This has been bugging me for a while, since I left freecanada's forums. Seeing their members trying to deny that the government screwed indians over hard (not that america didnt either) was mind blowing.

First off, one news source initially reported "mass" graves.


Guess it just doesnt have the same ring as unmarked graves, which is what they really were.


Most members of freecanada believe that no graves were ever found. That is simply not true...


Why do these people find this so hard to believe? It's almost like they think they are personally responsible for what happened. It wasnt their ancestors running the churchs, or instituted the policys that allowed them to rip kids from their familys and shuttle them thousands of km's to name them jack or mary.

Maybe if indians could get some truth and justice, perhaps the rest of us may have a chance as well. But nope, its all a big conspiracy to make them ashamed of their heritage. My ancestors werent killing indians or stealing their shit, I have nothing to be ashamed of on that front. My family has core values that include defending others when they cant defend their-selves. Admittedly, alot of them dont even care anymore. My fathers siblings for example were pretty much all yuppies save one.

On Wednesday, another revelation came out, this time from the Ktunaxa Nation (Lower Kootenay Band) that 182 shallow unmarked graves lay at the former St. Eugene's Mission Residential School near Cranbrook, B.C. Once again, the school, which operated from 1912 to the 1970s, was run by the Catholic Church.

About 150,000 First Nations, Metis, and Inuit children went through the schools, taken from their parents by force if necessary. At least 4,000 died and, as in the case of the unmarked graves discovered to date, many of the children just disappeared with their parents left wondering what happened to them.

The schools were run by the United, Anglican, Presbyterian, and Catholic churches. The first three issued formal apologies for their roles in the schools. But while local Catholic authorities said they were sorry, Trudeau and First Nations leaders called for Pope Francis to officially apologize. It is estimated that about 60% of the schools were operated by the Catholic Church.

One woman even claims she witnessed a baby that was fathered by a priest thrown into the incinerator alive. I have no doubt that fetal remains were being incinerated. The church is usually really good about covering up their evil's. Which is one of the reasons I cant follow a Abrahamic god. The amount of evil perpetuated by the churches.

They slipped up in ireland though.

Corless found that, between 1925 and 1961, 796 children died at the St Mary's mother and baby home, run by nuns from the Bon Secours order – but there were no burial records. Many are believed to have ended up in the former sewage facility. “It became a handy way to dispose of them,” Corless told the Observer

Not much of a different story in Appalachia either.


The latest suit included allegations that some students became pregnant after being raped and were given abortions. Some children ranging in age from 7 to 12 were infected with sexually transmitted diseases after being assaulted by staff members, the suit claimed.

So why the fuck does anyone think they were not doing this shit in canada, it really blows my mind. The church wasnt racist in that regard, if you were poor and helpless, you were at their mercy. Makes me furious, I know whats its like to be pushed around and treated less than garbage. It makes you hate everything.


“The ones you won’t hear from are the more than 50,000 children who died from beatings, starvation, rape and torture, or being deliberately exposed to tuberculosis and left to cough their lives away in squalor and terror — all at the hands of Christian men and women who have never been prosecuted for their crimes,” Annett wrote in a preamble to his book. “These murdered children lie in nearly forgotten graves across Canada, or their ashes are scattered on sea and land after they were incinerated in residential school furnaces, to hide the crime that killed them.”

Irene Favel was witness to the abuse of residential schools, and to the murder of a newborn. She attended the Roman Catholic Muscowequan Indian Residential School, which was about 150 km from Regina, Saskatchewan. The school had Cree, Saulteaux and Métis students.

“I’m 75. I went to residential school in Muscowequan from 1944 to 1949, and I had a rough life. I was mistreated in every way,” Favel told the CBC in an interview in 2008. “There was a young girl — she was seven years old — and she was pregnant. And what they did, she had her baby and they took the baby and wrapped it up in a nice pink outfit, and they took it downstairs where I was cooking dinner with the nun. And they took the baby into the furnace room, and they threw that little baby in there and burned it alive. All you could hear was this little cry, like ‘Uuh,’ and that was it. You could smell that flesh cooking. It’s a big mistake when people say we were treated good. There’s no way. There’s a lot of things that happened in those boarding schools.”


