On the contrary, the Society of Jesus serves Jesus. Ritualized child abuse goes back to Abraham (though the exoteric Genesis does not describe the effect the pretended sacrifice was supposed to have upon Isaac, anyone who has studied the Illuminati method for creating undetectable mind-controlled slaves knows what was going on; the barbaric practice of circumcision has a similar intent, splitting the mind through extreme sexual trauma as early as possible). Jesus himself was arrested in the middle of the night in the company of a naked boy (found in the Gospel of Mark, the earliest gospel, but redacted by the other writers from their accounts).
Blavatsky served the Mahatmas, the Secret Chiefs, not any Abrahamic entity of evil. Take the time to read her work and you'll find her morals of the highest nature. She was the editor of a periodical entitled "Lucifer" but that title was chosen for extremely complex and nuanced reasons, as discussed at great length at the beginning of the first issue:
Incorrect. Firstly, these two characters, though syncretized by worshippers of evil spirits, have almost nothing in common; while the Abrahamic character of the former name is said to have fallen (unlike the original Roman deity of the light reflected from the planet Venus in the morning, whose name they stole to infect the Western imagination with evil), the latter was chained up and tortured (until freed by Hercules). Secondly they did not experience amnesia.
Instead, all these films are an allegory about You. You fell, You experience amnesia, You once had awesome powers. You preceded this matter-energy-space-time construct, and will continue to exist after its collapse.