maxwelhill 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hah, of course, I should have guessed that.

Bail? Not sure what you mean... I am just a an average Malaysian man taking a long break from reddit.

maxwelhill 1 point ago +1 / -0

The rest of the converstation (the body being released to them, and they caring about how their name being will be remembered) gave me the impression of a close relationship, but it is certainly possible that the relationship is not close. I also do not think that a conversation like this is impossible. When I say that it does not "sound genuine" to me I am aware that that is just my subjective and biased personal opinion. In the end the evidence is what matters!

maxwelhill 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do not have time to watch the interview at the moment. The text does not go into it, unfortunately. What evidence does she have to prove that 60,000 fake votes for Biden were counted? Has she made this evidence available to the public?

maxwelhill 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where did you find those images of him? And how do people know that his name is Michael Hoffman?

maxwelhill 2 points ago +2 / -0

The conversation does not ring genuine to me. The message "Omg my aunt died, I am freaking the fuck out because of the vaccine!" The emphasis of this short conversation being on the vaccine and not on the sadness of losing a loved one. This seems (poorly) crafted to have the largest amount of fearmongering in the least amount of a text possible.

If the probability of dying from the vaccine is so high that some of the first recipients are already dying, then we will with certainty find out within a few days, long before most of us and the people we know get the chance to be vaccinated.

The claim is too strong and no evidence is presented. I would need at least an obituary to consider it plausible.