When I was in Senior B, I used to hear about girls getting pregnant down the other end of the building. They’d get pregnant, but they would never have kids, you know. And the thing was, they’d bring somebody in from over town who’d do an abortion, I guess. We used to hear it. It used to be really scary, hearing them open up the incinerator after what was going on. They’d open up the incinerator in the big boiler, and we would hear this big clang, and we’d know they would be getting rid of the evidence…We’d wonder how many kids got thrown in the incinerator.

This is what governments do when they are not responsible to the people. And I dont really doubt any of this. After what happened to me and having organizations like the workers compensation bureau of nova scotia, or the college of physicians and surgeons nova scotia lie and treat me like I was insane. I have very little doubt about what "really" happened.

One last thing. I come across this comment in reddit in a thread about the topic. I cant find it now, it appears to deleted, but you can see the amount of misinformation, which is probably the canadian government themselves trying to defuse the situation. Just better to cover it up, wouldnt want to upset anyone.


The comment said something along the lines of "My friend was a technician there and when they discovered the anomalies were a septic field they were all forced to sign NDA's and told to leave."

Yes, because the government has every intention of telling people the truth about anything. The canadian government is good about telling people how stupid they are and to not think for themselves.


"Trudeau government has adopted dozens of secret cabinet orders since coming to power"

A quote from "They Thought They Were Free, The Germans, 1933-45 Milton Mayer

"What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could not understand it, it could not be released because of national security.

I ask you, as the reader, dont take my word for it, or the word of someone else. Take the time to read, and explore the subject and decide for yourself what you think.

Just because graves were not discovered at some sites (and I question that), it does not de legitimize the crimes that were committed against humanity.

Got the urge to google and see if I could find anymore stories of workers comp screwing people over here in Canada and while I didnt find any, I guess most people just keep their mouths shut after being humiliated.

I did come across this gem though, had me raging for a bit. I know what happened to me, but its different to actually read it, if that makes sense. To see it printed clear as day.

alberta dot ca/system/files/custom_downloaded_images/WCB-Review-Canadian-Injured-Workers-Association-of-Alberta.pdf

There is serious concern about motivation for Case managers to close cases, and in the case of Complex Cases, this can translate to denying a legitimate claim rather than seeing justice through for the injured worker.

We have concerns that the WCB is making decisions to deny legitimate claims that for fear that acceptance will set a precedent for other injured workers, and end up costing the system. Keeping costs down should not be the determining factor.

Furthermore, legislation currently protects the WCB ­paid medical consultants, and therefore there is no policing of their participation in the system. They are also stakeholders – they receive money for their services, and may be loath to sever this relationship with the WCB. WCB interferes and intimidates and unduly prejudices doctors before worker gets to see the doctor. Many of these doctors simply do not want the hassle of fighting with the WCB, and the injured worker does not get the unbiased medical treatment that they deserve. Doctors with their years of experience and expert knowledge are not able to stand up to the constant pressuring tactics of WCB Case Managers, and some agree to commit fraud on the public, just to avoid the hassle and expense of going against the WCB. This would be different if the government protected the medical profession. The end result is that doctors are changing their reports mid­stream. Additionally, these doctors are degrading the whole medical profession when other doctors are relying on their expertise and honesty, breaking their Hippocratic Oath to first do no harm. The injured workers, meanwhile, are denied the justice they are entitled to.

Complex cases need to be referred to an external watchdog, to ensure justice for injured workers.

May the Appliance Recycling Centers of America, Nova Scotia WCB, Nova Scotia WCAT, The Workers Advisory Board and Dalhousie Legal Aid all bend down and kiss my ass.

Even if they would apologize for what happened to me, there is absolutely no $$$ amount is going to ever make up for what they did and the damage that was done to me, not just psychological either, im Appalachian, its the physical damage that really fucking upsets me. Degraded my quality of life real good. And now that I feel like I may be able to work again, I have no fucking support to do it. Fuck these people into oblivion!!!!

If there are any dumbasses out there who think that the government is going to help you if you get poisoned from the protected corporations leaky vaccines that you were mandated to get to keep your job.

Your as fucking delusional as me thinking I would get help or justice. FUCK.

Apparently when people start losing themselves, they return to their roots. I am a walking fucking cliche. But this is also why they proably desire to destroy our history and the family unity. Without that support, most people would never be able to rebound back.

Which is why I can take some comfort in my ancestor, in some words he wrote 400 years ago.


