Yep, same here. I don't think it is ignorance though. We are dealing with a literal cult. Truth does not matter for them. They will go along with anything, literally anything, cult leaders or leading narrative tells them.
I remember back when app stores started to be a thing I thought it's very naive to assume that sooner or later such centralized systems won't be used against the people.
What we need is decentralization of the internet and big data. Complete opposite to where it is going now.
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Dehumanization at its finest. This is their goal. To make people as disconnected from each other as possible. They already did it (more or less) with general public and now they are going for families as well.
In their model of future there is no human contact anymore. At all. Only isolated individuals communicating through devices 24/7. Apps such as this one are only for transitional phase. In next phase they'll start pushing everyone to not physically meet each other at all.