doctorlw 2 points ago +2 / -0

Disagree it is his "only" accomplishment. But even if it were, it's a massive one.

He ripped down the curtain for so many people to see the outright corruption and tyranny we live under (outside of those here on this forum who already had seen).

They can't hide anymore, and that's why you are seeing a batshit insane response right now from the left. They are going full totalitarian, why? They are desperate. You don't out yourself as power thirsty, amoral monsters unless you have no choice... you work insidiously out of plain sight.

doctorlw 7 points ago +9 / -2

Have you ever made a post here that hasn't been downvoted?

Why are you even here?

Such a sad life you must live.

doctorlw 3 points ago +6 / -3

Lol. Can you say "over the target?"

He appears to be being fed true information from team Trump. So now queue the smear campaign.

We will find out pretty soon if he is blowing hot air or not.