carcass 4 points ago +4 / -0

eh it is what it is an the money will run out. q was pretty clear; no outside comms, research, meme spreading to wake up normies, non-violence and cooperation

glow fags glow. they have marching orders. best we can do is rely on mods and pay attention to their moves. pushing violence and racism is obvious but also what topics do they mass downvote? or mass shit on. dont engage and give em billable hours just sit back and watch 👀

carcass 0 points ago +1 / -1

it is funny how it comes in waves around this time

carcass 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought this was one of those reptilian shape shift freeze frames jesus

carcass 4 points ago +4 / -0

this is why the western school of thought is so important to preserve. the term “bug people” might be rude but they obey like worker bees, worship their oppressors, and have no cultural value for individualism or exceptionalism.

even when the rare brave ones step up like in Tiananmen the brain rot obedience is so strong on the majority their soldiers just gunned down students? and their parents and family just did…nothing? course the US also shot a bunch of college protesters but at least we reacted?

honestly it makes since the NWO would practice all their lockdowns and social credit scores on China. the concept of “freedom” is so alien there it’s wild they’d make the perfect illuminati slave race lmao

carcass 1 point ago +1 / -0

vegas shooter taking notes on how to get an investigation ✍️✍️✍️