by pkvi
nankingRoastie 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was a great book, they made an english movie about it called weekend at bernies.

by pkvi
nankingRoastie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah but, "not beina murderer/terrorist" is a high priority for most people. Anti-killing has been made a top of the pyramid "virtue" for people in society, and that was pushed by the powers in charge, so that no more french revolutions would occur.

by pkvi
nankingRoastie 5 points ago +6 / -1

People through U.S. history picked up guns for far less. It has been the externalization of violence into foreign lands that controlled the male population, churned up lots of the alpha males who would react violently to insults and state tyranny, among other things, and damaged the fertility of all those brave men who'd go to war, while giving tax cuts to college educated simps who passed on beta traits.

On top of that they've driven psychological operations hard regarding "the state is the only entity with the moral authority to commit violence", and done tons and tons of Psyop work to convince people that violence is totally wrong, and yet that if violence from the oppressedhappens, its not their fault and we should soft hands them, but if you defend yourself, you're inherently immoral for having harmed another being, and we'll put you on a show trial and try to destroy your life.

Think about what they've been doing for 100 years to cut teh balls off men in general.

Btw. All imprisonment isa form of eugenics, because it takes those with the capacity for violence out of the gene pool. Usually, with a 2 parent household, they'd be molded to use their aggression for business or sports, but they turn to cirminality and end up losing that genetic "signal".

All of which serves the staet well enough. Don't want any population to give it competition to its power.

by mrfoos2
nankingRoastie 1 point ago +1 / -0

the entire point of the covid vax was to kill of whites. they're the most likely to take it.

nankingRoastie 2 points ago +8 / -6

Of course the mice died! Mice in these studies only live about 100 days and then they're usually killed before that for dissection and study!

This is a big nothing burger nothing to see here people! Also the democrats love you all. Your children will be happy in camps that will help them learn how to be people better!