luckyprick 5 points ago +5 / -0

Baby boy was born bleeding from nose and mouth

"This tragedy in our family should not deter you from getting 'fully vaccinated™'"

luckyprick 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm all about de-funding the police, not for acceleration but out of principle. If I can shoot, shovel and shutup without worrying about repercussions that's ideal. The police aren't protecting me from crime, they're protecting criminals from me.

luckyprick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those are her kills... like a teardrop tat below the eye.

luckyprick 4 points ago +4 / -0

fuck off, my red state was off all mandates, including vaxx, by summer 2020. Republicans are worthless, but democrats are active hostiles.

luckyprick 4 points ago +4 / -0

Portland was once a cute, funky biggish mid-size city. I used to fly in and out of there for work. In 2016, like someone flipped a switch, it became a warzone and this funky little town died in less than year. This is what happens when the democrat machine gets their fingers into your government. Uniparty rule through fake elections, a small vocal core of violent enforcers and you better comply or else. If for that reason alone, never let democrats get hold in your state/county/city. They are literally communists.

by pkvi
luckyprick 5 points ago +6 / -1

Families, regular people, no... organized... flag... displays...

Even though I said it right in my first reply, I'll add to it. People having fun, not militant, more parade than march. Guns have to be there for protection but they should be holstered and not carried like you're occupying the place.

These folks look exactly like I would expect of people agitating for a race war. The only thing accomplished in the pic above is they turned off a lot of potentially sympathetic people. It's fucking stupid. It's so stupid, in fact, it couldn't be anything other than glowies.

We've had a couple interactions where you say crazy shit like this. Let me ask you ask you a question. How does the above march make us look sympathetic? Approachable?

I'm going to bed so I'll take my answer off the air.

by pkvi
luckyprick 5 points ago +6 / -1

Not fucking goose stepping through the capital in matching uniforms. Families, regular people, no... organized... flag... displays...

This is not hard man. The group in the picture has ZERO chill. I'm a white nationalist and it turns me off!

by pkvi
luckyprick 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is interesting but I don't really believe in prophecy but otoh I don't really believe francis is a pope. So... buckle up for the end times? Who knows...

fwiw, there's a decent doc on it on amazon prime if you need some background noise.

by pkvi
luckyprick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prophecy of the Popes says francis ushers in the end times. Jus sayin'.

by pkvi
luckyprick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Btw, I don't know who was doing this. https://pic8.co/sh/tnU78L.png

by pkvi
luckyprick 2 points ago +2 / -0

They should get off <fingers x'd>, but the process is the punishment ala Rittenhouse.

Justice is dead in America, the police are not your friend and the courts would try to convict someone as innocent asJesus himself. So act accordingly. If you can, go the 3S route. Shoot, Shovel, Shut up. Otherwise mortgage your house and get jewed up bigtime with lawyers.

by qbqb
luckyprick 1 point ago +1 / -0

You either off your meds or have seen... some... SHIT. Good on ya brother.

by pkvi
luckyprick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Almost everyone is, I want to tear down this nation and kick out the worthless people and rebuild for us, starting with the political system. America the concept means nothing anymore in a globalized world.

But your weak trolls against Trump smell like controlled opposition or worse. I'm not a fan of any part of the political system but Trump was the most nationalist president in 35 years... maybe more. So save your bullshit.

by qbqb
luckyprick 1 point ago +2 / -1

If the aliens are here, they're in it with the jews. They'll be gassed and ovened accordingly.

My favorite conspiracy comment ever.

by pkvi
luckyprick -1 points ago +2 / -3

Trump was a stupid boomer. Why do have a fucking hard on for him? Sore Hillary supporter asshole?

by pkvi
luckyprick 3 points ago +5 / -2

Yep, Trump did it all. Newsome, Cuomo, Kate Brown, Wolf, Northam, Evers, Polis, Lamont, Carney, Ige, Pritzker, Beshear, Griham, Inslee, Whitmer, Murphy... were just following orders of that evil Trump. THEIR HANDS WERE TIED!

luckyprick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck off idiot. Bill Clinton flew to Epstein's Island at leat 26 times, GM i is on trial for serving underage girls to people like him, yet he walks free because dems are ok with it. Go shit up reddit with your midwit bullshit stupid cunt.

luckyprick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Considering he should be incarcerated for the covid deaths he caused, who the fuck knows?

Exactly, he was willing to force corona patients back into nursing homes to get those rookie numbers up, even more than that fucktard Inslee.

Ever since they went after the cunt for sexual crime instead of manslaughter, I had to assume the rest was dog & pony.

He was their boy, they gave an emmy ferchrissakes, that's what makes this so odd. Almost every Dem is either a predator or is fine with them, they could give a fuck about these crimes, which is why I can't figure what the dog and pony show is for.

luckyprick 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course he's right about anything CIA. He's basically the office gossip.

luckyprick 3 points ago +3 / -0

I continue to be surprised by GG, Beattie and revovler. I continue to not be surprised by the feds.

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