axolotl_peyotl 1 point ago +2 / -1

Jodorowsky is one of the greats no doubt. El Topo + The Holy Mountain were formative experiences for me.

axolotl_peyotl 2 points ago +2 / -0


The effectiveness of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine against infection turned negative over time for children aged 5 to 11, according to a new study.

Researchers found that for kids in the age group, the effectiveness peaked at 60 percent to 70 percent several weeks after the first dose. It then dropped, nearing zero at week 18 for previously uninfected children and week 20 for previously infected children. After that, the effectiveness was pegged as turning negative, which means the vaccinated children were more likely to contract COVID-19 than unvaccinated children.

Researchers cautioned against reading too much into the estimates because of potential confounding factors.

“Our study showed a decline over time of vaccine effectiveness against omicron infection in children. However, not many children had been vaccinated for more than 5 months, so there was great uncertainty in the estimate of vaccine effectiveness after 5 months,” Dan-Yu Lin, a professor of biostatistics at the University of North Carolina, told The Epoch Times via email. “Thus, one should focus on the trend of waning effectiveness rather than the estimate at the end.”

Researchers said in the study, which was published by the New England Journal of Medicine, that the effectiveness estimates may have been confounded by earlier infection and vaccination in children more at-risk from COVID-19 due to underlying serious health problems. That could have led to the vaccine’s effectiveness being underestimated.

The group analyzed data from the North Carolina COVID-19 Surveillance System and the COVID-19 Vaccine Management System, with records on 887,193 children aged 5 to 11 available. That included data on vaccination from Nov. 1, 2021, to June 3, 2022, and data on clinical outcomes such as a positive COVID-19 test from March 11, 2020, to June 3, 2022. The group employed a Cox regression model to estimate the vaccine effectiveness.

The research was funded in part by a National Institutes of Health grant.

Pfizer did not respond to a request for comment. Other Findings

In addition to studying vaccine effectiveness, the researchers wanted to see what kind of protection previous infection, or natural immunity, provided against the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus.

Omicron became dominant in the United States in late 2021 and one of its subvariants is the currently dominant strain.

While natural immunity was better than the hybrid natural immunity–vaccination during the Delta wave, getting a vaccine in addition to natural immunity provided better shielding during the Omicron era, according to the study.

Unvaccinated children with natural immunity had 90.7 percent protection against infection at two months past infection and 51 percent protection at five months, researchers estimated. Among vaccinated children who also had natural immunity, protection was 94.3 percent at two months and 60.9 percent at five months.

Natural immunity did appear to do better against hospitalization. After starting at 99.5 percent in the first month, the protection was still high, at 86.9 percent, after 10 months, according to the estimates. The effectiveness of Pfizer’s vaccine, known as BNT162b2, against hospitalization peaked at 88.2 percent at four weeks after dose one and was down to 76.1 percent at week 20.

The uncertainties surrounding the estimates of protection against hospitalization in both groups were greater because of the small number of hospitalizations, researchers said.

“Both the BNT162b2 vaccine and previous infection were found to confer considerable immunity against omicron infection and protection against hospitalization and death,” the researchers said. “The rapid decline in protection against omicron infection that was conferred by vaccination and previous infection provides support for booster vaccination.”

axolotl_peyotl 2 points ago +2 / -0

"As a reporter, he blew the lid off corruption at the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. And he broke the story that infamous Mafia bookmaker Herbert “Fat Herbie” Blitzstein had been killed in a Mob hit, among many other scoops."

Jeff German Murder: Bizarrely Dressed Suspect Sought in Las Vegas Journalist Killing

axolotl_peyotl 3 points ago +3 / -0


Currently, many countries around the world are promoting the second COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for the elderly, many of whom have already received their first booster shots. Under these circumstances, the transparency and openness of information about the safety of booster shots has become a very important issue. Amid this discussion, recently, data on the numbers of COVID-19 infections and deaths after vaccine booster injections in two Canadian provinces have been removed. Removed Data: 76% of People Died of COVID-19 Infections Had Booster Shots?

