Now you know why they are :
Giving the Pfizer vaxx a full FDA approval (it helps STOPs the placebo arm of the Phase 3 trial = no data available on 6+month adverse effects) = no safety data, vaccinations won't stop, will be able to hide adverse effects and keep vaccinating
while keeping the EUA (they will keep jabbing with the Pfizer vaccine, that has the EUA and full legal liability waiver, while stopping the Placebo arm under the name of the brand name vaccine "Comirnaty", same product, but legally different, so they retain the liability protection under the original EUA).
And why they skipped FDA approval discussion via the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) , which could have stopped this insanity on legal, ethical and medical grounds (no placebo, no long term safety, no Phase 3 trial finished, No Phase 4 long term study ready, alternative effective treatments available, etc).
All while not requiring the Phase 3 trials to complete or Phase 4 long term safety trials to even start : they are trying to BURY THE EVIDENCE and get everyone vaccinated.
By forcing new hot variants of the virus to emerge through forced viral evolution (too narrow selective pressure through the spike protein in mRNA vaxx), through leaky vaccines (that will infect the UNvaccinated) and while keeping the otherwise naturally fizzling virus endemic in the population and being forced to mutate into more deadly/hot variants.
.... effectively (this is the goal anyway) : driving the remaining UNvaccinated to vaccinations, when UNvaccinated start dying (and being scared by) the hot variants or by dying off or being ostracized by society .
So, WHATEVER is IN THE VACCINES.... WHATEVER is in the DIGITAL GREEN FREEDOM "passport" (too many different conspiracy theories on this to list), they were both planned as goals to be achieved, right from the beginning of this "pandemic."
You get vaccinated , stamped and IDed or you die off or are cast outside the society.
That is the plan. We are still in the middle of it.
But biology is tricky. You can't push it without it pushing back and adapting.
I'd say that the hope is in:
Countries that give up hope on mass vaccinations as "herd immunity" and planning to get away from boosters (Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Romania, India, etc.)
Countries that go so batshit insane that their population has to wake up (NZ, Australia, UK, France, Italy, Canada, Ireland, etc)
People NOT complying , taking the risk with even possible "hot" variants and the scaremongering around it, the taking care of their health and riding out the fall and spring waves
Enough time and this narrative and shit will fizzle out, and the virus will naturally pass through the population , even the vaccinated, and eventually will evolve into a less virulent, less dearly sniffles (even more so than it currently is)
The biggest thing in all this pandemic is still FEAR . Fear of virus, fear of vaccines, fear of what comes next, fear of others, fear of unvaccinated, fear of vaccinated, just FEAR. Just live your life. Concentrate on the now. All things must die eventually. Live until that fate meets you. Constant fear is slow death, not living. Knowledge brings freedom. Now you know. You can stop fearing it. You know what is coming. Just live.
Covid-19: FDA set to grant full approval to Pfizer vaccine without public discussion of data BMJ 2021; 374 doi: (Published 20 August 2021)
"Witczak is one of the more than 30 signatories of a citizen petition calling on the FDA to refrain from fully approving any covid-19 vaccine this year to gather more data. She warned that without a meeting “we have no idea what the data looks like.”
“It is already concerning that full approval is being based on 6 months’ worth of data despite the clinical trials designed for two years,” she said. “There is no control group after Pfizer offered the product to placebo participants before the trials were completed."
Does the FDA think these data justify the first full approval of a covid-19 vaccine Peter Doshi, senior editor, The BMJ.
"Prior to the preprint, my view, along with a group of around 30 clinicians, scientists, and patient advocates, was that there were simply too many open questions about all covid-19 vaccines to support approving any this year. The preprint has, unfortunately, addressed very few of those open questions, and has raised some new ones. I reiterate our call: “slow down and get the science right—there is no legitimate reason to hurry to grant a license to a coronavirus vaccine.” FDA should be demanding that the companies complete the two year follow-up, as originally planned (even without a placebo group, much can still be learned about safety). They should demand adequate, controlled studies using patient outcomes in the now substantial population of people who have recovered from covid. And regulators should bolster public trust by helping ensure that everyone can access the underlying data."