This is our first advantage, and the odds standing vpon these tearmes, of an evill state blessed, and a good condition accursed, every jdiot would soone determine which of the two, to chuse; Is not a good estate to be desired on any tearmes, and a bad, on none? I thinke every man would be glad of a blessing vpon any condi∣tion, & entertayne a curse, vpon none. And now judg (I pray you) betweene saints, and sinners, which of both are in better case, howsoever it stand with either of them, in the best the one may haue, and the worst that can befall the other; and according to this appa∣rant evidence, giue vpright sentence, whether the most vnhappy among the children of God, be not in more happy case, then the most happy among the chil∣dren of this world.

Thus are the soules of Gods saints bound fast vp [in the bundle of life] by the Lord himself, the Lord of life; who hath bound himself by his owne truth, and faithfullnes, yea, sworne by himself, and his holynes, to saue them wholy harmeles, at the worst that can come vnto them in this world. But for the soules of wicked persons, they are in wofull plight, in their bo∣dyes best estate, and lye soe scattered, neglected, and vnregarded, (as things of naught) that God in justice, let's them alone to be seized by Satans malice, to be a prey to that devouring lyon, who will soone make e∣verlasting havock of them in hell.

And this is the third difference, and the saints third advantage, beyond all vngodly men, wherein how easy is it to determine, who hath the better end, or which is the happier state? any man that hath but a mans soule, jndued with reason, will soone preferre sa∣fety to danger in themselues, but whosoever hath a Christians soule seasoned with religion, will preferre the former vpon any tearmes, even the very worst, and accept the latter vpon noe tearmes, no not the best.

This part hits me especially hard. This is a lesson that is still taught today.

And this is the fourth difference, betweene the righ∣teous and the jrreligious, and the fourth advantage we (who are Gods) haue of the other. The faithfull are free from feare, the profane are full of it; it hath scarce, (and ought not to haue at all) a being, in those that are the Lords, and belong to his loue, and in the rest nothing is more powerfull, not only being in them, but being the greatest predominant that beareth rule, and overbeareth, both themselues (and that when they are best at ease,) and all those things where∣in they doe most boast, and blesse themselues, as their manner is to doe. And which of these two to take, is most easily, and quickly determined, by any man who is not feared out of his witts.

I wonder, if I actually sat down and tried, could I write something that would affect my ancestors 400 years down the road, like how I feel when I read this.

Why is our world so fucking broken, our leaders try so hard to convince us that its us that are broken, when that isnt the truth.

In a good society, things like truth and justice arent brushed under the rug for profits.

Never forget what side your on.

This is more of a rant, and if your wondering "whats the conspiracy!". Then does this work?

How we let stereotypes and racial prejudices divide us.

We should all be working together, that would really make our leaders shit their pants.

Anyway for the last few years, tensions have been really high in nova scotia between the lobster fisherman and the native americans.

It's funny, people complain about indians (much like they do about appalachians), about how savage and uneducated they are. We took them from their homes and destroyed their way of life and their native tongue.

Gave them names like peter and dan, and then people act shocked when they learn the worst qualitys of man from us? Its a laugh is what it is. I know most of the young people dont give a shit about anything, I cant blame them. My people are the same way for having their heritage slowly erased too, though it doesnt compare to the genocide that both countrys put the natives through.

People acting like there arent unmarked graves, because they didnt find them. Lmao. Do people think the church and people like mother theresa gave a crap about anything but the money? Delusional. Just read an article today about the church ran orphanage in kentucky? Where appalachians were raped, beaten, subjected to isolation for months at a time at the orphanage.

People act like this shit just never happened. Anyway.

People saying shit like this on reddit about the natives and the lobsters.

It’s damn time DFO earned those wages and shuts this down before anybody gets hurt. I don’t want to see anybody get hurt but this NEEDS TO STOP TODAY.

The lobster industry is 100% INDEPENDENT, it’s called owner operator…you own it, you captain it…it’s how corporations are kept out They are not stealing from big boys, they are stealing from 3000 family businesses from southern NB to norther Labrador…not including New England…(because st Mary’s bay is a breeding ground) I’m 6th generation in this industry, been a captain for the past 4 years…I have not only my family to feed, but my crew and their families It’s not gunna end well this year

All sorts of comments like this.

Lmao, price of housing is skyrocketing, price of groceries/living is skyrocketing. Wages are not going up with it. The lobster industry below maine has collapsed because the warming waters are pushing the lobsters north. Im not convinced if every fucking native was on a boat fishing it, that they would make any kind of dent. Not compared to the 3000 family business's and their working crew.

RCMP lied about half the shit that happened in the mass shooting.

No one gave a shit when I was poisoned with refrigerant lmao, just make fun of me.

Society is literally crumbling around us, but these delusional fuckers couldnt give a shit until its fucking Indians poaching lobster and selling it to the chinese who are in bed with the politicians here. Then its time to "Not see anyone get hurt" lmao.

If these fuckers could just give one iota about anything but themselves.

Canadians, especially nova scotians may have to be some of the most brain dead people ive ever had the unfortunate pleasure of knowing.

This is mainly in response to the jewish user that was in here earlier. Mods should have left one of his posts.

Since were bragging about family historys now.

This is also for anyone who doubts what side of the fence im on. ( I still wonder if I was poisoned on purpose. )


The Saints Advantage: Or, The Well-fare of the Faithfull, in the Worst Times. A Sermon Preached at the Hage the 18. of May, Before the Most High, and Mighty Princesse, Elizabeth, by the Grace of God, Queene of Bohemia

I like the description for this book which is a sermon my ancestor john wynge did centuries ago.

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.

Im not trying to gloat, but if any lurkers wonder what the fuck is wrong with me.

I was instilled with these ideals, things like personal sovereignty, equalitarianism, freedom for all. They are not just cool buzzwords to hashtag on social media. These are life and death things for me. Never doubt what I and all of you are fighting for on here.

Freedom for everyone, not just the rich.

I havent read the entire thing. Its really hard to understand old english.


After 400 years, the family hasnt changed much.

The part I flipped to, was about how jesus was treated like trash whenever he tried to preach the truth. And that we can look to him for strength when others treat us like shit for wanting to believe in something more.

Dangerous ideas for that time. I can see how his ideas along with many others, would go onto inspire the quaker faith, where his own children would become members of the society of friends. Risking life and estate to do what they believed was right.

The records of Monthy Meeting of Friends shows that the Sandwich Monthly Meeting was the first established in America, and this was before the year 1660. The families of Daniel and Stephen Wing were among the first eighteen to embrace the new religious teachings, demanding freedom of conscience and a separation of the church and state.

Daniel Wing was before the Plymouth Court on numerous occasions for refusing to take the oath of fidelity to English government, being fined each time after he had claimed with others of the "friends" that it was unlawful to take any 'oath' at all. He was also fined on several occasions for refusing to assist the marshal at Sandwich in persecutions of the Quakers. He was once fined five pounds, which, in those days, represented the ordinary earnings of a man for a whole year. Repeated fines having eaten into Daniel's holdings, his relatives cast about for some means of relief from such financial persecution. Under an old English law a man might be declared legally dead by the courts and his property made over to his heirs apparently a forerunner of our modern proceeding in bankruptcy. Threatened with financial ruin by the fines imposed upon him, the shrewed old Quaker, while unyielding in his religious convictions, took advantage of this now almost forgotton law and caused his estate to be administered in his own life time. His brother John, then of Yarmouth, loyal to his brother even though himself a Non Quaker, seems to have conducted the proceedings for him. In the eyes of the English law Daniel Wing at the age of 43 was legally dead.

The Quaker persecutions ceased by the order of King Charles in 1662, and thereafter we find Daniel and Stephen Wing, with their fellow Quakers, assuming their old places in the public affairs of the colony, althought it was not until 1675 that the town of Sandwich voted to record the names as among those with "just rights and privileges of the town." The Plymouth Court already had restored Daniel's citizenship in 1669 and appointed him as one of two official surveyors of the highways. For the fact that Daniel, in his will made thirty nine years after his "legal death", left the bulk of his property to his younger children, all born after the episode of 1659, it is inferred that his older children continued to enjoy the fruits of his first acquired estate.

I know im not the only one who is like this.

And our rulers want us to be ashamed of our heritages?

What a farce.


They wont do anything about the cost of food, the cost of a home, workers rights, social injustice, or anything that matters.

But my fuck are they happy to put you down when its said and done.


A Cape Breton woman who has been fighting for more than a decade for benefits from Nova Scotia's Workers' Compensation Board says she will continue to push ahead as long as she can.

But Melissa Ellsworth said she can't wait any longer for pain relief and has applied for medical assistance in dying, also known as MAID.