In a Letter to the Editor published in the Prince George Citizen, a long-standing Canadian newspaper, the COVID-19 health outcomes by vaccination status data from the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) in the Canadian province of British Columbia (BC) was cited in a screenshot.

The screenshot shows that in mid-April 2022, 50 percent of people in BC had already received their first booster shots, that is, their third doses of vaccines. Between March 20 and April 16, 2022, 63 percent of all people with COVID-19 infection had received their first booster doses. But what stood out was that among those who passed away, 73 percent of them received booster shots.

Another screenshot was posted on Twitter, showing the vaccination status data from BCCDC for the period between May 15 and July 9, 2022. During this period, 52 percent of BC residents had received their first booster shots, and 76 percent of those who died from COVID-19 infection had received their first booster shots.

The author of the Letter to the Editor article commented, “If you look at the statistics from the BCCDC site, you will see that there is zero scientific evidence for keeping the vaccine passport in place.”

However, on July 28, 2022, the BCCDC website indicated that their “outcomes by vaccination status” data would be removed as of that date. At present, this data is no longer available on its website.

CTV News Vancouver asked the B.C. Ministry of Health for an explanation for the data removal. The Ministry of Health responded with three points:

First, as the more transmissible Omicron variant had been spreading on a large scale, more people had chosen to do nucleic acid testing at home. Therefore, the reliability of the infection data was reduced, and the data didn’t reflect the full picture of the infection.

Second, many of the hospitalized COVID-19 patients already had underlying diseases. And although they tested positive for COVID-19 infection, the reason for their hospitalization was not directly related to their infection.

Third, the temporal association between their vaccination and infection was unclear, and no accurate conclusions could be drawn from it.

However, the above official explanation was not convincing at all. Since the vaccine rolled out at the end of 2020, it is always the situation that many hospitalized COVID patients have other underlying diseases. Those who were admitted to hospital were tested with nucleic acid assays, not the at-home rapid test kits. Meanwhile, it is always a challenge to pin down the exact infection time for a respiratory disease, so the temporal association between vaccination and infection is not always very accurately defined.

Therefore, their explanation didn’t clearly explain why the number of people who received the booster shots was unusually high among those who were hospitalized and died from COVID-19 infection. In addition, the situations mentioned in the official explanation are present in all medical systems globally; why does the Canadian government take this important data down based on these excuses? BC Situation Resembles Manitoba, UK Data

The situation in British Columbia is not an isolated case.

The provincial government of Manitoba in Canada reported (pdf) in July 2022 that the vaccine booster shot administration rate in the province was 43.8 percent in May 2022. However, people who had received booster injections accounted for more than 70 percent of COVID-related deaths.

This report (pdf) is still available on the Manitoba government website. However, in the week of July 31, the website stopped updating the chart.

Similar data are available from the UK.

On the UK Health Security Agency’s COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report (pdf) published on March 31, 2022, statistics showed that 73 percent of deaths within 28 days of infection were among people who had received their third vaccine doses, before their COVID-19 infection diagnosis was confirmed.

However, on April 7, 2022, the UK Health Security Agency announced that it would stop updating the report (pdf). Are the Second Vaccine Booster Shots Associated With an Alarming Number of Deaths?

After analyzing the data on COVID-19 vaccination status and COVID-related deaths in the Netherlands, Dr. Theo Schetters, a leading Dutch vaccinologist, discovered that there was a high temporal coincidence between the number of people who received the second booster shots (i.e. the fourth vaccine shots) and the number of excess deaths.

He stated that if more people were vaccinated, within a week there would be more excess deaths; and if fewer people were vaccinated within a week, there would be fewer deaths.

He estimated from the data that, on average, one in 800 elderly people over 60 years of age die from the COVID-19 vaccines. He also suggested that the vaccination program should be re-examined, as the current vaccination might have caused more harm than protection. ‘Vaccine Dilemma’: Good Versus Harm

An article published in 2021 in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) suggested that the Pfizer vaccine was “likely” to cause death in some frail elderly people.

