That is a fair assessment but --> would you like to see his name on Epstein's list, and his 70's and 80's history of being a typical sleazy Kennedy?
Don't be fooled by TPTB only trying to tamp down one of their own. Its like a rapist trying to convince a pedophile to only attack adults bcz its more tolerable.
THAT is an excellent point. If we hear him mention it sooner or later, the fact ID has been a hot election topic, election integrity would be a huge grab for right wing.
Makes me reflect on his, "you will never have to vote again" line recently. Perhaps a subtle nod to digitizing voting from your eID phone.
Ayh only know of one of them, the puppet nerd, and he definitely had a brain tumor all of a sudden. He will be dead soon, it recurred and is worse.
Ayh believe she will be nom -- there will be no debate -- bcz they told her she will lose and they agreed not to humiliate her any more than is the case -- just shut up and take your pay day next year for puppet services rendered.
In reality, 57% of COVID-19 patients on ventilators in the study developed VAP and a quarter of other ventilated pneumonia patients did. Around half of all patients with VAP died, which was “not significantly different” from the death rate in patients on ventilators who didn’t have VAP, according to the study.
Policy change was what happened and it was much discussed during the hoax. Ventilation policy pre hoax was only for when respiratory failure occurred due to respiratory collapse -- not for congestion due to infection. This policy changed for CoHoax and effectively suffocated patients bcz when you ventilate, the patient can not exhume the immunoglobulin (mucus), they choke to death.
Trump picks Barr
MAGA see Trump loves Barr
MAGA loves Barr
Barr betrays MAGA
MAGA hates Barr
Trump sees MAGA hates Barr
Trump hates Barr
You could put more than a dozen names in there to replace Barr like McCarthy, McConnell, Coney Barrett, Gottleib, and on and on.. and it stays the exact same pattern.
..or Canadian
Cry harder that more people in the world spell "I" differently than you
you're wrong
you're right but my reaction is still right
You people are broken and not worth saving.
We used to often make fun of being the messiah of some thing.. but now if the joke is made, and especially not in the context of maliciousness, it must be sabotaging Christianity -- which is the pussiest of all religions right now any ways.
What are you defending? Jesus is a pussy. Your religion deserves to be mocked.
That is one of the biggest impediments to victory -- that Christians are intrinsically unwilling to turn on Christians who have betrayed them bcz they do not know where the threshold of Christianity is any more.
Christians need their own cleansing if they want to survive the future.
Greene and Blumenstein are absolute hacks. They are friends of Neil Tyson and that is all the metrics you need to know they have no clue what they are talking about save for what they read in magazines.
Blockchain does not exist.
It is a mathematical illusion given to suit a narrative of coding that is neither new or innovative or secure. The problem with every thing today in every aspect of technology is software engineers are creating the 2D illusion of the future when the mechanical world has not changed.
There are limitations to digital information.
Blockchain does not exist.
technology could not be good or evil
Technology is the simplification of things. By its very existence we then have means to ease the suffering of labor, that which cultivates wisdom, experience, and earnest values.
Just by it existing it poisons the minds of those who "use" it.
And blockchain does not exist. It is a larp no different than when a new framework is released or new code, so as to call it innovative, but it is really just a different sequence of events to arrive at the same destination.
You are likely more interested in mathematics than mechanical and the thing you need to humble yourself to is that mathematics can be spun to suit any variable of definitions -- but every thing in the material world only fits in to a set boundary.
Blockchain is a lie mathematicians told the world to create the illusion of security while in reality it is just another layer of the same sandwich made by the people who own the restaurant.
don't shit on my cupcake and call it icing
Technology makes weak men.
Remember, the sell is always about to "save us"
Here it is from fraud for some reason bcz car titles are being scammed regularly where then LEO can't tell when they run it thru computers? Or people are printing them and showing insurance to register some one elses?
No.. this is about digitizing you and getting paid quicker by digital transfers
There is almost certainly a group email laying around in some inbox, who forgot to delete it or its self destruct failed, to editors and producers, demanding they NEVER use the term "inoculation".
Ayh feel sorry for you having watched that. He is such a bombastic buffoon. No normal MAGA person would actually enjoy being around him for a few hours. The "have a beer with him" notion would lose all his followers if they did.
How about you just skip past or just look at the image and gleam the information yourself? Why am ayh obligated to entertain you? Ayh am in no way forcing you to do any thing -- so the question is what is forcing you to entertain me?
They are monologues. You can not be upset where there is a 300 character limit. If you want short titles, complain to Scored.
Ayh know for a fact one person who died from ventilation and it red pilled a friend who was the niece of the person. Ayh followed the case bcz ayh had access and ayh warned them to question procedure if suggested. They did not listen and she died a week later. It seems like common sense and yet ~(o.o)~ people refuse bcz "trust the science" despite also showing them medical error contributed to #3 COD