meme_kat 3 points ago +3 / -0

User has since been suspended by Twitter for wrongthink


meme_kat 1 point ago +1 / -0


This hits pretty close to home.

Babylon Bee and several of their employees had their Twitter account locked for making a satire post on Rachel Levine.

It isn't just Twitter, but Reddit that is pushing this as well.

You can't even make a satire post.

Perm banned from r/conspiracy on Reddit last week for simply raising the question of if CIS women feel disenfranchised when biological males identifying as transgender women are permitted in women's award competitions. This was in response to Rachel Levine being named on of USA Today's 'Women of the Year'.

I was actually looking for high quality discussion. Was very surprised by the reaction and the resulting private discussion which turned into doublespeak, blame shifting, and gaslighting.

Warning for anyone that posts there, the mods prefer to run private blacklists for wrongthink rather than be open about blacklisted topics.

You can't even satisfy mod ideologues when you say I disagree that is 'hate speech', but I'll agree not to say it to make you happy.

Copy of the conversation here.


meme_kat 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't think they'll ban for that one.

I originally posted this to r/conspiracy last week literally minutes before being perm banned for posting something else.


Because I was banned wasn't able to post a submission statement within the 20 min required, so it was removed

meme_kat 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was another account ASBmil on twitter that got suspended and it looks like they decided to stop reporting on Ukraine.

They moved over to telegram and gettr

That's where ukrainemaps and intelslava were getting their videos until they shutdown


ASB Military News
In light of recent developments in the information-sharing community/OSINT & news— the team has decided to end our coverage of the Ukraine-Russia war. It’s too risky for some members of our team who reside in countries where authorities don’t tolerate people providing alternative coverage to the mainstream narrative and they refuse to take that risk. We hope you guys find good coverage elsewhere. We will continue to cover the Middle East as normal.

Some of the remaining accounts do always load public preview on telegram. You might have to refresh several times.


ASB Military News
Alternative channels where you can find accurate coverage:
https://t.me/s/intelslava <— in english, very reliable

meme_kat 4 points ago +4 / -0

More than 100 students at Yale Law School attempted to shout down a bipartisan panel on civil liberties, intimidating attendees and causing so much chaos that police were eventually called to escort panelists out of the building.

The March 10 panel, which was hosted by the Yale Federalist Society, featured Monica Miller of the progressive American Humanist Association and Kristen Waggoner of the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a conservative nonprofit that promotes religious liberty. Both groups had taken the same side in a 2021 Supreme Court case involving legal remedies for First Amendment violations. The purpose of the panel, a member of the Federalist Society said, was to illustrate that a liberal atheist and a conservative Christian could find common ground on free speech issues.

Eyewitness report:

Untouched video:

Free Beacon:

Fox News:


meme_kat 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think this was posted already


Live monitoring and recording system shows how Ukrainian MLRS uses a shopping centre as shelter to reload missiles

Drone footage showed a multiple launch rocket system would fire off rockets from an empty field, then travel a short distance to a shopping mall to reload. Presumably the ordinance was being stored in a civilian target to prevent Russia from hitting it with a strike.

Russia hit the target anyway.

Similar use of Residential and civilian facilities for military purpose been happening a lot by Ukranian forces looking to use these facilities as human shields.

The theater in Mauripol is another good example. Azov Battalion were reported to have held a large amount of civilians under gunpoint in the theater while using the basement as their base of operations and HQ.

meme_kat 6 points ago +6 / -0

There was another mod that was pushed out before u/axolotl_peyotl

This was between 2016-2020 around the time that Reddit Admin were trying to purge the_donald.

I think it was u/JamesColesPardon ?

He was openly being attacked and targeted by TMOR and other shills even in r/conspiracy.

When that mod got purged I remember saying to myself it's only a matter of time before they come for u/axolotl_peyotl and other independent non-conforming mods who don't tow the line.

What's interesting is once axolotl_peyotl and JamesColesPardon were gone the individual targeting of mods in comments in r/conspiracy seemed to die down and disappear.

I don't think that's a coincidence at all and might signify at that point the sub 100% became controlled by alt accounts of Admin, SPLC, and TMOR. The public modlog is now offline, make of that what you will.

There were a few other points in the history of the sub where there was a shakeup of mods, it's all rather fuzzy at this point with how much time has passed.

meme_kat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Play by our rules! What are the rules? We can't tell you, play by our rules!

If you read the full pm chain it's pretty easy to see the constant evasion and gaslighting by the head mod who wanted me to acknowledge a TOS violation without actually specifying what the mod decided was in violation. This was to prevent discussion of the ban decision.

There are two objectives when banning users

  • prevent or suppress discussion of topics (Overton Window)
  • remove unwanted users

He/she kept dancing around the primary question "what exactly was infringing" and was using doublespeak going so far as to claim I was unwilling to compromise when I repeatedly stated I was.

When asked "what in the submission or submission statement is a TOS violation"

The mod would ignore the question or repeatedly claimed they do not not determine TOS violations, yet...

  • I was not sanctioned or contacted by any Admin
  • A mod made a selective judgment on the submission and submission statement
  • A mod removed the thread and perm banned my account

Knowing this course of action a mod should have been able to state when first asked what exactly in the submission or comment that caused them to hit the ban button.

I further asked for a list of banned topics so I would not violate their rules. I also listed what some might perceive as controversial topics and asked if they were permitted to prevent any future misunderstanding.

MOD Response: paraphrased (stated/unstated)

  • you will not compromise
  • we are ignoring your questions
  • we can't tell you banned topics but agree you violated our interpretation of ambiguous TOS and agree to our hidden rules.