FDA Pfizer authorization (Comirnaty): Key points to consider and discuss These points are an aggregate of many minds, including Dr. Robert Malone. 23 Aug 2021
" DOES NOT GIVE FULL APPROVAL • Extends EUA to allow supply of current Pfizer under EUA because limited supply of BioNTech version. • “The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness . (page 2, Pfizer letter) o here FDA quietly admits that the licensed Pfizer vaccine and the authorized Pfizer vaccine are identical with regard to safety/efficacy, but they are "legally distinct." That's code for one has manufacturer liability, while the other doesn't. It is also code for "we don't want to impose a mandate on the EUA product cause it is illegal, but we can probably get away with a mandate on the licensed product." o page 12 AA (Conditions with Respect to Use of Licensed Product). This tells you that yes, we licensed the vaccine, but...there is a lot of the old vaccine out there, actually "a significant amount" and this amount will be considered an EUA and will continue to be used. o Now, why would they do that? Why specify that identical versions of the product will be legally different? Because they need the license to impose the mandates. But they need the EUA to evade liability. o Along with the license comes liability"
Shedding of Infectious SARS-CoV-2 Despite Vaccination when the Delta Variant is Prevalent - Wisconsin, July 2021
"data substantiate the idea that vaccinated individuals who become infected with the Delta variant may have the potential to transmit SARS-CoV-2 to others"
Directed Evolution when applied to people is eugenics
"1) Spike only vaccination doesn’t stop transmission
- Vaccine passports are thus illogical
- Spike only vaccine is easy to evolve around and we are witnessing it happening.
- Booster shots are with the same selection against spike, will **prolong the escape selection **experiment.
What could make this worse…?
Further segregating the fully immune population from the vaccinated and boosted cohorts will only accelerate spike escape. Given the vaccinated can still transmit this virus, vax passports are simply an apartheid tool. The population needs to understand that there is no scientific basis for this segregation and it will enable the virus to potentially pull a Marek’s disease on us."
Leaky vaccines, super-spreads, and variant acceleration [Marek's disease]
"chicken virus that represents one of the deadliest germs in history breaks from this conventional wisdom, thanks to an inadvertent effect from a vaccine. Chickens vaccinated against Marek’s disease rarely get sick. But the vaccine does not prevent them from spreading Marek’s to unvaccinated birds. “With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days.” In fact, rather than stop fowl from spreading the virus, the vaccine allows the disease to spread faster and longer than it normally would , a new study finds. The scientists now believe that this vaccine has helped this chicken virus become uniquely virulent.” stop for a minute and absorb what this means. by turning the vaccinated into essentially perfect carriers of virus, it transformed them into a set of plague rats to infect the rest. a disease so deadly it would burn itself out rapidly becomes one capable of endemic spread so long at there are more vaccinated carriers around. ““Previously, a hot strain was so nasty, it wiped itself out. Now, you keep its host alive with a vaccine, then it can transmit and spread in the world,” Read said. “So it’s got an evolutionary future, which it didn’t have before.”
Gigaohm Biological: LIVE REPORT 24th of August, 2021
- There is no difference between vaccinated and UNvaccinated in disease transmission
- Why are we still trying to achieve "herd immunity" when it is not possible (because of engineering HOT variants and Marek's disease equivalent in COVID-19 for the UNvaccinated)
- There is no requirement for CDC/FDA/WHO/White House personnel to get vaccinated
- Antibodies created by the vaccine do not sterilize the virus, do not neutralize the infection, do not stop the progression of the disease, cannot attain "herd immunity", wane in time, can cause Vaccine Enhanced Disease, force HOT variants to evolve and spread.
The latest Mysterious Universe (a recommended podcast) episode details the book that tells you how the Chinese spying, privacy raping police surveillance state works as of today. This includes not only face recognition, but:
- full location tracking
- reading all messages
- forced home installed 24/7 surveillance cams and mics
- Stasi style forced ratting on your neighbors, or you get punished
- surveillance cams and mics everywhere
- recording and voice analysing your speech for emotional cues
- banning of all ideological and religious symbols, except communist party
- social credit system based on all data
- all the above data fed to a multi layer AI ML network that tags suspicious people pre-crime style in advance
- All top posts only given to top level communist party Han tribe Chinese
- lockdowns for "your own good"
- Universal ID (vaxx passport anyone) that you need to do anything
- "Safe cities" to "fight terrorism"
- Brainwashing and re-education camps to break your identity and make you submit to the communist propaganda
- Tracking down, killing or bringing back those who have escaped from China to foreign countries
- Total control of media, what is allowed, with pre-scripted talking points and unified messaging
- Newspeak where "dangerous" words start to be removed both by the party and the self-censoring people
- Not only afraid, but totally unsure, confused and paranoid population
In short: East Germany Stasi style, KGB soviet style, Gestapo Nazi style and Orwell 1984 + Huxley Brave New World rolled into one.
