he is an Israeli first and foremost. He should have added that he is a Jew who rapes non-Jewish women.)

Edit: I made a mistake between "Eric" Weinstein and "Harvey" Wesinstein. Anyway they are both Jewish and Eric is also probably another rapist so it doesn't make much of a difference.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Either use a vpn with an American server to access BitChute or use a search engine to find a website that will download a BitChute video.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rituals on the dead, pedophelia, torturing before killing for Purim blood (adrenochrome). Make your pick.

Will we one day find out and some of the Chabbad members confess? Perhaps that day is coming.

BTW in addition to child sexual abuse and torture. Jews also conduct magik rituals using dead bodies. Last purim when Jewish militias stormed Al Shifa hospital in Gaza. Dead bodies were found, tied up and aligned to create shapes like triangles and such. In addition Jewish militias would routinely steal the bodies of Palestinians. Some even who died long ago and were enemies of the Jews or special fighters. They believe it holds some energy or something.

An essential story in Jewish rituals is "Lilith's Cave"

turtlebam 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was mind boggled first time I understood what they meant with "light speed is always constant". Then I tried to train myself to accept it until this article broke me out of it: https://www.chemtrailsgeelong.com/the-naked-emperor.html

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hezbollah don't boast but they sure know how to get things done. The above screenshot of the head of Unit 8200 resigning is from a Hezbollah backed news source. If they wanted to, they could have made a big title of how they assassinated him but they just did it in a subtle way.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

The worst part is that RFK is being promoted as some sort of opposition and a "brave" voice against vaccine mandates. I think a big aspect of the vaccine show was to create division.

One known IDF propagandist: Avi Yemini keeps pretending to be a hero for anti-vaccines mandates, anti-drag queens, anti-immigration, etc..

I think all this division about immigration, race, gender and faggotry, vaccines, etc.. is just about dividing the community so they can be controlled.

The Jew stays as a single unit while he divides all others into an infinite spectrum of enemies.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unit 8200 is involved in a lot of internet subversion. Unit 8200 also makes decisions on who to assassinate such as when they assassinated Hezbollah Leader Fuad Shukr.

I read too many posts after Hezbollah made its strike on August 25th that Yossi Sariel the head of Unit 8200 was killed in the Hezbollah strike. I didn't give it much credence because I couldn't find any reliable sources but rumors from Twitter accounts.

On August 25th, Hezbollah launched 340 missiles as a decoy so that drones can pass. Their drones have passed and hit Jewish militias Unit 8200 headquarters in Glilot Tel-Aviv.

No photos and no admission from Jewish hordes militias on what happened that day. Hezbollah didn't say much except that they were successful.

What happened now? They say the head of Unit 8200 resigned? Was he indeed liquidated in the strike? The twitter accounts I saw also said it wasn't just the head of Unit 8200. He was in a meeting with several high ranking Jewish hordes militia members along with some American officers.

turtlebam 18 points ago +19 / -1

Oh wait!!! Sorry, wrong title. I meant to say RFK is nothing but another shill like the rest of them! (Remember that many shills here promote him.)

Source: https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1831511198539657236

For those who don't know, Menachem Schneerson was defacto the head of the world. The deep, Deep State. If anyone wants to know who are those who rule the world I suggest you learn more about Menachem. Rothschilds and the rest of them take orders from the likes of boiling in hell Menachem.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

We'll never know for sure but it wouldn't be far fetched if they assigned someone from Unit 8200 to this forum. He can create multiple accounts and such. But I don't think there is possibly any more than one doing it part time. The forum is too small and slow for more than that.

Good news is that it seems a whole bunch of Unit 8200 got whacked like bugs in the last Hezbollah hit targeting Glilot: https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/08/30/732342/Why-did-Hezbollah-target-Glilot-base,-Unit-8,200-

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually your message is kind of funny. You just made me laugh to be honest. Thx bro. Really didn't see that one coming. If you review all of my history you will notice I never call people names or at least start name calling. I may (sometimes wrongly) accuse people of being Jewish or shills but that's another thing.

Also whenever I accuse someone of being Jewish I always keep in the back of my mind the possibility that I am wrong because you never know. But I make the statement because the person is probably behaving Jewy.

Also a "snowfaggot" is a completely new term that I never encountered before. Is it a combination of "snowflake" and "faggot"? But what does it really imply? Anyways. It's not me dude. If you notice I am somewhat less active here.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

Glad to know you are alright Clem. Thanks for the post.

turtlebam 2 points ago +3 / -1

The Jews? You mean you?

They control the government and they also want to give it a facelift. Both can be correct. I see circumcision really affected your brain didn't it? Or perhaps the effects of the crazed Rabbis and the full of lies Talmud which you follow.

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