jmillerish 1 point ago +1 / -0

I trust but verify. Until I can discredit what he says, I won’t say a word against him. I think his interview with Mike Adams was his best since it allowed him to show his evidence rather than just speak it. He should stick with this concept. Also check out his Q&A with Mike Adams (just released), it may clear stuff up for some of you. My fiancé is super skeptical (more than me and Im pretty jaded) and even he is intrigued. I think the water and religious aspects are clouding his message as these are things people distrust. If your intuition says somethings off here then follow it and disprove him. We are supposed to be people who uncover the truth. Nothing wrong with questioning his theory, just don’t be so hasty to dismiss it. A lot of people have dismissed theories over the years without research and have been wrong.

jmillerish 3 points ago +3 / -0

He and Mike Adams are both trying to get a sample of it. A new Q&A session was just released. They take about the “watch the water” stuff, which he admits he could be wrong about it and that he is hoping that people with the right skill sets (scientists, etc) will take this info and dig for themselves. They also discuss trying to get a sample of the drug to test. I think it’s prudent we all do our own research on what he suggests. We all know something is fishy about c19. I don’t think we should outright discredit anyone without doing our own research into it. I have started my own. I do think his interview with Mike Adams was perhaps his best. Due to the fact that he presented news articles and scientific research papers. He seems to be someone who is on the spectrum, but I’m not a doctor. This could explain his “excitement” over his findings. I know when I connect dots, even horrible ones, I get excited to share the info and help people.