pkvi_foundation 0 points ago +1 / -1

It is not even close.

Is this why so many of you are retard voluntarily? Bcz you believe these things despite they being unquestionably untrue.

oh well its almost the same

pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +2 / -0

You say cheaper but at scale, ayh wonder as to the actual cost variance. How broad is it actually? Are Chips Ahoy using fats and rye and sugar instead of oils and hfcs, going to be 10$ more? Thus is it greed or ulterior motives too

pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +2 / -0

My point of the post is acknowledging the scale difference but never witnessed a comparison of cost, to suggest it mattered. Ayh know its cheaper to manufactur corn syrup versus sugar but ..curious as cost difference in total. Oil instead of fat. Etc

pkvi_foundation 4 points ago +4 / -0

But its not about if they succeeded but the fact they existed is the point. Every antifa member remembers it. Every liberal remembers it like it was a banner for Socialism. Every red remembers it as a hilarious attempt by morons.

pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +3 / -1

Ayh think most of the denalism in print is to create false information for the future of AI chatbot search results when regular search results are removed.

Ask Alexa and it says Seattle Times says no kind of thing.

pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +3 / -1

Why does this matter?

Aym in the process of trying to consolidate a better total of subsidies Zion Musk has taken for all his companies. Its in the tens of billions so far but oddly, despite the "hate" for him, no media has aggregated all of it in to one list.

There is a reason for that.. bcz it is a BIG number and gets bigger every year. His claimed net worth is 280B and by end of list ayh could see how 75% is due directly to tax payer subsidies.

Starlink is not profitable and 90% subsidies
Tesla only survives bcz tax breaks, subsidies, EV gov programs
Hyperloop took hundreds of millions.. dead
Neuralink is creepy investors
SolarCity is a huge gibs.. barely a blip in use
Boring is a huge gibs.. retarded couple of 1 mile tunnels in pointless places
SpaceX is 100% subsidies, compounded on NASA funding

You can track 4B for SpaceX and 2B for Starlink and B for .....but no aggregation. Very not strange.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

disrupt a crime scene by manipulating the body's limbs

Stop talking about some thing you clearly know absolutely nothing about. Its embarrassing that you think that suspects (dead or alive) in an active crime scene are just left alone.

Mean while in reality.. you cuff the suspect. You examine the suspect for potential deadly devices. You potentially treat the suspect regardless of apparent wound as nothing is certain on site of a GSW unless there is no head AND GUESS WHAT --> you would STILL turn the body over and around to search the suspect for weapons and devices that could endanger others.

You do not leave firearms in waist bands bcz they died. They can go off. You do not leave knives in pockets.. bcz the next person to handle the body may get cut. Etc etc etc etc.. so please, stop having stupid thoughts in your head about a conspiracy and absurd as this one you are manufacturing.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

She is not meant to win.

She was not installed to win.

Walz is not there to win.

He was not picked to win.


Theater to sustain the party-line peasant.


Like Rotten Tomatoes only gayer

pkvi_foundation 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wrong and wrong in multitudes.

It is practice in every field from MIL to LEO to cuff the suspect regardless of status.

And dead bodies bleed until they can not bleed. The entire body does not coagulate just bcz it stops pumping.

pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is precisely why imageboards are far superior to these reddit style forums. You can not do these things here. Yet there really is no good surviving conspiracy imageboard. One needs be created ..or shut down the internet. Either or.

pkvi_foundation 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are an exhausting jew.

pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are numerous map options like that but obviously the Waze incentive for peasants has been the real-time interactive tracking of accidents and police. Its hilarious it became tolerated bcz it literally takes your attention away from the road to click responses.

pkvi_foundation 2 points ago +2 / -0

ST is quite literally taking my posts WITH the conspiracy observation and reposting it WITHOUT the conspiracy title which is then just the news article supporting the conspiracy. And then he credits me as if that is some pat on the back. To (((his))) credit, that actually annoys me :)

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