In short, nothing new to those who have been following the situation in the past 20 years, but a good summary and a reminder that this 1.4 billion people controlling Open Conspiracy is NOT a theory anymore, but a living reality in some parts of China, where it has been rolled out in totality.
You can then go on and guess, how far your own country is among this continuum and whether mandatory masks, lockdowns, vaxx, vaxx passports and social media censorship is just a temporary blip or a milestone on the road to total tyranny....
The episode:
The book in question :
The Perfect Police State: An Undercover Odyssey into China's Terrifying Surveillance Dystopia of the Future
Dr Shiva Ayyadurai goes through the increase of Covid-19 "vaccinations" (or jabs) - accurately really experimental biologics injections, and how after injections started the "case" counts have exploded in all countries EXCEPT Israel (and China) :
The relevant portion starts at the 38:30 minute mark:
If somebody can find a high quality web-page / PDF of all the graphs he goes through, please post here, the video is very low quality (due to being total crap).
I plotted this myself for India, but it was so much hard work that I have not had the time to do it for all the other countries, but here it is in the above video.
The question is.
- What is Israel injecting, when their cases have NOT risen after jabs, whereas cases are rising in every other country?
Dr Shiva Ayyadurai , who got his elections votes electronically stolen in the state of Massachusetts elections and was illegally censored by Twitter in collusion with the state, gets interviewed on the latest developments of his lawsuit on Sam Tripoli's tinfoil hat podcast episode TFH #455: The Election Influence Operation Handbook With Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai.
Those who are new to this, just a short recap:
- Dr Shiva was running for the senate of Massachusetts
- He was set to win
- He won in the hand-count counties
- He lost mathematically precise in all voting machine counted counties (with a clear mathematical ratio of vote adjustments from him to his opponents)
- He asked for copies of the scanned ballots of the vote ballots (i.e. digital images of the voting ballot papers)
- The state had destroyed ballot images (illegal)
- He sued the state (electoral unit)
- When he did this and tweeted about his proof, he was immediately thrown off the Twitter
- Found out that different election committees and states have a "Trusted Twitter partnership" hotline to Twitter, where they can just pull somebody off Twitter
- So he sued the state and also Twitter , latter on the recommendation of the judge
- Then the state lied what they did, but got caught lying
- Then he found out that there is a set of documents **"THE ELECTION INFLUENCE OPERATIONS PLAYBOOK " That details how people are censored and silenced **, published by Belfer Center (Harvard University) and co-written by Twitter's lawyer
- So he has proof that there is collusion between private company (Twitter) and state (Mass..) to illegally censor
- In the Influence Playbook also states, that once Twitter takes somebody offline, officials must inform ALL news media not to give ANY coverage to that person anymore (i.e. censorship)
- the lawsuit has a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act) i.e. proven conspiracy arguments in it.
- Twitter lied in their lawsuit about their own censoring of Dr Shiva (and got caught doing so)
- Twitter and state have already tried to stops this with several dismissals and motions, but ALL have failed.
- The judge preceding stated that this is a clear case of violation of constitution, one of the most important cases for protecting free speech and says this case will be discussed in 100 years by all law students.
This will be big or Dr Shiva meets an untimely end.
For the latter NOT to happen, get off your arse and give $0.5, $1, $5, whatever you can muster to his legal fund. Just gave $5 myself. Ain't much, but if many of us do it, it will make a difference and send a message that this lawsuit is being followed by many.
He's been doing this alone so far out of his own pocket, against the law firms hired by Twitter and the state (against 7 lawyers), so he needs a little support on the constitutional law front.
I usually don't put forward anybody's plea for money, but this case has a chance of winning and making the dent in the two-part-big-tech orgy of lies, corruption and election frauds.
The documents to the playbook he mentioned:
You can follow updates to his case and the shenanigans the state and Twatter are pulling by visiting his site at: