solarflashandthenETs 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is probably some organization effort to dilute the quality of content here by adding pure garbage.

All these upvotes probably from the same group or person.

These kind of things is why we can't have a good society. Instead of money being used in the right place these inbreed fuckers have to pay other dumbasses who have little respect for themselves to create inflammation in every field they try to control.

solarflashandthenETs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where did you find this exactly? I'm searching the website but can't figure out where it is.

solarflashandthenETs 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I have the right explanation for this . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRV1e5_tB6Y

solarflashandthenETs 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah , but we should go beyond them. And the post states that the media isn't reporting what they should have reported, like doesn't everybody here know that the media doesn't give a damn about the truth.

Listening to what the mainstream media reports is like listening to the lies of a narcissistic partner that always spins you , instead of doing what you would normally do. Very little of what media says matters now that the Deepstate and cabal is almost dead.

solarflashandthenETs 3 points ago +4 / -1

omg why are you people still relying on mainstream media to do anything against what they stand for. It's like you have Stockholm Syndrome and can't go by without your abusers.

Stop talking about them altogether, remove them totally from the equation.

solarflashandthenETs 2 points ago +2 / -0

If spirulina isn't treated properly it can cause muscle and liver damage. It has a toxin and should go through some special treatment in order to be edible.

solarflashandthenETs 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they come from another galaxy, but I don't know for sure and don't remember the name. These beings are behind all the turmoil in the whole galaxy and now the good guys have reduced the numbers of the negative groups and cornered them here on earth. That's why earth is so messed up.

Here is the website where I've read most of this info. This guy claims to be speaking in the name of underground positive groups . He is quite spot on and has unusual information. Search for past posts or for some word in the search bar . http://2012portal.blogspot.com/

He refers to the spider entities as chimera as they sometimes have clones of important people where the soul has been replaced with the soul of these beings.http://2012portal.blogspot.com/search?q=chimera

The most important and the best part of the whole website that this guy operates is the fact that they organize mass meditations from time to time in order to influence the whole world and to help this Galactic Confederation in doing operations on earth. I've taken part in a lot of these mass meditations and the feeling that you get from them is very strong and makes what the guys says very credible.

solarflashandthenETs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Galactic confederation is just a collection of civilizations from our galaxy. From what I see they do show themselves from time to time and have an active role on earth , but they can hide themselves and we people don't pay attention anyway. Here is just one video I came across on the net . https://anomalien.com/an-incredible-number-of-ufos-were-recorded-in-the-sky-over-poland/

The reason why the Galactic Confederation doesn't show itself or come down on earth at a massive scale is because of these negative ETs and the fact that they have some exotic bombs all around the world. The person where I've read this from refers to this bombs as toplet bombs.

Also it is a Confederation and not Federation. In a federation there is a leading group meanwhile in a confederation there are groups that interact with each other.

solarflashandthenETs 2 points ago +2 / -0

The top of bad guys are some ugly ass beings that have modified themselves to look as spiders . For what reason ? I don't know. They control every other single negative being and run the whole show.

One source I've read from says that their main base of operations is on Novaya Zemlya archipelago. These guys control every other negative group and even the groups on the surface as they control beings like Moloch, Satan or whatever evil there exists.

A hint of this group is the fact that statues in the shape of spiders have been placed in main cities around the globe. Google "Maman statues" . Another hint is the fact that some big cities are build in the shape of spiders, as there are big entities that sit on these cities in order to absorb and control the shit energies that the cities have.

Everything on earth revolves around such entities. These beings were evolved positive beings at some time but they experimented with advanced technologies and destroyed their connection with the source and lowered their vibration a lot. By removing their connection with source they could no longer sustain themselves and the need for very low energy to sustain themselves came up. Hence why these sick fucks on earth sodomize children and why the negative groups want to sacrifice and make as much wars as possible.

Right now such negative entities are on the brink of extinction as they are being hunted by the Galactic Federation or the good guys. According to one guy on the net that claims to be from the underground groups the dracos and reptilians have already been removed by the good guys and the only ones left are the spider entities that are now hidden in ships on quantum superposition . The good guys are using some time dilation technology to resolve this superposition and they pop right out of the hiding.

When the spider entities are gone we are going to see some crazy stuff.

solarflashandthenETs 2 points ago +3 / -1

How much do you get per comment? Do you get like your chinese counterparts 50, cent for comment ?

solarflashandthenETs 8 points ago +8 / -0

Out of your mom x1 000 000.

Stop shilling, grow some balls and get away from those fuckers giving you money. It is not ending well for those people.

solarflashandthenETs 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was a video on spherebeingalliance youtube channel of an interview of Dr.Michael Salla and a brazilian guy that has made a book with a "super soldier".

These are normal soldiers in an international army. He said that among other things like securing old ET technology , fighting ETs , making security perimeters around ET - human delegations they would go into well known world conflicts like syria, bosnia and fight for both sides.

They have access to a lot of cutting edge technology so this might be an explanation.

by pkvi
solarflashandthenETs 4 points ago +4 / -0

They are continuously trading 100 shares on both the stock since the price started to fall in order to lower the price artificially.

Google nasdaq GME real time trades and see for yourself.

solarflashandthenETs 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is exactly what I thought as well. A confession.

by pkvi
solarflashandthenETs 2 points ago +2 / -0

He looks like the beings from "They Live".

solarflashandthenETs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah exactly. Asking for a source is a legit smart move , it's just that these people have it on their modus operandi to divert as much from the main thing or to cause confusion.

solarflashandthenETs 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are right about asking for a source, taking what people post as truth is stupid , but Syrian is an outspoken shill just like many others are here.

solarflashandthenETs 11 points ago +13 / -2

Here ladies and gentlemen we have a prime example of a shill.The question is , is he paid or does he do it out of stupidity? Probably both , because attacking the fellow man that wants to make the world better by exposing the evil takes a lot of cowardice and stupidity.

Take a look at his comments for his hard work into being a cuckold, because only a cuckold would let deformed souls into human bodies fuck the planet and the people in it.

Just remember , it is not ending good for you and the ones that pay you.

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