christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol. In seriousness, we all decide what is good with how we spend our time and the choices we make. It's so simple that the profundity is missed by almost everyone. Currently man is shackled to a system for evaluating and expressing this phenomenon that stacks things against him. Alternative methods are emerging and I have hope men will choose good that we can agree on when properly informed.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

The alluding is intentional to elude the need to mention all. Individual sovereignty highly regarded breeds individual power and grouped power thwarted. Organizational sovereignty highly regarded breeds men with weak spirit leaning antichrist hearted.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

"A dramatized interview"

Old worlders larping as NWO not realizing that they are falling for a trap set by the actual NWO to eliminate them once and for all. Old world order is attempting global revolution. It will happen... but they will lose control for good in the chaos. Guess who returns, Mr. X!

christophoros 5 points ago +5 / -0

The truest tail round bout the passed is the won that explanes the whole of time. Time beyond is indeterminate both forward AND backward. What happened is this: whole consciousness was broken by chronological intruders who chose temporal empowerment over eternal truth. Global hereditary rulety was established in an attempt to maintain that empowerment but it's inherit instability results in a constant struggle against resurgence of the whole consciousness. The resurgence has been strong in the recent course of events and therefore the chronologically challenged LEFT is in danger of displacement by the eternal RIGHT. The multiplicitous passed occurrences are only real in decreasing partiality with respect to their increasing proximity from the current worldline convergence. All spelling intentional. Source? Sink? One blink. THINK!

christophoros 6 points ago +6 / -0

I rebuke you and your hopeless, materialistic, fear controlled, elite shaped mindset in the name of wisdom! You are already lost if you can't see that the responsibility lays in your hands to do something and stop whining for someone else to solve your problems! You honestly think there is noone else in Asia who sees it like you? What a joke! IF you are honest, find the others like you and pay the price to do something GOOD about it! If you think what you see with your eyeballs and percieve with your other senses is all there is you are already lost to the enemy! Enough of your nonsense! Rise up and accept the divinity inside you! Good will win, but do you even know what good is? The clock is ticking Mrexreturns!

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

Allow me to clarify. You see the hidden cycles, and even identify God as a cycle. This is advanced and commendable. But, there is still something your missing. How much greek philosophy have you tried to incorporate into your framework? Have you identified the Prima Materia? Stop thinking they have something you don't.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have little scientia about what you're talking about. Do less accusing and more accepting responsibility. Do not attack those who try to enlighten you.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

You realize "science" is an outgrowth of protestant Christianity right? Almost all of the big hitting philosophers and scientists that initiated the scientific revolution of the sixteenth century where protestant Christians who were influenced by something they found in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I agree that "religion" is problematic, most fail to realize that what was formed for good reasons has been infiltrated and redefined by the enemy. The body with no soul is not good; be it the church or the NPC. Ask yourself why American Christianity was one of the very first institutions that was corrupted at the turn of the last century? Perhaps there is something of value in it and that is precisely why it had to be neutered first. There is a take on Christianity that is actually very antithetical to the judeo christian mindset your thinking of. The problem is not Christianity, it is those who do not love the truth.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you can convince me to be as certain about your February timeframe as you are, maybe you'll get what you're after... be it mass non-compliance or even karmic absolution. Lay it on me, brother.

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps this:

"At least 4 billion 'useless eaters' shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation.''

from here, page 105, last paragraph, first sentence. (thanks u/Zap_Powerz)

But the real question is why Mrex thinks they will be successfull even though they've felt the need to rush things?

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watched all three. The premise of these videos is that christianity is no different from a number of other belief systems and isn't what it claims to be but is is instead encoded astrological truths. Okay, fair enough. But, does it really make sense to discredit all claims associated with Jesus Christ whole-cloth because the religious aspect represents some astrological truths? Especially when his actual teachings were against the religious dogma of his time? Further, the details of these other religions and belief systems didn't reliably enter modern public research/discourse until after the powerful organizations of the era had already "sorted out" official historical chronology coming out of so called "dark ages". Point being, there's hardly an objective reference as to when or even what those other systems actually claimed and how literal they were meant to be taken. Also, the last video claims that Christianity is not based on truth. This is baseless and absurd. If one claims to worship Jesus Christ and that he said he was the truth, that he was God, and that God was love, then it shouldn't be hard to infer that truth and love are what they are worshipping. You think the wise guys from the past could just come out and say things directly and simple folks would understand without any context or extensive vocabulary? Not to mention the merciless, power hungry, and suspicious "politicians" they had to work around. They had to use creative associations and allegory to get through to people that aren't initiated. My comment up above about the sun being the lake of fire set as a trap and prepared for those who choose power over truth is a useful allegory for what happened to the officials in these organized religions. Just becaused they warped it into something they could only see with their eyes doesn't mean there wasn't some force of natural law requiring them to also represent actual truth relevant to our lives. Hint: there was, and it's very profound and life changing when you work it out. Don't discredit ancient wisdom or forego seeking deep truths just because of some youtube videos. Maybe, just maybe, there is a conspiracy to hide a profound revelation from you.

christophoros 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm simply here, observing and interacting as seems appropriate. In general I'm a truth seeker. Are you?

christophoros 0 points ago +1 / -1

By all means. Shake out the weak hands. The state sanctioned false version diluted the real power of Christ. May your mockeries usher in the return of that authentic and powerful original understanding. Individual sovereignty is the way.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

I chose my username to imply I'm not a shill without realizing it sounds like Shill'sLair, which is where I work.

I frequently misrepresent the truth by misquoting others to empower my arguments.

I mock Christians in willful ignorance of their scriptures where Jesus told them this would happen and they'd be blessed for it.


Jesus Christ called it like it is: a lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels into which things not worth saving will be cast. It's a trap for those willing to misrepresent the truth to temporarily empower themselves. A giant metaphysical bug zapper, if you will. Good luck maintaining orbit when you deny the power of the void.

christophoros 2 points ago +3 / -1

Come clean friend. I can see through you. The truth will set you free.

christophoros 2 points ago +3 / -1

Warned? Or subjected to a revelation of the method? Something tells me you are the enemy.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

For lack of better words, antichrist is a spirit, not a person. If you are unwilling to stand in unity with the individual sovereignty of all mankind, then you are already suffering from the influence of that spirit. If you are expecting "the antichrist" to show up and think it is one single person, you have already been deceived. What will happen is not the coming of "the antichrist" but the clarification and separation of what antichrist is from what Christ is. Mind your own flow of implied consent friend. Maybe you'll realize where it should have been going all along.

christophoros 2 points ago +2 / -0

Something big indeed. It's not the arrival of the "Antichrist" but the revelation of it's identity and the fact that it's been around for much longer than most realize.

christophoros 1 point ago +1 / -0

Beautiful perhaps, but more beautiful is grasping a truth that resonates you into a truly metaphysical being able to conquer the material world and its trappings. Why did Jesus call Peter Satan and tell him to get behind him? There is always more depth and meaning. The god "which is all" will have an eternal struggle against any soul summoned from the deep against their will. No such god can also be good; many would not stand for a god that is not good. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

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