pkvi_apostate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was to me. Ayh live 5,000 miles away from the UK and only know of the top jewish cuck of the moment.

pkvi_apostate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry but ayh do not have a rollodex of all the 6 million jews on mental file whom have infiltrated every governments of the world. Ayh can barely keep track in America and rely on chans to post infographics every few years of collages with stars

pkvi_apostate 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ayh believe they ritualistically put people like him thru the paces of humiliation ie always having to be on television giving moronic interviews and looking like a fool and serving as scapegoat for plots, to prove he can take it, before they accept him in the club to a higher position as the elders die off. Stonecutters.

pkvi_apostate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your martyrdom noted.

Jesus christ you are pathetic.

Here is you -->

clicks forum that requires reading

can't read this one

should ayh skip it. no ayh shd express that its too much for me. that will show him.

i tried reading the title. word salad

look at all my accomplishments


pkvi_apostate 2 points ago +2 / -0

That would make for a fascinating list -- every country and cultures' false flag "legend". What is the top psyop for say Russia or Sweden or South Africa... the list of "here be dragons"

For reference, they used to write "here be dragons" on maps to prevent people from exploring areas


pkvi_apostate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Natives who otherwise persisted for millennias without it until the modern world polluted it with modern technology and modern ideas. Are you truly this dense to only see your self as savior? And you then accuse me of ego.

pkvi_apostate 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why are you so small so as to be triggered on the internet where there is a congregation of gibberish. Stay offline if you can not handle challenging your senses.

What is more embarrassing for you is being offended by what, "treatccine" which clearly is mockery of how they changed the definition of vaccine to become to mean "treatment". You ate not equipped to handle the modern world. Consider kys

pkvi_apostate 1 point ago +1 / -0

indigenous people

You mean the ones with multi billion dollar casinos that serve their own communities and still those people self sabotage. Are you some dumb cuck that thinks internet is a human right?

indigenous people

Gayest thing ayh have heard all week.

pkvi_apostate 0 points ago +1 / -1

So in your mind either you are pro-China anti-US or believe China is conspiring against us pro-US? There is no third option?

Appropriate your user name is "mindless rationality"

pkvi_apostate 0 points ago +2 / -2

Boogeyman China

Did you check under your bed for China last night?

pkvi_apostate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ayh do prescribe to what Carlin simplified, they all come the same places and thus all have the same vested interests -- but every grouping has a hierarchy.. and no one on the stage has appeared as total authority. Closest was finger poking Rothschild.. who is dead now, so...

pkvi_apostate 7 points ago +11 / -4

So what?

The issue is not if Israel wants to conquer its neighbors bcz AYH DO NOT CARE -- the issue is that the Israel Empire has infiltrated other countries who serve as vassal states.

Let Israel attack who ever -- then let Arab nations retaliate -- frankly ayh support genocide ...but domestically. We shd have such policies.

pkvi_apostate 0 points ago +1 / -1

activists do some thing

"How dare they react while we watch nationalism die and meme."

Fuck off with this complaining about activists -- at least they do some thing. Ayh hope they sabotage every sport and art and festival and more.

pkvi_apostate 2 points ago +4 / -2

Too small of thinking -- Republicans wanted the same thing too. They are not different parties -- they both want to keep programming peasants to be non-resistant to the system. To fear it.

Saying "democrats want" is just being a member of this process.

pkvi_apostate 4 points ago +4 / -0

Remember all the heroics immediately in the beginning? Island defense to the last man. The ace pilot. All lies in the end. Sadly it worked on western morons.

pkvi_apostate 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many such cases during the beginning of accidentally showing their own bombs. Was caught on the chans several times.

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