playgoyy -1 points ago +1 / -2

jews gonna jew

playgoyy 1 point ago +5 / -4

humans are herd animals who will do whatever around them do...the jews spend endless resources determining the best ways to exploit this human instinct

playgoyy -2 points ago +1 / -3

Trump pimped out his daughter to jewish billionaires on Epstein Island, check the flight logs

playgoyy 1 point ago +4 / -3

ukraine isn't run by nazis, only ashkeNazis

playgoyy -3 points ago +2 / -5

a jew talking about 2 jews calling each other nazis? why the fuck would anyone listen to jimmy dore?

playgoyy -1 points ago +2 / -3

lol zelensky is jewish

playgoyy -1 points ago +2 / -3

nonsense. these jews work together. All Hollywood movies go by their guidelines

playgoyy -1 points ago +1 / -2

just checked the transcript. it has the muh poor jews/evil nazis of the holohoax dialogue. load of shite

playgoyy 0 points ago +2 / -2

zelensky is jewish, so is putin

playgoyy -2 points ago +1 / -3

ur not redpilled :)

playgoyy 0 points ago +2 / -2

ashkenazi shows up on dna test, they are adament its a race, they hate europeans and only identify as white when spreading white guilt

playgoyy -1 points ago +1 / -2

Oliver Stone is against globalism? fuck outta hea... "What Stone doesn't say or know is that the new world order secetly rules the USA" thats the problem, they tell a lot of truth but pretend to be clueless and u give them benefit of the doubt. they have jews pretend to be against other jews. controlled opposition. NO GOOD JEWS!

playgoyy 1 point ago +5 / -4

get off the meds

playgoyy 1 point ago +4 / -3

putin is a jew, so is zelensky, 2 jews calling each other nazis, same as always

playgoyy 1 point ago +5 / -4

u must not be redpilled yet

playgoyy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Smith Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 allows media to legally make up stories using crisis actors and lie to us. Sandy Hook happened right after this, then boston bombing, and so on.

playgoyy 0 points ago +1 / -1

it was over a year ago last time i had seen him on youtube lol, u really expect me to go digging through old livestreams looking for when he said he was jewish? ur retarded

playgoyy 0 points ago +1 / -1

i just asked him, hopefully he answers. you can at least admit he sounds like a flaming faggot

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