The Norwegian Medicines Agency investigated the causes of 100 deaths of nursing home residents who received the Pfizer vaccine. About 30,000 elderly nursing home residents had received the vaccine at the time. According to the investigation, among the 100 cases, 10 deaths were “likely” to be causally related to the Pfizer vaccine; 26 were “possible” to be causally related, and 59 were “unlikely” to be related to the vaccine. The remaining 5 cases were considered “unclassifiable.”

Since vaccines may bring serious side effects and even accelerate the death of some people, why do the governments still promote mandatory vaccination for the entire population?

Their rationale is that the benefits of vaccination “outweigh their harms.” This theory seems to have been widely accepted.

This reminds us of the classic moral dilemma–the “trolley dilemma”.

A runaway trolley is traveling on a railroad track with five people on the track. If the driver pulls the lever, the trolley will switch to another track with only one person on it.

The driver has a choice: do nothing and let the trolley run over the five people, or pull the lever and let it run over the one person on the other track.

The current vaccine policy is like choosing to pull the lever and accepting that a small number of people will die prematurely due to vaccines in order to protect more people.

However, has it ever occurred to people that instead of only two options, there is also a third way?

Maybe the driver could have chosen another way to stop the trolley, rather than having to choose to run over five people or one person.

Similarly, during this pandemic, we don’t have only two options: either getting vaccinated, or getting the COVID-19 infection and becoming critically ill or dead.

We can increase our advocacy of improving the physical and mental health of the general population. We can boost everyone’s immunity–both to defend themselves against the virus and to avoid the risks associated with the vaccination.

In other words, why not “mandate” people to exercise five more minutes every day, “mandate” them to eat 100 less calories of junk food every day, and “mandate” them to go into nature for an hour every month to relieve stress? In fact, there is no need to “force” people to do so. Instead, it would be enough to raise their awareness of immunity with the same intensity as vaccination promotion.

At present, the world is facing a public health crisis. Under these circumstances, it is more important to take a cautious and thoughtful approach to medical ethics than to weigh the interests of the public’s life and health as a mere numerical model.

axolotl_peyotl 9 points ago +9 / -0

source - top comment in this thread

inb4 handshakes complain that I'm still talking about reddit when they're still fucking obsessed with me lol

props to OP of this thread and others who have been triggering the gatekeepers and NPCs on the daily.

axolotl_peyotl 4 points ago +4 / -0


lunatics are running the asylum

axolotl_peyotl 4 points ago +4 / -0

Vaccine apologists can be convinced to change their positions by showing them graphs of the overwhelming decline of diseases before vaccines were developed (response to front page propaganda) archive

The PCR Test Is Unreliable...Why Are Health Officials Demanding the Public Be Tested? "You could have been tested positive in February, have no symptoms, then hit by a bus in July and you’d be recorded as a COVID death.’” The evidence for an epidemic of false positives is overwhelming. archive

The COVID Scamdemic: There has been a significant spike in all cause mortality this year which does not conform to the usual, seasonal patterns. The disquieting reality appears to be that these are Lockdown deaths, NOT deaths from COVID-19. archive

Covid-19 Scamdemic: It's remarkable that there are still so many who accuse those who point to this long standing New World Order plan, extensively documented and spoken about by political leaders for generations, of being so-called conspiracy theorists. One wonders if these people can read. archive

The Virus and the Vaccine: The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, Contaminated Polio Vaccine, and the Millions of Americans Exposed (FULL TEXT) archive

The high mortality rate of the Spanish Flu was due to ASPIRIN OVERDOSE: "Scientists from Vienna's laboratory studying COVID-19 say vast majority of people who died had ibuprofen/Advil in their system." Is history repeating itself? archive

Bayer, Death and the 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic: Aspirin overdose was responsible for the high mortality rates, not the "virulence" of the influenza virus. Don't let pro-vaccine propagandists cite this incident as justification for the dangerous and ineffective flu "vaccine". archive

Aspirin and the high mortality rates during the 1918 pandemic flu outbreak: Aspirin contributed to the incidence and severity of viral pathology, bacterial infection, and death, because physicians were prescribing regimens now known to be potentially toxic. archive

