nicknightingale -2 points ago +1 / -3

Now show me that Jews don't use plus signs.

nicknightingale -1 points ago +2 / -3

Anyone who posts phrases like "limp wristed faggots" should be required to post a picture of themselves so we can see how masculine they are.

nicknightingale -1 points ago +1 / -2

Thanks for confirming your Asperger's.

nicknightingale -1 points ago +1 / -2

You can't refute a single thing I said in this thread. Cope and seethe as your pathetic worldview is shattered.

nicknightingale -1 points ago +1 / -2

There are laws about that even now, you fucking retard. You probably wish there weren't.

nicknightingale 0 points ago +1 / -1

Pray tell, what symbol do "kikes" use when they add things in math?

nicknightingale 0 points ago +2 / -2

"You're a paid shill" is the last thing a retard says when he has absolutely no discursive room to maneuver. Either come with something substantial or go back to the kids table.

nicknightingale 0 points ago +2 / -2

This passage legally prohibits people from fucking animals and children. Is that something you have a problem with? Very revealing.

nicknightingale -2 points ago +1 / -3

Not going to bother going through this block of idiocy, but I'll get you started on your journey of enlightenment by easily refuting the first one.

You (and many, many other retards just like you) like to claim that Aboda Sarah 37a claims that “a Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.” This is obviously absurd, no religion's holy book or legal text would ever suggest something like this.

The Talmud gets into lots of discussion in order to whittle down the law to the most basic precepts, at times they do this with extreme examples in order to discuss the technicality of how the law works. In this passage, the rabbis are discussing sin and "ritual impurity." They are saying that while it is physically possible for a girl to have intercourse (i.e. be raped) at 3-years old, this physical possibility is disconnected from her intellectual and emotional capacity to understand what sex is. Therefore, if she is raped/abused then she should not be held accountable for "ritual impurity" because she is unaware of the sin of the act.

As I said, I'm not going to comb through the rest of your post but from a cursory glance I can see that it's just a deluge of bullshit lies similar to the one I just dissected.

nicknightingale -2 points ago +1 / -3

Again, you're moving goalposts around as a way of obfuscating the fact that you're saying next to nothing. I couldn't possibly be less emotional -- in fact, I find this amusing. I'm not Israeli and our conversation has nothing to do with Palestinians.

The Talmud is probably one of the most lied about texts in the world -- the fact that you're linking to Stormfront for your "truth" gives your entire agenda away. You simply have no idea what you're talking about.

And even if I put the truth right in front of your face, you'd refuse to accept it because your entire worldview is predicated upon your crazed and myopic bias.

nicknightingale -4 points ago +1 / -5

You're too stupid to attempt to condescend to me about this, my man. I know much more about this than you do.

You're already moving the goalposts because you, predictably, have nothing. The passage you just quoted --while obviously having nothing to do with women being "whores"-- concerns superstitions and witchcraft. It's not even properly quoted. It's certainly not about female sexual amorality, as anyone who reads it can plainly see.

The links you posted are filled with the same lies that people like you have posted a hundred million times. Easily discredited, easily disproven. It's not even worth my time to go through it because you wouldn't believe me anyway.

nicknightingale -4 points ago +3 / -7

Get your Q shit out of here. It's over, it's been over. it was never real. Seek help.

nicknightingale -1 points ago +3 / -4

On the contrary, it's you who doesn't know the Talmud. If you can show me where women are referred to as whores and how that can be ascribed to Jewish matrilineal designation, I'm all ears. You won't be able to.

Either way, you can spare me the self-promotion. You're obviously quite proud of your threads, but I've seen them before and they're filled with nothing more than superstitious horseshit. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Your Christian supremacist dogma holds absolutely zero interest to me or any other thinking person. Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism are older than Judaism and Christianity combined. To ascribe their popularity to some sort of nefarious Jewish scheme is an insult to the depth and beauty of those philosophies and --like everything else you post-- highlights your raging stupidity.

nicknightingale -2 points ago +4 / -6

Again, you illiterate retard: no one is denying that Judaism is matrilineal. Your stated reason for this is what I called bullshit on. Women are not considered whores in Judaism or Talmudic texts. This is something you invented.

And if you think that Eastern philosophy poses some sort of "threat" to Christianity, you're even more ignorant than I thought. Read a book. Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism are older than Christianity and don't negate the teachings of Christ whatsoever.

nicknightingale -8 points ago +2 / -10

Is there a bigger retard on this forum who is more obsessed with Jews than you? It's fierce competition, but you might really win the gold medal.

"Lucas was born and raised in a Methodist family. The religious and mythical themes in Star Wars were inspired by Lucas's interest in the writings of mythologist Joseph Campbell and he would eventually come to identify strongly with the Eastern religious philosophies he studied and incorporated into his films, which were a major inspiration for "the Force". Lucas has come to state that his religion is "Buddhist Methodist"."

As for your "Talmudic" explanation for Jewish matrilineal descent, that is complete fiction. You either made it up or copied it from someone else who made it up.

nicknightingale -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nah, these are clearly not the same people and relegating their opinions to merely being the products of "shill farms" ignores the fact that the "conspiracy community" is filled with people who organically harbor these views. I do agree, however, that you'll never get a good faith argument out of them.

nicknightingale -3 points ago +1 / -4

Your schizo brain is so fried that you're permanently locked into this reactionary, low-IQ, false binary perception of reality -- evidenced by your inability to engage with me without talking about vaccines (never took one), "goyslop" (don't eat junk food), masks (never wore one), etc. and that cute and extremely revealing philosophical failure of repeatedly asking people which "side" they're on.

You have no idea what you're talking about -- just impotently punching at shadows in your libtard-obsessed boomer brain.

nicknightingale -3 points ago +1 / -4

I would say that Bernie Sanders is more emblematic of that than Liz Warren, but yeah.

nicknightingale -1 points ago +1 / -2

Sorry clown, I can't take you seriously. Your echo chamber has rendered you certifiably retarded.

nicknightingale -2 points ago +2 / -4

Nah, you can’t have it both ways, it’s intellectually dishonest (which most of the bullshit you post is). I know this’ll be hard for you to believe, but there are machinations at play in this world that aren’t oriented around Judaism.

nicknightingale -3 points ago +1 / -4

The intricacies of “ownership” can be endlessly debated. But in any case, the CEO of Fox is not Jewish, the CEO of CNN is not Jewish, the CEO of CBS is Jewish, the CEO of ABC is not Jewish, etc.

“The truth” is malleable.

nicknightingale -1 points ago +2 / -3

He employs ”anti-establishment” rhetoric for one reason and one reason only: it’s good for business. It does nothing but rile up low-IQ conservative boomers, it creates zero material change in the world.

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