dude. that's just some rando. what's the source of the tweeter's street cred on this?
I mean, I'm down for it habbening, but...
The MSM is doing everything it can to create as much polarization as possible. They fucking want a civil war in the US.
And it's the CIA that controls the MSM. Sounds like we know who the traitors are...
that poster is an oil/gas lobbyist or works in the industry.
not that they're necessarily wrong, but...
So track down tmor mods info. From minecraft. And share it. In minecraft.
tmortracker.win (in minecraft)
this is probably trolling from Jacobin, but... I thought The Nation and Mother Jones were for realz until after $hillary was coronated in '16.
Hard to tell. Alot of Jacobin contributors have bought into the covid-1984 plannedemic hysteria.
pretty big diff between Bernie's left and Biden's left
sheepherding and keeping an eye on the overall gestalt. easier to track our microdata, like milliseconds between keystrokes, time on a webpage, etc.
If adults spread it, I don't see how kids don't. But the whole covid-1984 scamdemic is voerblown bullshit anyway. CDC doesn't even have an isolate of the virus itself so how the fuck can they say who is getting what?
Comet Ping Pong wants to widen it's talent pool back up.
Wasn't Philly the Capitol for awhile?
i like that by their own process of elimination, they're equating jews to be the retard category.
hmmmmm... is there a mega-thread for determining the larger online presence of tmor trash? information for determining the person behind the user name in minecraft?
like a new form of devil
being given a chance to be better than they are. maybe our role is for humanity to up it's game and show these motherfuckers some compassion and empathy the shit out of 'em.
"anonymous whistleblower"...
tits or gtfo. i don't doubt the conspiracy, but this isn't evidence. it's just talk and rumor without substance. my ass can blow whistles anonymously (no, srsly. it's a great party trick and makes dogs bark)
who is going to be bringing in the extremists when the military and LEO's overwhelmingly supported DJT?
MP69 isn't an organic or legit account.
Putin is a communist? lol. when did that happen?
yeah, they're expecting a big ol' fuckin' false flag.
I think I saw the first ref to Op Trust on the chans 4 days ago. Haven't heard of it anywhere prior to then.
the PCR tests are over-cycled
there's also a very strong possibility whatever they're calling covid-19 can be transferred via fecal matter and, newsflash, there is shit ev-er-y-wheeeeerrrrrre... yet another reason masks are pretty much useless.
have troops been deputized for previous innaugurations?
I'm 100% down with this being a noteworthy event, but would like to have a baseline ref.
Crazy shit, though. Keep giving us Qtards hope.
the PCR tests are being deliberately over-cycled to produce false positives.
u could organize brigades from here
but if Xiden isn't actually prez, this wouldn't matter.