christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

Zombie apocalypse has entered the chat. They live off the brains of others. They are ruled by urges and impulses and mob mentality. This is the real pandemic. For lack of knowledge they will perish. It will be the tragedy of our time. Virtually boundless knowledge and understanding at their fingertips and yet so easily distracted by the enemy. Carry on good soldier, those who see the light are our objective. Those lost will not be forgotten.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

My friend, you speak truth but only in part. There is no reality in or extent of darkness except that which is revealed by light. Realize the light that comes from within and you will see both the good fight and the right path. Your warnings are much appreciated; your sense of despair is not.

christophoros 4 points ago +4 / -0

You asked for concrete solutions against the scamdemic. Point number 7 of the top comment said "Stop reading news, media, propaganda".

Yet here you are Mr. Rex, doing the exact opposite. You are spreading the enemies propaganda and offering fear for others to consent to.

Come to the light side before you are sacrificed by your dark overlords. There is hope, peace, life, and victory to those who choose good.

Japan will stand strong in the end. They will make it through hard times and will come through on the good side. They will see the light.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have caught on. They are looking at Marek's disease as a model for getting everyone under the same system and eliminating those who won't buy into it. But it won't work because we aren't captive chickens. We aren't the mindless cattle they think we are. We hunger for truth, we communicate and learn, we care about each other, and we adapt. Their hubris has betrayed them. The excessive deaths and reactions are revealing this and are indications of what's to come. The mutations will require too many new vaccines too fast and the immune systems of the vaccinated will be compromised. It will become obvious before being successful and many will wake up. Be ready for this. Good will win.

christophoros 4 points ago +4 / -0

I feel for you friend and for so many who are suffering under this nonsense. After reading your posts I couldn't stop thinking about what you're experiencing. In fact, your posts are the biggest single reason I created an account on here. I've been lurking for over a year and couldn't live with myself just letting you talk like this. Your efforts have been inspiring and I doubt I'm the only one you've made an impact on. Everything is information warfare. Always has been and always will be.

In your day to day life, smile at people to remind them what they're missing without the mask, hug them to show them how unworthy social distancing is, show them they matter, show them you'll listen. People are capable of intelligence even if they hide it or doubt themselves. I think you'd be surprised how many folks have doubts under the surface but choose to ignore it because it is the easier thing to do. Be wise and ready to give an account of truth and take good actions at every opportunity. Revealing meaningful truths is the best weapon you have but you cannot force enlightenment onto people. You have to connect with people and find what resonates with them and work from there. Obviously this has limitations due to the inhibition of social interaction, but isn't that a sign that these actions threaten the narrative? This is just as much for your benifit as it is theirs, as it will help you remain human and in tune with your objective.

On the societal scale, the single most effective and practical thing we can do to end this has yet to be revealed. We are up against an entrenched behemoth that has a stranglehold on peoples minds. You can either detach them one by one from the tentacles of that beast or find a way to kill the beast. The problem is how to separate the unwilling hosts from the willing hosts. The willing hosts are essentially extentions of the beast and do not want to be seperated. They will thrash about and take down the unwilling hosts if you simply kill the beast. The unwilling hosts are just being used for sustenance and would join in taking it down if they could manage to keep thier eyes open and see what is happening. The beast is currently entering a transformative phase and is trying to eliminate the need for the unwilling hosts because they are increasingly a threat. This is actually counter-productive to its very life because it needs humans to live. Notice how I said the willing hosts are an extension of the beast? It's going to try and exist on the willing hosts alone, but in doing so it will only isolate itself and die. The real work comes after this happens. Those who are cut loose from the beast will need to be enlighted and nurtured quickly so another one doesn't spring up. I hope you can forgive me for speaking in allegory but I must speak so that the truth of this comes from inside you if you really are an unwilling host.

We must always be searching and seeking and remembering and keeping ourself under diligent discipline to be consistent with what information we have and what that implies for the next moment. I cannot tell you what the correct actions will be for you, but only to always consider what that may be, and to have the courage and be ready to take action when your conscience prompts you.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Heed the pearls of wisdom dropped by u/free-will-of-choice. Yes, only 1 person. I know it must be difficult to see how this is possible, and I commend you for even asking. The miracle is when your eyes are opened to what can exist beyond your immediate senses. I will hold it true that one person can make a difference without a doubt in my mind, and I will die as many times as it takes to assert that this is true. It is even more true now than it ever has been. Why do you think they want to polgon-ize (read "close") the cyberspace? The enemy believes one person can make a difference and that is exactly why they are foolishly trying to tighten thier control right now. The question is not if or whether, but how. I see you are asking that question and this is good news!

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then put them in check my dude. What are you waiting for? Gods only ascend after they have descended. Find out what this means and your outlook will change friend.

christophoros 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not off the rails at all. Keep digging. You are looking for the Mediators of Calamity explanation.

Here's an observation I've kept to myself so far but I'll share now because it might be relevant to this. Also, you have earned my respect axo and I hope you can make good with it.