Suggesting that banned topics be listed publicly is again too much to ask because letting your users know what is off limits is apparently 'threatening the sub'. The thought process and responses I was receiving were evasive and total nonsense.

How exactly can a mod expect a user to agree not to post content or comments that infringes upon 'their rules' when they are not open about what topics are taboo?

They were not willing to communicate banned topics.

Toward the end of this discussion after muting, a mod slipped and gave one honest reply in a single sentence.

The mods (and possibly admin) interpret any submission or comment stating or implying that a 'biological male is a transgender woman' to be a TOS violation.

Saying or implying that a 'biological male is a transgender woman' is a scientific fact per human biology and not hate speech, misinformation, or disinformation. It's indisputable . Men have XY genetic chromosome pairings in their DNA as well as certain physical characteristics.

I said while I disagree that saying this is a TOS violation I repeatedly stated I was willing to compromise and not state a 'biological male is a transgender woman' in r/conspiracy to prevent any harm to the sub and prevent future misunderstandings or bans.

That should have been the end of it with the mod overturning the ban.

But that is not good enough, because one or more mods over there apparently prefer to cancel people for wrongthink who might share different opinions on topics on a personal level, despite communicating they are willing to play by rules that are open and publicly stated.

The mod team over there prefers running private blacklists for wrongthink and perm banning users for violating private rules.

Do you start to see the issue here?

meme_kat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for taking time to write out a detailed response and I agree with a lot of your post.

There are various motives for modding and not everyone is a paid public relations consultant, marketing consultant, political operative, government employee, SEO, or power tripping sociopath looking out for their own interests or interests of their clients and allies.

There are in fact volunteers that have altruistic motives in online discussion forums, but those people largely are being pushed out by the former group. Moderation can be a thankless job for those that have good intentions. Not many recognize that.

What I generally don't appreciate are people that frequently gaslight, lie, project, dodge, shift blame, and are generally evasive while abusing their position of authority that insult my intelligence.

Most mods do not apologize even when they make mistakes. A lot of narcissists are drawn to positions of power and crave it.

meme_kat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Long ago in many technical chat areas and professional forums they would ban politics and religion to prevent arguments.

There is nothing wrong with banning topics in a sub as long as you are open, honest, and public about it while being clear enough that there is no misunderstanding of what is banned discussion.

This permits users to avoid discussion of topics without the risk of facing a ban

What I have a problem with is mods not being open about banned topics, running a private blacklist for wrongthink, permanently banning users without warning then claiming they can't tell you specifically what is the violation. The injury is the ban, the insult is not being honest enough to tell you exactly what the violation was.

meme_kat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Video is slightly out of sync, but it's a better resolution than the others available.

meme_kat 2 points ago +2 / -0

not possible to tell because the public modlog is not working.

It probably hasn't been working since u/axolotl_peyotl/ was banished for wrongthink.

I updated the main self.text.

I'm guessing he is familiar with this


meme_kat 5 points ago +5 / -0

I actually had continued pm with the 'mods' over there which was likely just one head mod engaging in theater. Maybe I'll update the screenshot

Whomever is in charge over there appears to be compromised and probably controls the mod team. That's my take at least.

I have never seen such gaslighting and evasion over and over and over again. I was honest in my interaction, but not whomever was responding.

The mod claimed I violated TOS but would not state what was wrong with the submission or submission statement and repeatedly claimed I was trying to get the sub banned for simply asking what exactly was wrong in the submission or submission statement to justify the perm ban.

Asking for clarification results in more evasion, doublespeak, blame shifting and even more gaslighting.

Apparently the mods over there now operate on running private blacklists and banning for wrongthink. Any suggestion that the mods should ban topics publicly to allow users to post within open rules apparently makes you the equivalent of a TMOR shill that wants the sub to be banned.

It's completely backwards nonsense and suggests that mod team has been compromised.

The mod muted me for 28 days then finally implied that saying "biological male is a transgender woman" equals a TOS violation. By the mod replying it unintentionally lifted the 28 day mute.

I replied previously saying I was willing to post within a sandbox if I knew what were blacklisted topics to prevent any future misunderstanding.

With clarification I stated that while I disagree on human biology and scientific principle that it is a TOS violation, I can respect the mod request not to state "biological male is a transgender woman" if it prevents harm to the sub and to prevent any future misunderstanding

I then asked if discussion on all controversial LGBTQ topics were banned? no answer

If they were permitted then without stating that biological men are transgender women, can we discuss CIS women that may feel disenfranchised by transgender women in awards competitions or in women's sports. Again no answer.

My questions were intended to seek clarification so that I knew what the boundaries were for discussion.

I received another evasive response dodging questions.

If they had simply replied discussion on LGBTQ topics were banned then it's end of discussion, there is compromise and the rules are clear.

That's apparently too much to ask as I was muted again for 28 days while the mod gaslit me again.

Quite honestly someone over there has an agenda and it does not appear possible to appease whomever is in charge over there because they are probably already compromised.

meme_kat 4 points ago +5 / -1

If Biden's AG, DOJ and FBI were in charge then no.

Normally the FBI determines the path of an investigation, prepares its findings, and then provides recommendations (i.e. nothing, or recommend charges).

The DOJ then can file charges or ignore and close an investigation.

Investigations with politically motivated outcomes like this far too often end up being a clean up operation if it involves a Democrat or it ends with charges if the Republican not an establishment puppet

meme_kat 1 point ago +1 / -0

And when the system breaks down nobody will know how to fix it because the core knowledge will be lost.

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