A Korean translation of the name Do Kwon means "To Bring about" & "Authority" Most of the theories swirling around involve the same premise, crashing a stable coin to usher in regulation, among other things. For those who know how "they" work, this is important.

Considering how abysmally he's handling the aftermath, one could assume he isn't actually trying to salvage anything.

The theory that seems to be making the most sense right now also says he's forcing the decision to fork the LUNA chain merely to unlock the liquidity that's left so he can peace out with it.

Owes something like $78 million in taxes, under current investigation.

Plenty more to point to him being a Con, but it's all shaping out to have been way to coordinated. Seems more like this has been the plan all along and he is a willing or unwilling participant.

We get the joke on the surface, Free Masons giving away free stone cutting. But let's think about what they are ACTUALLY known for on a deeper level. A secret society and mystery school that imparts the hidden Knowledge about "The Craft." Maybe the statement is more about how the Elite have imparted the knowledge of the witchcraft that is being used in opposition to their own goals. Elitist are cutthroat. Just my thoughts on the matter.

Senatus Consultum "Conscriptus Electus" I've got a pretty good knowledge base on many of the Secret Societies and occult groups, but this one is new to me. Likely was created in 2015/2016 or maybe just being made public. If it is just a LARP, they are doing a terrible job at promoting any part of it. I'm thinking it's all some sort of comm.

Came across this the other day, just started looking into it. Here are my notes so far.

Origins are tied to or based in the Netherlands.

There is a video of their official site from May 2021 where Trump, Putin, Xi, Musk, and a couple Saudi leaders are all listed as members, but none are listed now. Some members are listed as Honorary, while the others are not. (https://youtu.be/mVZLcChkCr4?t=1917) I do not know much about this Youtuber, so I'm only including it as a documented evidence of the website from last year. Link is timestamped at the relevant part.

The official site is http://senatusconsultum.eu/

The SC official Youtube channel was created 3/3/2016 (note the 33). The channel is loaded with occult imagery. First video was uploaded 11 months ago, and Most of the videos seem cryptic and seem more like comms than information. Many videos are songs in Latin. The second video they posted is titled Senatus Consultum "Conscriptus Electus" and contains the song Suscipe, which is a term and prayer made famous by St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, or The Jesuits.

Another video is Dr. Steven Greer (who I believe to be 100% a willing disinfo artist). A couple are of David Icke, who I believe is an unwilling/unknowing disinfo artist who still tells many truths.

Plenty of truths are dropped on the channel too, stuff about Sabatean/Frankists, The Great Reset, etc. The official website links to other channels' videos but I have not dug into those yet. Just what was posted from the official youtube.

LinkedIn has 2 versions of their profile. Haven't dug too deep because I don't have an account setup, but several of the people who claim to be a part of SC on their LinkedIn Profile are also tied to multiple Jesuit groups. 1 LI account seems to be started in 2016, and having to create a new version in the last year.

There is a Twitter account created April 2020 with this name but it's not linked from the official sources, and haven't dug into much of it yet. https://twitter.com/senatuselectus




If anyone has info on this, please share as it is very difficult to research this group outside of their website and social media channels. Or if it sparks your interest enough to look into, please share your findings with us here.


Doing some digging on a somewhat related theory and came across this story from multiple sources. A gene mutation possibly traced back to the Khazars has a sort of immunity against the AIDS virus.



In lieu of an earlier post, I find most people really don't know anything at all about the giants of our past, and often assume it's all a big myth. Lincoln was so matter of fact about it, likely because it was a general known fact at that time. In 1881, Congress gave sole excavation rights of these mounds to the Smithsonian and gave them thousands of tax payer dollars to do so more than once. We all know what happens when they get involved in recovering history; anything consequential disappears. Some of their findings were made public in their Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution for years 1873, 1875, and 1877. I'll post a link below to 1873 and you can change the years to view the rest. They found skulls measuring 36" in circumference, skeletons belonging to "gigantic savages," and so on. Publicly, The Smithsonian seems to mostly or only talk about the EASTERN mounds, but look for the stories from the Anasazi and also San Canyon Pueblo where footprints of 6 toed giants were found.

Would love to see what anyone knows about all this or give more info for those that want to know more. Of course this is just a glimpse of the story, definitely enough here to get started. This rabbit hole goes on and on once you start, but you will not be disappointed. It's more like, whole rabbit.

For those that want to go down the Giants/Nephilim road, there's also a very convincing story about giant remains being found on Jekyll island, along with a sacrificial altar built the same way the Canaanites built theirs. If it's true, the building that the infamous banksters' meeting happened in was built right on top of that altar. Search for Tim Bence on that story.

https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/34977#page/426/mode/1up (Human skull found measured 36 inches in circumference) https://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/lincoln/lincoln2/1:6?rgn=div1;view=fulltext https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-CRECB-1881-pt3-v11/pdf/GPO-CRECB-1881-pt3-v11-12.pdf


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10640381/Bob-Sagets-luxury-Florida-hotel-suite-revealed-haunting-crime-scene-photos.html Latest updates on Saget's death show us pictures taken at the scene, as well as many other small details. The most important bit of info just gets glossed over. He latched the door to secure it, but left the adjoining room door unchecked/unlocked? "The door to room 962 was latched from the inside and there was no sign of struggle, nothing was damaged and no trace of blood on his sheets or bedding, the report adds. Unusually, the internal door to the adjoining room, 961, was found unlocked but staff established that nobody had been inside it while Saget was there. "

I was starting to think they were just lying about finding him in his bed. Maybe they found him sprawled out on the marble floor and didn't want people connecting dots with the vaccine and passing out or didn't want people to remember him in that way. But this new little detail brought me right back to my initial reaction. Bob was murdered or vigilante'd.

Here's a topic off the current events. But I think it proposes a broader conversation. Just finished watching the second season, and based on events in the show as well as the ambient temperatures in the episodes where they use thermal imaging, all evidence points to the show being shot in Summer of 2020. No masks, no distancing, no available vaccine, not even a single mention of the coof. Remember what the rest of the country was like in Summer of 2020? Conveniently, unlike the first season, they do not show the dates the episodes and incidents were recorded on. The 2nd season started airing in May of 2021. I'm already suspicious when I see networks like History Channel covering Aliens and the related topics, but the fact that no one on this production was concerned about the coof in Summer of 2020 all but solidifies my suspicions. The main question is, why would the Intelligence Community want to publicize things like Skinwalker Ranch and what is their overall goal related to the show and the coming Aliens and UFO/UAP disclosures? Tom Delong seems to have been dropped like a hot potato when he refused to leave out any resemblance of ETs being a threat. It's pretty clear to me that Project Bluebeam will be used to get humans to accept them as our saviors and likely even as our creators. Anyone here who has seen the show or even if you just have something to add to the conversation, please do.