The above is the word "Tengri" in whats called "Old Turkic script". Read about tengri on wikipedia and you'll see many parallels to the God of the abrahamic religions. Also make note of how the script is written right to left. Wikipedia article on Tengri

Now consider this: if 𐱅𐰭𐰼𐰃 is viewed by someone 180° opposite of the orientation you are reading it from right now (as if they were facing you and you were both reading the text on a flat surface between you) they would be reading it left to right (like english) and it would appear very similar to the tetragrammaton in English, yhwh.

Further, if you use the same approach with the word "smallpox" and try to guess what it coud possibly mean rotated 180° (entertaining the idea that there is some connection), and substitute the x for a g (also consider what that implies), it kind of looks like "godllaws".

I know it can seem like a stretch but keep it in mind when you consider the following:

  • This wikipedia list of oldest known surviving buildings in the world has the oldest in Turkey (about 12k years ago and Northwestern Europe (about 7k years ago), considerably older than those in Egypt and even Sumeria.

  • In the biblical flood an ark was used to escape the wrath of God brought by the flood. In this narrative, the corruption of men is juxtaposed with the sons of God who came down and had children with the daughters of men. Where these sons of God Angels? (think, Angles as in ænglish) This corruption of men is almost the same line of reason given for Zeus choosing to destroy Atlantis. A quote from this source says the following: "According to Critias, the Gods divided the world between them. Poseidon was granted the island of Atlantis. There he saw Cleito, a human girl of marriageable age [...] the book ends with Zeus preparing to deliver divine retribution on Atlantis. The reason, according to Plato for this punishment was degeneration. This degeneration came from mixing divine blood with mortal Earth blood. To Plato this meant losing a divine adherence to laws and virtues. Instead more base motives took over."

  • Noah's ark is said to have landed on the mountains of Ararat. It's not universally agreed but many regard this to be the same as Mt. Ararat at the east side of modern day Turkey. Also interesting is that "Noah" turned 180° looks like yeon, which would be pronounced similar to Ion, the supposed founder of the greek Ionian tribe associated with the region that is now western turkey.

  • The children of israel used plagues via the ark of the covenant to destroy those who did not have or follow "God's laws".

  • Both arks above served as symbols of agreements with God, who is the source of the calamity and the source of the agreement and protection. The term "ark" is pronounced the same as -arch (as in monarch) in english, which carries meaning that implies authority, rule, and laws. Consider how this principle (and the corruption thereof) relates to a certain group's (who shall not be named) historical proclivity to use agreements with authority figures to bring calamity upon the unwitting public they "harvest energy" from.

  • Think about the Fourth Crusade. Warriors willing to fight to free Jerusalem from Muslim rule ended up instead sacking fellow Christians in Constantinople. Which ultimately divided and weakened the Byzantine state so much it fell to Ottoman turkish muslims a couple hundred years later.

  • The West's knowledge of Atlantis comes from the writings of Plato (Timaeus and Critias) and was incomplete until the exodus of greek speaking scholars to western Europe when Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey) fell to the Ottomans. Who do you think mediated that calamity?

  • The Cathedral and its extensions used to consider it illegal to translate the good book into English. People were executed for doing so. Not long after the English world had a good book in thier own translation there came a nearly global English speaking empire.

  • Variolation against smallpox was introduced to England by way of Ottomans in Turkey.

  • The smallpox vaccine was the work of Edward Jenner who was a high ranking English freemason.

  • The term vaccine comes from the latin vacca, meaning cow, or cattle. I'd guess you're aware of this and what it implies about the vaccinated. However, an interesting point probably less anticipated is that the Geneva and KJV texts specifically say that God remembered the cattle that were on the ark.

  • BioNTech and it's mRNA covid vaccine are brought to you by Turkish born Muslims.

TL;DR: You are absolutely on the right track axo. Keep it up!

Now, I shared all that to build credit for this: even though these mediators of calamity have been at it for much longer than almost anyone realizes, the proverbial rug is about to be pulled out from under them. I can't say things won't get worse, but the waves of confusion and mass ignorance will soon subside and good will win. You have my word.

christophoros 10 points ago +10 / -0

You are much closer to a proper understanding of reality than most realize. The combination of your intel and intuition have given you a powerful light. Keep spreading the good news GN0.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for all your efforts. They are not in vain. You are doing good work. But do you believe that? You must my friend. You are doing good and it is being noticed. Good will win. Even malicious intent can be turned to good in the hands of those who choose to do so. Even if everything you say comes true you have the opportunity to come out on the right side. It only requires your choice to do good. Never give up the good fight and you will never lose. It can be that simple. Do not believe that your fate is determined by your fellow countrymen. That belief is what curses your part of the world. You have the power to break that curse.

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

The belief that we have no choice is what makes them tyrants. You always have a choice, they can only make that choice more costly. There is no cost too high for those who choose good. Thanks again friend.

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