netscooby 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not one of those downvote happy people and believe in civil discourse.

I think there were a lot of people that stayed home, which is why hospitals were so empty last year. However, numbers dropped significantly, so many people started going back, and we didn't have this problem. Once numbers picked up again, I suppose we had some of that, but the hospitals were much more available this time. I can't imagine how now, all of a sudden the hospitals are getting overwhelmed with non-covid patients as many of them are coming back. If they are scared as you say, then why now everyone together with the numbers (while decreasing) still elevated?

Due to weakened immune systems, many think that things like this will be an expected part of the vaccines. Time will tell. I just think if it was as simple as people waiting, and the press doing everything they can to steer away from anything negative on the vaccines, they would have been vocal that it isn't related and this is just a backlog.

netscooby 6 points ago +7 / -1

Sounds like you could use some Jesus ;-)

Most people don't want to die. But, if you understand and accept there is a bigger purpose and a better place ahead, your fear of dying should be less.

netscooby 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe if that was all there was to it, the article certainly would have pointed that out.

netscooby 4 points ago +4 / -0

The irony, or poetic justice if you will, is this is what they said would happen to the covidiots for not getting vaxxed.

To be honest, I hope it is not nearly as dire as some project from the weakened immune systems. We are less than a year in, so time will tell. But, it certainly is looking like ADE will become at least somewhat of an issue.

netscooby 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry, just seeing this. I hope I haven't missed the opportunity to help. I'm fortunate to not have to worry about this, but if I did, I think I'd personally keep it simple. The more info you give, the more they have to try to shoot you down.

The general arguments are that no religious leaders are bulk sanctioning the religious arguments. However, faiths do recognize your personal relationship with God and that you can receive instruction from God.

I personally prayed on this and had not received my peace about receiving vaccination. That is when I started my research into it. So, I would focus on my personal relationship with God, my interaction and state that I believe God is instructing me not to be vaccinated. Keep it simple. Hope that helps.

netscooby 9 points ago +9 / -0

Just assuming this is accurate, I'd caveat it with "known" deaths. Those that have immediate impact, perhaps in the first 48 hours could be counted. However, that person that suffers a stroke a month later (like a friend of mine), for example, would never make the statistics. This goes way beyond a bad few batches.

by pkvi
netscooby 8 points ago +8 / -0

I dunno. How about we all start flagging the "safe and effective" videos as misinformation? Perhaps the vaccine mandate ones go as racist too because it affects people of color disproportionately.