Ellsworth was first injured when a psychiatric patient in a Halifax hospital threw a chair and hit her in the head. The second injury came when an inmate assaulted her, dislocating her shoulder and eventually leaving her with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Despite diagnoses of trigeminal neuralgia — also known as the suicide disease because of the severe facial pain it causes — and PTSD, Ellsworth said WCB case managers have denied her claims for treatment.

Ellsworth has continued to fight for other benefits. For example, her jaw has not worked properly for years, so the WCB approved liquid meal replacements. But Ellsworth said after 10 years, her body can't tolerate the supplements anymore.

She said she has asked for a chewable meal replacement that would help her retain some use of her jaw — rather than submit to a permanent feeding tube that would mean never being able to eat properly again — but the board won't approve the alternative.

She's now getting palliative treatment with pain pills and medical cannabis, but Ellsworth said the strength of the cannabis prescription is too low and the board won't change it.

She said she is speaking out not only to improve her case, but because she wants the WCB completely overhauled.

According to its most recent annual report, the Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal overturned 56 per cent of all cases last year where someone questioned a WCB case manager's decision to deny benefits.

Ellsworth said she is not giving up the fight, but she no longer has any quality of life.

She has anxiety and depression on top of her other diagnoses, which have led to her decision to apply for medical assistance in dying.

Ellsworth said she's slowly starving to death anyway.

"I love food, but can you imagine being hungry, but not being able to ... I can't even eat hamburgers," she said. "I can't open my mouth far enough. And now I'm living across the street from my parents who get to watch this with their own eyes, day in and day out.

"So in my case it's more of I plan to leave this world with what little dignity that workers' compensation leaves me with, and right now, it's not a lot."

Hill said the workers' compensation system is designed to deny or delay benefits, and like Ellsworth, she has also struggled to receive such things as massage therapy and an occupational therapy assessment of her home, despite orders for those from a doctor.

"This is your life now and you've missed all of that and now on top of that, you have to deal with this monstrous bureaucratic entity that seems to want to squash you at every turn," Hill said.

May these people rot in hell. Ill never forget or forgive them or Arca for poisoning me. Even if it turns out I have cancer or something, I wouldnt call 7 months of irregular heartbeat just a "little bit" of irregular heartbeat. Tell me 180/110 or 120 I cant remember resting blood pressure is normal. Yeah maybe if I was upset or having some kind of mental episode, or running on a treadmill. The cardiologist described me as "depressed" and my heart rate was a steady 60bpm.

God damn these people, cant even admit they fucked up they got to cover it up by swapping blood pressure readings and other bullshit. Telling me refrigerant cant cause irregular heartbeat.

God DAMN I really hope jesus is real you guys have no fucking clue.


This was my last conversation with WCB over a year ago. In the transcript they say that I got upset and they decided to end the call. What a bunch of two faced rotten liars. Anything to paint me as crazy. I take that really offensively being an appalachian.

I also, once getting my phosphorous up a bit and coming to my senses decided ill stay with my family while I can. Who knows how much time I have left, I dont feel like its much when I wake up, neck aching like I was in a boxing match in my sleep.

I would need medical insurance, the doctors would proably just fuck me over too. Ive lost complete trust any medical professional at this stage. The entire system is broke when people can be tossed away like a piece of trash and I am FAR from the only one.

Fuck these people so hard. Criminal SCUM.

Also hold your "you sound fat and geh" comments, and yes holy fuck I sounded terrible. My phosphorous was .37 mmol/l. I think I can be excused for the diaphragm issues. Should have seen me in the middle night, I thought I had COPD somehow. Weezy fucker.



Not really intended for flat earthers or aliens are demons folk.

This is the same professor that believes Oumuamua was some kind of space buoy.

First thought was how do they know it wasnt man made, but of course nothing we have would have come that fast at that angle, so it definitely was not from this solar system. I think the chances of it being man made, now or 300,000 years ago is very, very slim.

I dont think steel titanium could form randomly could it?



Now, in all fairness, the author of the study says this is just a "theoretical" situation.

A terrestrial planet hovering between Mars and Jupiter would be able to push Earth out of the solar system and wipe out life on this planet, according to a UC Riverside experiment.

But it is fairly obvious they are talking about Planet X. Which Nasa still claims does not exist, while at the same time having a planet X page.


