You are deducing like an undereducated all over the place. “To the mods” bahaha it’s embarrassing. Stop acting like an undereducated. It’s so funny to see getting triggered again and again by my personal conclusion of you. I am that important.
You are projecting like an undereducated. You continue to deduce like an undereducated. You even copy and paste the same projection. You failed once, you fail this time and you will continue to fail because you are undereducated.
You are still acting undereducated as I deduced from the conversation. You are easily impressed with undereducated conclusions and that’s an undereducated personal choice. The above is just my personal conclusion of you.
Do you disagree with my personal opinion of you? You seem impressed by undereducated deduction and that’s a personal choice. I do not allow undereducated opinions to influence me. You do whatever you feel happy. Bahhahaha. Go on
You are incorrect again. I don't need to quote my own bahahha, you are the lost one here refusing to acknowledge the point made. We are going sentence by sentence. You rather waste time then to discuss.. I gave you many chances. You decided to act undereducated.
It's already typed out. Quote what you didn't understand. It's your undereducated fault for not understand and refusing to say what you don't understand. A point was made and you refuse to say what you don't understand or quote it.
That's because you refuse to participate yet you say there's no argument. That's very undereducated. Let's circle back to sentence 2 and 3 which you ignored and deflected so we can get to the point which you never read but understand and refuse to quote.
Videos, I don’t believe noob noob noob has the ability to imagine from a podcast. I also predict you won’t get anywhere based on your current action. That’s okay. It takes time and the pace is different for everyone.