shadows_of_the_mind 1 point ago +2 / -1

I mean, it’s 2 people from clotting vs 1 Covid death. I don’t trust the vaccines but this headline is gaslighting people into thinking thousands have died from AstraZeneca vs a few hundred from Covid

by pkvi
shadows_of_the_mind 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you don’t have a home network with physical backups what are you even doing

shadows_of_the_mind 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the few baffling things to me is why…. Why do this? Why kill so many innocent people and to gain what exactly?

shadows_of_the_mind 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess that makes sense, if you control everything you can do anything

shadows_of_the_mind 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sauce please, because my family doesn’t believe in “vaccine damages” and I’d like to show them the UK’s figures

shadows_of_the_mind 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah especially with the FUD being spread about the “variants”. The Covid hysterics will happily shut themselves in for another year all to become angry and resentful, just in time for a new variant to keep the cycle going.

Great Reset? You will own nothing and be happy

shadows_of_the_mind 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe the globalists are gunning for a societal Great Reset, we see it playing out in front of our very eyes. “You will own nothing and be happy for it”. My one question that I still can’t seem to find an answer for is… why?

If depopulation was truly the end goal, and the aim was to achieve a globalist socialist/communist society where the political and social elites own everything, and everyone beneath them is poor, miserable, and own nothing… why? Why do people seek power especially in this fashion? Because once they achieve it, once you own everything, where do you go from there? What does that give you aside from the satisfaction of “I did it, I control the world”? They’d have no national conflicts or wars to wage, nothing to conquer or conquest, no land to battle over, no reason for anything really. Aside from control, top down full societal control. It’s sounds so… simplistic, yet horrifying. There’s no true purpose to it, nothing to achieve after accomplishing it, yet here we are with the elites marching the globalist march. It makes total sense yet at the same time, it doesn’t.

shadows_of_the_mind 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wow. What an incredible read. Thank you for posting this.

I started browsing r/conspiracy before the 2016 election, not necessarily because I believed everything everyone posted, but because the sub had spirited debate and often posed great questions aimed at narratives that were just largely accepted. For some time I even bought into the idea that Trump was a plant. I still voted for him in 16 but the thought was on my mind. However, with the media’s rarely transparent praise when he acted in accordance to the neocons (ie his call to MOAB that base in Syria shortly after being elected) only to do an about-face immediately after and harpoon him on a daily basis did that opinion change.

I truly think Trump was an oddity, and after seeing the plandemic + election coup play out in real time, it makes me wonder if we even have free will in this country, let alone the rest of the world? If Trump truly was an oddity and not a plant, and he wasn’t “meant” to happen in 2016, how long has this actually been the case? How long have the people been largely unable to pick their president? Will a future Trump-like figure be a genuine win for the people, or will he/she be a deep state pick to give us a false sense of free will?

The idea of lack of free will extends beyond politics too. 2016-2020 saw a dramatic paradigm shift, with the tactics becoming more obvious and more public. It scares me to see how few people actually recognize it. If you question the narrative, you get cast out of society. Run against it and they ruin your family, fire you from your job. The true conspiracy theorists, the ones who take a nuanced approach to a question and consider the possibilities of something being a propaganda fueled lie, are lambasted as “neo nazis”, “fascists”, “racists”, other “-ists” and a plethora of other horrible labels that are simply just untrue (for most of us anyway).

There is now one narrative, the Sacred Narrative, and it is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Question it and you die. The left and it’s deep state acolytes have created a digital God to keep people in line. Honestly it makes me wonder if the damage can ever be undone? The brigading, the disinfo, the make-everything-into-a-conspiracy-so-nothing-is-a-conspiracy movement… all of it? With technology so pervasive and social media at the bedrock of modern life, where do we even begin? Big tech can oust the sitting US President, the most powerful person in the world… supposedly. If it can happen to a world leader, and they face no consequences, this even a fight that can be won?