christophoros -2 points ago +1 / -3

Mods, I believe this user is intentionally ruining this community. We've both called the other a shill, so please review both of our histories and ban one of us at your discretion, permanently. Would be great if the histories could be retained. Thanks for what you do for those of us who don't have the spare time.

u/axolotl_peyotl, u/clemaneuverers, u/C

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

Scream for me. -fed bitch


I'm not a fed, nor a bitch. Comments like this are the excrement that should be banned. It's obvious to the authentic users.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

In a struggle between honesty and dishonesty, the only way to win for the honest is to stay honest against the struggle; the only way to win for the dishonest is to claim victory.

If the yays have it, expect congratulations on your victory.

christophoros 0 points ago +4 / -4

This topic gets amazing engagement which handled properly could grow the community. Are you honestly saying the topics of spam, pornography, etc. should be banned? Or, is it low quality instances of these topics? Obviously, it's the latter.

The solution is more high quality moderation, not shooting the community in the foot with misused banning powers.

christophoros 2 points ago +7 / -5


There is a dedicated community on this website for Flat Earth [FE] stuff

My position wont change through argument

Handshake... and... 'older' account votes may not count

Echo chambers, lack of dialogue, and questionable voting practices...

Is this the way?

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't discount this excellent intuition. You are doing good connecting these dots. Consider when humanity was "below 500,000,000" and what "maintain... in perpetual balance with nature" could mean to one with chronological control. Can you see this event as a gesture that such a one has chosen not to heed the instruction? Switzerland or switcher-land? Centrally located in place... and time? Ascending beyond 500,000,000 linked Vatican guards and English vanguard? Do they have your interest?

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Man on the right: body-built physique, clean shaven face, assertive posture, eyes hidden by sunglasses, and yellow (cowardly) cap (capita, as in 'head'). This is not a trucker. This is a G-man.

Man on the left: Hunched posture, five o'clock shadow, sign supported by shoulder instead of hands, downtrodden facial expression, green cap (energy converting crop to be harvested) with a saturn-like symbol on the forehead. This is a manipulated pleb.

Poor souls just playing a part.

christophoros 7 points ago +8 / -1

But are we carbon, the SIXTH element of the periodic table? Or is that too a lie? We are in fact mostly Hydrogen, the FIRST element at 62%. 1.62 always was an interesting ratio, divine some would say.

christophoros 4 points ago +4 / -0

Could not agree more brother. Brace yourself, things will get spicy. The shield may have been penetrated by the slow knife, but the wounds will reveal the spice was within us the whole time. We are the true shield, the true spice, and the true government. I reckon a reckoning will recrown one's own king.

christophoros 4 points ago +4 / -0

Death is a lie. Nothing to feel. Shadows of the self glimpsed by reoccurring enlightened clarity. Those who fear it and lend it control are the most miserable. We are one, friend. In the end we will look back on these times with the gloriest of popcorn and enjoy the show. Winning is fighting the good fight; knowing this the battle is already won.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many are so completely reliant on and committed to the hive that they can't fathom the power in their own hands. This is the real viral threat. Tell me, whose hands have been putting a ma?k on your face for nearly two years? Free will is preserved for those who choose to exercise it. Use it or lose it.

christophoros 4 points ago +4 / -0

and nobody takes action about it.

Far, far from the truth. You mean you don't take action about it. You've said so yourself.

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see the vaccine issue as a symptom of a larger problem and trend. Greed, selfishness, distraction, lack of love for truth, lack of deep understanding, lack of empathy, and lack of personal responsibility appear to be being deliberately fostered to counteract a trend of general enlightenment that naturally comes from exposure to information and interconnectedness. I think this is done because it makes people more controllable and ultimately empowers groups already in positions of influence. There are most certainly groups which have been conspiring historically to keep a reign on society at large and honestly it's not clear to me whether they thought of themselves as evil or good. My best guess is they always had their own inner struggles along with upper bounds on cultural influence owing to technological limitations. Now it seems that with our access to information we have a double edged sword situation on or hands. We have the tools to instill mass global enlightenment and usher in a renaissance like never before. But, we also have increased capacity for mass mind control and instant propaganda like never before. I think the old money is terrified of losing control (maybe even losing mankind entirely, as in being replaced by machines and AI) and the new money is lured by questionable promises of technocracy and transhumanism. Both sides are struggling for influence and control and are stopping at nothing because they think this may be their last chance to prevent the other side from getting a permanent footing. I'm leaning towards thinking the covid vaccines were meant to be a foot in the door for transhumanism but were sabotaged by old money as a means of division to attempt concentrating their influence and attempt a reset. The more salient underlying problem (in my opinion) is both sides are committed to upholding the kind of monetary system which awarded them influence in the first place. Without realizing it, these two sides are actually aligned against the overall well being of man and what I expect is that their conflict is going to reveal and delegitamize the underlying assumptions which made these groups so powerful to think they could control mankind at large. Choas is being sown because both sides think they can benefit afterward by offering order. My expectation is the shock of everything thats going on will stir up a spirit in mankind that has long been dormant which will help us get through some tribulations and move us beyond certain paradigms that have dominated us for millennia.

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are getting dangerously close. Those who attempt to mandate vaccines at a time like this (when their efficacy and side effects are in serious question) are asking for rebellion whether they realize it or not.

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good's defining feature is not some abstracted ambiguous quality extracted from similarities among commonly accepted examples neatly packaged for common consumption by authorities. It's defining feature is that we define it with time through our choices. Each of us, each moment. We choose. We make the evaluation, convert the potentiality of uncertainty into certainty through selection, and suffer the consequence. We are the declarative principle identifying metaphysical goodness in the ongoing phenomenon of time. Just because you are told good is something defined with words vaguely comprehended in the aether of your mind doesn't change the underlying principle of action. The principal of time and the direction of it's application is precisely how the disagreement between all nodes of mind about what is good is resolved with certainty and actuality.

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you certain? Regarding the addict, the action is deemed good by the actor at that point in time. The observer says it is not good because if the observer where present they would act to stop the addict (be it someone else or their future or past self). The addict has been malformed to act in discord with their own well being by habit, perception, environment, beliefs, etc., but the action certainly occured because that which was in control deemed it good.

Interpretation and infilling are always present in communication, I accentuate this property intentionally because I want the reader to think and evaluate meaning for themselves.

When one acts in disunity with what they "know" something else is in control. That something else means somewhere there is a shackle on their being. Is it a coincidence that shackle rhymes with shekel? I think not.

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