This can get confusing, because "Planet X" was also the term used for a world once thought to be responsible for supposed oddities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. American astronomer Percival Lowell came up with this theory, and he hunted for Planet X in the early 20th century. (Clyde Tombaugh's 1930 discovery of Pluto did not validate Lowell's hypothesis, however, because Pluto isn't big enough to jostle Uranus and Neptune in the way that Lowell imagined.) In any event, Planet Nine (or Planet X, if you prefer), may actually exist, and it's not coming to destroy Earth. So, it's very different than the mythical Nibiru.


The announcement does not mean there is a new planet in our solar system. The existence of this distant world is only theoretical at this point and no direct observation of the object nicknamed "Planet 9" have been made. The object, which the researchers have nicknamed "Planet Nine," could have a mass about 10 times that of Earth

If you need a brush up on what I think is a closer truth about planet X. The history of satanism video has a great intro about it.


I suppose if you believe the world is flat, you do not have to continue further, but I just have to point out some odd, statements, in the main article I linked. And it only makes sense if you have some of this background information. Anyway.

“In other star systems there are many planets with masses in that gap. We call them super-Earths,” Kane said. The other gap is in location, relative to the sun, between Mars and Jupiter. “Planetary scientists often wish there was something in between those two planets. It seems like wasted real estate,” he said.

Its not really wasted... there is the asteroid belt there. Something likely existed there, at some point in time.

The results, published in the Planetary Science Journal, were mostly disastrous for the solar system. “This fictional planet gives a nudge to Jupiter that is just enough to destabilize everything else,” Kane said. “Despite many astronomers having wished for this extra planet, it’s a good thing we don’t have it.”

This gets me, for a "theoretical" situation, why does this person reference a extra planet and how we dont have it. Sounds alot like hes talking about planet 9/X to me. Its quite obvious actually.

Jupiter is much larger than all the other planets combined; its mass is 318 times that of Earth, so its gravitational influence is profound. If a super-Earth in our solar system, a passing star, or any other celestial object disturbed Jupiter even slightly, all other planets would be profoundly affected.

Do you see where this is heading yet lol....

The super-Earth would change the shape of this Earth’s orbit, making it far less habitable than it is today, if not ending life entirely. These results gave Kane a renewed respect for the delicate order that holds the planets together around the sun. “Our solar system is more finely tuned than I appreciated before. It all works like intricate clock gears. Throw more gears into the mix and it all breaks,” Kane said.

Exactly what I have been saying for years, and got downvoted to shit in r/conspiracy back in the day for it. Its cyclical. Sometimes this thing comes through, it may not do much, but when everything is aligned, bam, its a major bad time for us.

Got to wonder, if a brown dwarf came in between mars and jupiter, could it be capable of generating tides that are several hundred feet high on earth. Would explain the old flood stories. Would certainly explain what causes the interglacial as well. Wobbling us back and forth towards the sun every time it does a pass.

I hope to the people who read this, who seek the truth and not darkness. I hope your living your lives the way we were meant to. Loving your family and enjoying every day we have, it may not last forever.

R.I.P. Dr. Harrington who seems to have been scrubbed from mainstream sources. (Searching for the direct terms wouldnt even show a video tab in google results, wont show in search in youtube either) He tried to warn people and ended up with a rare throat cancer in service for his efforts. At least thats what his wife claimed.


His assistant died under some mysterious ass circumstances as well. (phew this took some searching, good job spooks)


He alleges two top astronomers found proof of Planet X and both died in mysterious circumstances. Dr Robert Harrington, a top astronomer at the US Naval Observatory, had only just revealed his findings when he suddenly died in 1993. In a series of outlandish claims, Dr Harrington insisted that Planet X was an “intruder planet” which was capable of supporting alien life and that it was approaching Earth.

When he died six months later the official cause of death was cancer, but theorists reject this. Then there is Australian astrophysicist Dr Rodney Marks who is said to have died in mysterious circumstances in the South Pole in 2000.

“Then you have the mysterious death in 2000 of an individual at the South Pole telescope, who supposedly died of alcohol poisoning.” It is alleged by some that Dr Marks was about to publish new findings about the planet when he returned from his research station in Antarctica.

Had booze in his room, which is why no one was buying that he drank methanol voluntarily. RIP


Im a fairly horrible op, I dont check things out regularly or even reply to most of my messages, but I do feel the need to share things sometimes.