Vaccines DO Cause Autism According to Pro-Vaccine Expert: The sworn affidavit states that he told government officials about the vaccine/autism link long ago, but they kept it secret and promptly fired him. archive

CDC’s Own Expert Vaccine Court Witness Confirmed Vaccines Can Cause Autism, So They Fired Him Immediately archive

And now the deluge of vaccine propaganda is starting to make sense - "Facebook is thinking about removing anti-vaccination content as backlash intensifies over the spread of misinformation on the social network" archive

Pro-Vaxxer Logic: "GlaxoSmithKline admitted to lying about the dangers of Paxil, leading to an epidemic of child suicides," takes breath, "but if you question the safety of their vaccines, you're an anti-science fuckwit that needs to fuck off and die!" archive

Pushing Pertussis: Here are some facts to counter the pro-vaxxer whooping cough propaganda archive

ALEC Behind Recent Push for Mandatory Vaccination: The reality is that the leftists are the biggest dupes in the vaccine game. archive

Vaccine McCarthyism. What if the Vaccine Paradigm itself is Deliberately Flawed? Did 2014 Mark the Collapse of the Vaccine Establishment? It is time for a national debate to end vaccine madness. archive

UK’s Independent Newspaper Blows Lid Off Vaccine Damages: Big Pharma’s vaccines are harmful, do not prevent disease and actually cause the very diseases they're supposed to be preventing. archive

MSM to Pro-Vaxxers: Don't Argue the Facts, Show Scary Pictures! archive

200 Evidence-Based Reasons NOT to Vaccinate archive

WikiHow goes insane with vaccine propaganda, teaches children how to “get vaccinated in secret” by scheming against “anti-vaxxer” parents, claiming that anti-vaccine parents might “abuse you if they learned that you disobeyed them.” archive

The masks are a dry run for mandatory vaccination. We are being aggressively conditioned for medical dystopia. archive

Pro-vaxxer logic: The complexity of the vaccine debate can be easily distilled into memes and metaphors resulting in negligible intelligent and informed discourse. archive

Basic Vaccine Lies in the World of Fake News: The mainstream press, with non-stop pro-vaccination propaganda, is colluding with the medical establishment and governments to silence critics. The press is fake news. We who point out fatal flaws in vaccination are actual news. archive

axolotl_peyotl 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pro-Vaxxer Propaganda in Overdrive: Why is a non-story about "rebellious" Australian teenagers getting their vaccines #1 on /r/worldnews right now? archive

PSA: The 1918 "Spanish Flu pandemic" was caused by lethal over-prescription of Bayer's aspirin combined with a dangerous experimental military vaccine. They've been conditioning us to "fear the virus" for over a century. archive

The Smoking Gun: Where Is the Coronavirus? The CDC says IT ISN'T AVAILABLE. "Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA.” archive archive

Crimes Against Humanity: German lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich wants to start a Class Action lawsuit in the US against the perpetrators of the coronavirus illusion. This "pandemic" is a massive scam based on useless PCR tests. archive

The Swine Flu Hoax: "We discovered that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost NONE of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or ANY sort of flu at all!" There was NO swine flu epidemic. Is history repeating itself? archive

Ebola hoax: The numbers game. They manipulative the numbers to produce the greatest degree of fear and compliance. Then they introduce the vaccine or the drug, they lower the numbers, and say, “We won. We beat the virus with the vaccine.” archive

Zika Hysteria: The 4,180 cases of microcephaly originally reported has turned into just 270. Of those 270 cases, only 6 have been confirmed to have the Zika virus. SIX. There is ZERO evidence that Zika is causing anything here. archive

How the Pandemic Illusion Is Built: The virus fairy tale always functions as a cover story for government, corporate and medical crimes. The only difference this time is the weight of the lies. This is West Nile, SARS, Swine Flu, Zika, writ large. archive

Coronavirus Hype As Economic Warfare & Occult Ritual: We are experiencing one of the most significant propaganda efforts of the modern era. Is China (or someone) engaging in a massive psychological warfare operation? archive

