posted ago by alltheleavesarebrown ago by alltheleavesarebrown +13 / -2

Original link #1 Alejandro Jodorowsky: “The End of Freemasonry. The beginning of soul power. We are inside. »​


“The third war, the last, the spiritual… So predicted by ancient civilizations. The End of Freemasonry. The beginning of soul power. We are inside. Everything moves in accordance with the laws of Evolution. Collective purifications are in progress, thus the permanent elimination of the memories of pain of the Akasha of Gaya. And of all of us.

This mechanism involves intense energy releases (different physical and emotional discomforts)

This is an event that will forever change the frequencies of this world. What is happening is not something ′′ manageable ′′ by the human being, it is not something that can be stopped or opposed. We can accept it or reject it.

If we accept it, we will become the instrument of change. If we refuse it, we will have more and more difficulties.

The creative power of the universe, of which we are an active part, does what it must to bring us back to the right course. If we rely on the purest intentions of our heart and soul, we can become an evolutionary tool.

We live in very energetically heavy days (inducing melancholy, anger, sadness, apathy, fear) simply because… ′′ the lids ′′ have been removed.

Darkness has no shelter and must show itself.

Each soul is forced to face itself, its karma. With its own responsibility as divine manifestation in this earthly density. We are all called to introspection. And not only.

Who we choose to be now is essential, as it will set the foundation for the next steps on which to build the transformations needed to anchor the New World.

The past of this planet completes the cycle of Karmic healing.

Spring opens the doors to new solutions, because the ′′ old ′′ way of life can no longer stand.

The altars fall. Power will know humility. This is already happening within large institutions, consciousness is literally breaking down the barriers that oppose it. It's a battle, it's the third war. And this is the last.

No longer fought with arms, but faced by the oldest adversaries: fear and love. This is what we are involved in. If we are here now, it is because we chose to be part of it. Everyone as they see fit.

Do not hold back your emotions because they are intense, especially for those who are deeply perceiving these vibrational shifts.

The body experiences all of this. Love him even more. Rather, seek tranquility, silence, solitude, welcoming within you the hurricanes that you feel in the spirit. And even if you don't often understand them, be sure that it is now impossible to rationally understand these emotional swings, which affect us so closely.

We heal centuries and centuries…. and centuries of deep wounds within us. The information of pain that has become memories in us and in the collective, to the point of becoming a grid, in which everything has remained intact… know that it is definitively erasing now.

Every pain that has touched this world, for millennia, every injustice, every lie, literally ′′ disappears ′′ from this reality.

Have faith in what is happening even if you still cannot concretely see it with your own eyes… incomparable and magnificent changes are happening in the subtle. Have truth in your heart and strength to carry it forward.

Be consistent with how you feel, and defend your divine identity.

Protect yourself from injustices with the determination that only the awakened soul knows.

Be Light. The time is no longer for omerta and resignation. We are going through the doors of a rebalancing that no longer admits of any evasion of our responsibilities. » Alejandro Jodorowsky The site "apar.tv" belongs to a Frenchman, who is in marketing. There are some pretty good articles.


And the rebuttal.


Yes, then Jodo. he is an immense screenwriter; Just for the Incal he deserves to go down in history.

That being said, it does not age well: to read it one has the impression of touching the tercé but in disorder.

The coke-LSD-chichon-viagra mixture, in the long run it leaves traces, of which verbal incontinence and mythomaniacal delirium are only benign psychological manifestations.

On fertile ground, the final stage (also called the Vorilhon degree) sees the victim lose contact with raelity and get lost in delirious pseudo-Freudian whiffs where the anal stage and excremental references abound.

On the physical plane, we will note the glaucous eye of the Mephistophelic pervert; the old handsome's silver beard struggles to hide the alopecia caused by the beast's advanced age.

If we add to this that he is of Jewish origin, therefore suspect, and that he shares the nationality of Rachel Garrido ("The warthog of Valparaiso"), mistrust must naturally set in.

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