If your familiar with my posts, you will often see me talking about cyclical disaster's. And I just wanted to share why I am fairly interested in this theory.

In ignatius donnelly's book about atlantis, he recounts plato's story about the earth being repeatedly purged with either water or fire. This was not just a story that plato was obsessed with.

You may wonder where I pull up this number from (120,000 years) so before I start let me explain that. 120,000 years is the estimated time of our current interglacial/glacial period.

The Eemian (also called the last interglacial,[1] Sangamonian Stage, Ipswichian, Mikulin, Kaydaky, penultimate,[2] Valdivia or Riss-Würm) was the interglacial period which began about 130,000 years ago at the end of the Penultimate Glacial Period and ended about 115,000 years ago at the beginning of the Last Glacial Period.[3]

If you take 120,000 years and put it into google books, and set the search to 19th century, you get some very interesting results...

One of them is a book called Principles of Geology by Sir Charles Lyell · 1854 which explains a little more about plato's story.

Egyptian Cosmogony.- Respecting the cosmogony of the Egyptian priests, we gather much information from writers of the Grecian sects, who borrowed almost all their tenets from Egypt, and amongst others that of the former successive destruction and renovation of the world . * We learn from Plutarch , that this was the theme of one of the hymns of Orpheus, so celebrated in the fabulous ages of Greece. It was brought by him from the banks of the Nile ; and we even find in his verses, as in the Indian systems, a definite period assigned for the duration of each successive world. The returns of great catastrophes were determined by the period of the Annus Magnus, or great year,—a cycle composed of the revolutions of the sun, moon,and planets, and terminating when these return together to the same sign whence they were supposed at some remote epoch to have set out. The duration of this great cycle was variously estimated . According to Orpheus, it was 120,000 years; according to others, 300,000 ; and by Cassander it was taken to be 360,000 year.

Another magazine from 1891 called Modern Astrology The "Astrologers' Magazine", Volumes 2-3 reinforces this idea.

CYCLE.-From the Greek , Kuklos. The ancients divided time into endless cycles, wheels within wheels , all such periods being of various durations, and each marking the beginning or the end of some event either cosmic, mundane, physical, or metaphysical . There were cycles of only a few years, and cycles of immense duration ; the great Orphic cycle , referring to the ethnological change of races, lasting 120,000 years ; and the cycle of Cassandrus of 136,000, which brought about a complete change in planetary influences, and their correlations between men and gods— a fact entirely lost sight of by modern astrologers. —Extract from the Theosophical Glossary.

In another book, called the electic magazine in 1882,

Thus the ancient Chaldeans taught (according to Diodorus Siculus) that when all the planets are conjoined in Capricornus the earth is destroyed by flood; when they are all conjoined in Cancer the earth is destroyed by fire. But after reach such end comes the beginning of a new cycle, at which time all things are created afresh.

Why do all these religions, greek, egyptian, hopi, indian, all have stories about reoccurring periods of destruction. Do you think these are just nonsense legends? I think its funny that this was common knowledge a hundred years ago but now were taught that its "man made".

Plenty of geological evidence to suggest its more than just a legend....

Three deep ice cores pulled from Greenland record the past 120,000 years.1 Three deep cores in Antarctica-Dome Fuji, Vostok, and Dome C-allow researchers to look back 340,000, 420,000, and 740,000 years, respectively.2

Further corroboration comes from a sediment core drilled off shore from New Zealand’s Southern Alps. It reveals the past 3.9 million years of Earth’s crustal history.3

People talk about the doom and gloom, but I think its important to understand the endgame when it comes to the big picture of everything. Am I suggesting to give up and live with no hope. No, but I think people specifically here because we deal with such tremendous pressure from our peers and familys need to be reminded that life is a fleeting thing and we should be thankful for the time we have while we have it. As an Appalachian, I do very well living in the moment.

I dont know, but when I think about it I get some comfort from the epic of gilgamesh when Gilgamesh is lamenting enkidus death. Siduri tells him..

'Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying? You will not find that life that you pursue. When the gods created mankind, They allotted to him death, But life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things, Make thou merry by day and by night. Of each day make thou a feast of rejoicing, Day and night dance and play! Let your clothing be sparkling fresh, Thy head be washed; bathe thou in water. Love the child that holds on to thy hand, Make your wife happy in your embrace! For this is the lot of mankind!'

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