Did They Actually Discover a New Coronavirus? The Question Won't Go Away: We’ve heard the phrase, “the science is settled.” But settled for whom? Time and again, it turns out the purveyors of pseudoscience have a political or commercial agenda that is driving their assertions. archive

The Virus That Isn’t There: The CDC does NOT have SARS-CoV-2 in its possession, because it is “unavailable.” “But…but…there is a study which says a few researchers in a lab isolated the virus…” Science is not assumptions. The pandemic is a fraud, down to the root of the poisonous tree. archive

CDC claims “swine flu” infected 60 million Americans. “Well, they caught us lying about thousands of Swine Flu cases. All the tests came back negative, so what do we do? Tell a lie so huge it’ll paralyze the mind. People buy the biggest lies.” archive

Did a monkey virus contribute to emerging global cancer epidemics? From 1955-1961 millions of Americans received polio shots that contained a monkey virus called SV-40. SV-40 has been proven to cause tumors and cancer in animal models. archive

HIV/AIDS - Fauci's First Fraud: Every single technique being used to sell Covid hysteria was pioneered in the 80's by Tony Fauci to sell the AIDS fraud. Are you surprised to hear AIDS called a fraud? You won't be after you watch this film. archive

Don't Say We Didn't Warn You: Airports Begin Testing ‘COVID Passport’ That Will Record Whether Someone Has Been Vaccinated Before Travel. People who refuse to take a coronavirus inoculation will likely be refused international or even internal travel. archive

Oklahoma Doctors Claim Masks are Harmful to Healthy People and File Lawsuit Against Mandates: The mask is entirely meant to maintain the illusion of a pandemic. Those embracing the mask are virtue signalling allegiance to the New World Order. archive

From 9/11 to Covid-19, Nineteen Years of Permanent "Emergency": This is what happens when a country believes itself to be in a constant state of emergency. Due process is out the window. The justification for the regime's ever growing power changes over time. But the results are the same. archive

Fabricating a Pandemic – Who Could Organize It and Why: This article should be REQUIRED reading for anyone who still believes in the coronavirus hoax. archive

Tony Fauci and the Swine Flu Hoax: Fauci tried to push a highly dangerous vaccine for protection against an epidemic THAT DIDN’T EXIST AT ALL. His friends and colleagues at the CDC were creating the swine flu HOAX. It was all predictive programming for future staged pandemics. archive

German Doctors on COVID False Alarm: "We are bearing witness to the downfall and destruction of our heritage, to the end of the age of enlightenment. May homo sapiens rise and live up to their name, and put an end to this senseless self-destruction." archive

How Many People Have “Psychological COVID”? A new coronavirus was never properly discovered; the diagnostic tests are therefore meaningless and most of the people who are sick are suffering from traditional illnesses which have been re-packaged under the empty umbrella label, “COVID.” archive

As Australia descends into a police state, remember that all it took was ONE painfully sloppy false flag event (Port Arthur) to disarm the entire population. archive

How CDC/WHO Will Fake the Effects of the COVID Vaccine to Make It Look Like a Success: Committing these crimes are a walk in the park for these public health agencies, and appointing official mouthpieces to carry lies to the public is as easy as training little Faucis to sit up and bark. archive

There’s a new federal court to handle all the expected COVID vaccine-injury claims: “He died from COVID, not the vaccine.” “Well, there was just one bad batch of vaccines.” “Because we’re rushing to save lives, a few mistakes are inevitable.” Anything but the truth: THE VACCINE IS HIGHLY TOXIC. archive

Why You Shouldn't Believe Anything the Government Says About Vaccines and Viruses: The credibility of "COVID" is connected to the credibility of info you’ve received from the same agencies in the past. If they lied to you then, in mind-boggling ways, there's no reason to think they've stopped. archive

Predictive Programming 101: The 2016 animated film "Hedgehogs" features a virus that forces people to wear masks until a vaccine saves the day archive

