rubmewithbeer 11 points ago +11 / -0

I never really trusted Pence, there has been little signs here and there that I kind of picked up on.

For one I've never seen him really embrace the "maga movement" like others, I've never seen him wear a maga hat. Even as political as he is you would still think he would do that. He's done rallys but, I just don't buy it.

He's always wearing a mask it seems(a swamp creature push). He was/is the head of the corona virus task force but doesn't seem to get blamed for anything as much as Trump does from the media. We know the media is dishonest and does what's best for their agenda. I don't really watch MSM or SM so I could be wrong as well.

Proudly got the vaccine on TV which seems strange, because it seems all the swamp creatures are virtue signalling with that.

But again he's a politician and I don't really trust politicians

As for Lin, I think he is just high energy and probably should not say stuff like that with out back up, but who do people say that about too? President Trump..

Lin acts more like a patriot then a politician, just like Flynn. Rudy, and Powell

rubmewithbeer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not saying you're wrong it could be her, but why wouldn't she be the one to talk?

rubmewithbeer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes I would say this is super plausible

rubmewithbeer 4 points ago +5 / -1

Well if you consider all the deaths they added with comorbidity It would most likely line up with flu like numbers

rubmewithbeer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know what you mean about pushing the vaccine, I honestly believe he hasn't pushed as much as someone else in his position would have.

That being said, he still needs public perception that he's doing good and doing the right thing to still have support to win the election, because he wouldn't if he wasn't populace like he is. I think normies especially boomers are not in the know.

If he was deep state and a puppet then they must have something massive hanging over his head because why would he have left his life before to become President?

For him wearing the mask, it was for public perception before the election. Big tech was censoring anything about good progress towards towards being normal again..anyone remember white coat summit? If it wasn't election year it would have just blown over, even MSM hates these lock downs but they have to play along.

It doesn't add up in my head that he would be deep state, but I'm still upset with the vaccine push and the lockdown/mask garbage

rubmewithbeer 9 points ago +10 / -1

Yeah I don't blame you that's why we came over here

rubmewithbeer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you have a job? and if so are you the boss?

Do you have debt? if so can you quit your job and be fine?

Are you afraid to stand up for yourself in your job or too afraid of getting in trouble?

If that is true you're a slave to debt and the debtors are your masters.

You are the one in the matrix mind controlled.

As far as the Christianity part, you are partially correct. A lot of influence in Christian Culture directly relates to the established world but you have to dig deeper then just Christianity if we are talking about mind control.

rubmewithbeer 3 points ago +3 / -0

When I used to browse reddit there was always people shitting on anti-vaxxers I wonder if that was to help brain wash them for this now..

rubmewithbeer 4 points ago +4 / -0

"He doesn't have symptoms but he's still sick and will spread disease"

rubmewithbeer 8 points ago +8 / -0

What kind of injections? Just curious because I think a nurse would some what be prepared for it.