Remember the good old days before "polio" was reclassified to hide the fact the vaccine was making the disease worse? (Response to the outrageous vaccine propaganda on the front page) archive

Ebola was a product of the "Special Virus Cancer Program" from the 1960's and 70's. The Virus Cancer Program was also the birthplace of AIDS and the Kaposi's sarcoma epidemic. archive

The amount of astroturfing on /r/conspiracy right now is UNPRECEDENTED: We are being inundated with bots and alts. They are camping /new and brigading every comment section with establishment and MSM talking points. archive

South Park Talks Vaccines: With the whole world watching due to show's "defiance" of China, the 300th episode was almost entirely about the vaccine debate. Let's talk about it. archive

axolotl_peyotl 3 points ago +3 / -0

Every now and then someone - JP in this case, and with our thanks - sends me something that is not an article about what's going on, but rather a paper or research project about what some people are up to, that explains a great many things. In such cases I have to pass them along for your own interest and archives, particularly if you're the sort that often gets into discussions with people who do not think such things are possible, or that anyone "would ever purposefully do that." Today's paper that JP spotted is from 1970, and it's one of those "see I told you so moments." I had intended to blog about this last week but one thing led to another and lo and behold, I forgot. I'm still an "analogue" creature, so in addition to my digital schedule, I still keep all the really important stuff in my date book, where I was reminded to blog about it, so here we are.

Just for a memory refresher, I've been arguing that "they" have weaponized forest fires for a long time. If you've been following this website for a while, you'll recall all my blogs about the strange fires in California a few years ago, and my suspicion that many of them were being deliberately set, and by a variety of means. Just search for "California fires" on this website and you fill find a raft of articles and my own and others' speculations dealing with the subject.

In fact, the internet was abuzz with stories and videos from local residents who had lost their homes or were about to do so, recording some very strange things, the most prevalent of which were homes literally burnt to the ground, with melted twisted metal because of the extreme heat, and yet, within a few feet of this, a shrub or tree, with its greenery still intact, growing peacefully, as if nothing at all had ever happened.

Others took similar pictures of bridges and guardrails along roads, melted and twisted beyond belief, and yet again, nearby all this evidence of "extreme heat," bushes and shrubs growing as if nothing at all had happened. Still others took pictures of their homes' electrical boxes, and discovered that in many cases fires had broken out there. And yet still others took pictures or videos of what can only be called "beams of light" projecting from the ground to the sky (or the sky to ground) in places where a fire would subsequently emerge.

While all this was going on, Mr. Bankster and his globaloney friends were rolling out "weather derivatives", a pretty handy thing to have around when you have technology that can manipulate the weather, cause draughts, which in turn can amplify the effects of your weather manipulation, and your anility to start fires by various technological means from matches to electromagnetic interferometry to burn people out of their property. Among my many speculations about the fires, I even speculated that the power grid itself might be used as a broadcast mechanism to start fires in specific regions by starting fires in houses.

For all this, PG&E took the public fall because the narrative was put out that it had not kept its many power lines free of the floor clutter and dead foliage that can act as fire-generators with the merest spark. All that's needed is the proper ignition device, and the right weather conditions...

... and all this - even to some extent the cover narrative itself - is spelled out in the following document shared by J.P.:

Forest Fire as a Military Weapon: Final report June 1970, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service

You'll note the study was sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency, as DARPA was then known before the "D" was added, allowing it to become what we refer to on this website, following a suggestion of J.B. many years ago, the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency. Creating firestorms seems to fit the apocalyptic bill rather neatly.

You'll also note that other than using the power grid itself as an ignition system, or electromagnetic interferometry or particle beams or other exotic ignition systems, almost everything else is discussed in depth, including proper weather conditions (which, again, highlights the flexibility given by weather manipulation technologies).

But most importantly, the basic point is there for all to see: weather, and forest fires themselves, can be weaponized and according to the study, should be.

And you can safely bet that with the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency involved, that the research did not stop in 1970... think of hurricanes that suddenly make right-angle turns (Katrina), or tornados that do the same thing or that appear in clusters conveniently organized...

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